with The Temple Priests during

A series of confrontations was caused by the Jewish Authorities. Jesus spoke freely of more parables and warned the people against the teachings of the Pharisees. Jesus likened them to tenants whose Landlord had sent messengers to collect the fruit due at harvest time, but was without success, so He sent His Only Son. Wickedly they plotted and killed the Son.

The Chief Priests and Pharisees became furious as they realized Jesus had talked about them and they became desperate and were more determined to arrest Him,
fulfilling prophecy of Psalm 118:22,23, but were too afraid because of the crowd going against them.

parable Jesus told describes a banquet prepared by a king for His Son; when the invited guests refused to go, strangers came and enjoyed the feast in stead of the original requested guests. This sequential story deals with the responsibility of the individual person.

The Stone that was rejected was Christ, the most important stone in the building, the Keystone. Jesus called Himself The Capstone. This most prominent Stone was despicable according to the worldly powers. Although He was rejected, He is now the Chief cornerstone, the Head of The Church.
Though mainly rejected by Jewish Official, His rejection elevated Him to The Right Hand of God, through becoming victorious on the cross, over death, and bought mankind Salvation.

It was a great shock to Jesus' disciples, to all the people that The Messiah seem so vulnerable. He suffered and took mental and physical pain for the sake of mankind. Jesus is still rejected today by people who just ignore Him. He was a man of sorrow because of the havoc sin (NEED TO KNOW TEXT) brings into human lives.

The Psalm 110:1 that King David wrote, was quoted by Jesus and He used them in reference to Himself. The Messiah was superior to King David as this Psalm explains and seated and enthroned at God's Right Hand, having all authority over All, including His enemies under His feet. A royal footstool always accompanied a throne. Jesus used this verse as a testimonial to Himself, not only to point out that King David proclaims that The Messiah is His Lord, far greater than David but in Heaven in the presence God, The Father. The Right hand is a position of authority, strength and honour. (NEED TO KNOW TEXT)

Publicly, in The Temple, Jesus continued to warn against the teaching of the Pharisees, Elders and Scribes, and all those who taught the Laws of God, for their religious teachings hid pride and greed. Jesus put a question from the scriptures, Psalm 110:1, concerning Himself, The Messiah, to those authorities, and they could not answer. If they had answered the question, they would have had to admit that Jesus was God's Son, The Expected Messiah as well as being a descendant of King David.

To admit that issue, would be the identification of
Christ being identical to God, which would have disrupted their positions politically with their Roman rulers and those who sought after titles and positions that honoured themselves, was much more important to cling on to than give it all away for The Messiah.

Privately, Jesus pointed out a poor widow to His disciples who had stopped to put her last two coins in The Temple Treasury. Jesus told His disciples that her gift from poverty meant more than all the gold that had been given by those who were richer and could afford to part with their gold.

The Leaders, Herodians and the Pharisees, tried to have Jesus arrested on a political charge. Such hypocrisy did not deceive Him. They produced a Roman coin and asked Jesus should they pay the tax of the Roman Civil Rule, but these leaders showed that they themselves had accepted the Imperial Rule. Jesus simply replied that the coin belonged to Caesar, therefore it was his. Their attempt failed.

The Sadducees, who did not believe in resurrection of the body being united with the spirit for eternity at a Resurrection Day, thought they could trap Jesus on a scriptural spiritual question. They attempted to make a spiritual truth a mockery by twisting the scriptures, expecting the concept of resurrection would be laughed at by the people.

Jesus gave a far deeper proof of Life after death and of their ignorance of scripture. God spoke to Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3:6-5 and described Himself as The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, as being in present tense, centuries after their death, as if all three were still in existence, thus proving Life after death is a reality and in doing so convinced many of the Pharisees.
Jesus said, "He is not the God of the dead but of the living".

The Temple in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus was the third Temple built and by fat the grandest of all. It's contruction started 19 years before the birth of Chirst, by the oprder of King Herod The Great, and was not completed until A.D. 62. It stood 150 feet high above ground level and was decorated with much gold. The area spread over 35 acres. As Jesus left The Temple, his disciples remarked to Him about the beauty of The Temple. Jesus dismissed discussing its beauty. He told them it will soon be torn down. His prophecy was fulfilled less than 40 years later in 70 A.D. when the Romans pillaged Jerusalem, because of rebellions.

The disciples asked Him about the end of the age. Jesus told them the future will be marked by great distress as never before and never equaled again. He specifically links this period to the prophecy of Daniel 9:27. The sign in Daniel is an abomination set up in The House of God. A future ruler will establish an image of himself in The Temple.

There would be false Messiahs that will come. Immediately after this, said Jesus, will be the sign of His Triumphant Second Coming. No one will know the day or the hour, but to watch for the signs.

Jesus has warned all, that between His Resurrection and His Second Coming, that there is no need to go hunting to look for Him amongst false prophets. His coming at the end of the age will be very obvious, for every eye shall see Him arrive.

"If anyone tells you The Messiah has arrived at such and such a place or has appeared here or there, don't believe it, for false Christs shall arise and false prophets will do wonderful miracles, so that if it were possible even God's chosen ones would be deceived. See, I have warned you.

So if someone tells you The Messiah has returned and is out in the desert, don't bother to go and look, or that He is hiding at a certain place, don't believe it. For as lightening flashes across the sky from east to west, so shall my coming be, when I, The Messiah return. And the nations of the world will see me arrive in the clouds of heaven with power and glory".

Reaching the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke not of prophetic details but the life of those who believe in Him were to live until His return. (NEED TO KNOW TEXT) He stressed the need to be ready, always expecting His Coming.
Jesus taught of judgement, in parables.

Five wise virgins were bridesmaids and were prepared with plenty of oil for their lamps, ready for the out-door wedding procession, and five were not prepared and were not included.

In another
parable, Jesus explains, rewards were given to those who used entrusted gifts for their Lord. He was away, and they would be required to give an account to receive their reward when He returns in glory. (NEED TO KNOW TEXT)

Jesus spoke of separating sheep (believers) and goats (unbelievers) at His return, before the end of the world. He was not talking about His Resurrection, but of His Second Coming.

"Be prepared, you don't know the day or the hour".

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41-A Poor Widow Gives
42-The Temple in Jerusalem
43-Jesus Warns of False Messiahs

The Betrayal of Jesus

Last Udated March 2011

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