"Just as Man is destined to die once, and after that to face Judgement."
Hebrews 9:27

Every person who has ever lived shall be judged, and God, The Father has given all Judgement to His Son. Christ is The Appointed Just Judge of mankind, individually and of the Nations.

All Christians will be judged. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15,
2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10

Christ Lordship over all things, dead or living arises out of His Death and Resurrection. He is the authority over both church and the world. His enthronement gives Him the power to carry out the judgement and saving purposes of God.

God's judgement is exercised through Jesus Christ


All who have been redeemed (those who have believed and have become righteous in God's eyes)
are judged at the judgement seat of Christ; this is not judgement for salvation, which is a Gift from God of Grace, His Favour, for salvation cannot be earned, but it is for the accountability of BELIEVERS. The Lord Jesus Christ is the One to whom all believers are accountable.

There is an appointed time for the judgement of believers, when their attitude and reasons will be revealed. God is able to truly know the motive of people's hearts. Acts done with the wrong intention are distasteful to Him.

This judgement that believers face has nothing to do with justification, which is accredited to them forever, for their belief in Christ, believing Who He Was and Is, His Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and His Glorification. We are, however, responsible for our own choices and actions, and the judgement refers to what we have done with our life, for this also has been a gift, and it does however refer to what Christians have done with their lives as Christians, according to Christ's teachings.

Christians are God's building and are to build upon true Christian principles and pure teaching. Precious durable work will stand the test of judgement. Worthless work will not stand. Durable work is seen as living the Christian doctrine as a testimony. Worthless work is seen as weak and frail Christian living. An inadequate Christian worker can be saved, but the work is destroyed by just judgement and the reward is lost.

The righteous are already recorded in The Lamb's Book of Life and in God's Book of Remembrance for honouring His Name and reverencing His Name.

The Lamb's Book of Life is the Heavenly recording of the names of those who, because of God's grace have been born into His family through Christ Jesus and participate in The Heavenly Kingdom. Christ Himself determines who are recorded in His Book of Life and have deliverance from future judgements, are destined for life in the Heavenly Jerusalem.

At the Judgement Seat of Christ, BELIEVERS will give an account of their stewardship on earth and Christ will justly determine their reward. Christ will judge believers by how they have used their time and their gifts. A Christian's life is reviewed and valuated for how they handled opportunities, responsibilities in order to determine heavenly rewards. Believers need not fear Judgement. BELIEVERS will be judged for sins of which they have not repented.

1 Corinthians 11:31 scripture about judging themselves " When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world".
there is also 1 timothy 5:24 "The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them". NRSV "The sins of some people are conspicuous and precede them to judgment, while the sins of others follow them there".
 Both these scriptures were written to believing and saved Christians.



of Conscience
God's laws are written in the conscience
of every person born on earth, also the
design of creation tells of a Creator. People
instinctively know right from wrong, to
care and help others, to love and to share.
of Providence-
Man's response to God's Works,
His Guidance, Mercy and Forgiveness,
His Loving Care and Intervention in
Human Affairs, His Governing of all His
creatures and their actions.
of The Christian Scriptures of
The Gospel-
The Laws and Commandments of Christ
that are to be obeyed, to produce fruit,
a believer's faithfulness and inner-most
thoughts, attitudes and motives.
of Life-
Those whose names are written in The
Lamb's Book of Life (Jesus is The Lamb),
God's Royal list of those registered as the elect Citizens of His Kingdom.

of Remberance
Those who have revered God's name. Those who Fear The Lord and do not give way to doubt of His providence and encourage each other in fellowship. Those who honor God's Name will belong to Him and are part of His treasured possession.

A BELIEVER who has lost assurance to approach God for not staying faithful to Him and His Word, needs to ask The Holy Spirit to reveal the areas of failure, what changes have to be made, repent and ask forgiveness of God, in Jesus' Name. He is trustworthy to forgive and will purify a BELIEVER to restore communion with Him, because of Christ, God's act of Love towards us. The natural tendency is to follow man's wisdom and not God's Wisdom.

As a BELIEVER grows into the maturity of The Knowledge of God and The Grace of God, the weak areas will be strengthened by The Holy Spirit and renewed trust in God for those areas will be extended. God's Word says He wants us to trust Him so that he can rescue His people, prove Himself to them and receive the glory and honour for being their helper.

There is personal responsibility of each Christian to do The Lord's work, individually and corporately. Believers will be purified.

The judgements dispensed are evaluated according to worth and character, varying from God and faithful servants to worthless. The judgement seal of Christ exposes a believer's life of service, it's motives and it's quality. All aspects will be brought into review at the solemn time for justice.

God will not condemn a BELIEVER. The Holy Spirit will convict so that repentance can be made. BELIEVERS can avoid judgement by self-examination, acknowledging weaknesses and sin by turning away from the issue or situation for that which mercy has been asked and as sins are acknowledged sincerely before God; they are overlooked and forgotten by Him.

The Holy Spirit's ministry is to renew, guide and lead a BELIEVER into Truth and Peace and To Uplift Jesus.

The Lord God wants us to be a part of His Kingdom. The rejection of ungodliness leads to godly living. Unbelievers of Christ will suffer God's wrath, but Christ has spared His disciples, (past, present and future) from this event.

The purpose of Judgement is to vindicate the righteous.

.SCRIPTURES Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 2:4-6, 12, 14-16, Revelation 3, Luke 12:46-48, 1 Corinthians 3:13-15, 1 Peter 1:7, 4:12, 2 Peter 2:20,21, Matthew 24:48-51,
QUESTIONS 1] What is appointed to man? 2] Why do believers appear before the judgement seat of Christ? 3] What will happen at this judgement? 4] What should a believer do if they have lost confidence in approaching God because of sin? 5] Can a believer lose their salvation?

Email Address: faysuter.3337@gmail.com 

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Updated March 2005