The Bible is the revelation of God to His created mankind. It is a record of man's experiences with God. The writers of The Bible never claim they are writing their own words, but express that the words are God's Words and not their own.

The Bible is God's Book that can be understood and the knowledge of God can be comprehended.

From Adam to Abraham is the history of the human race, and from Abraham to Christ is the history of a chosen race. From Christ there is the History of His Church, both Jews and Gentiles alike, to the promise of His return.

All the books of The Bible point to Salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Bible is a detailed portrait of God and the Scriptures themselves declare to be the Word of God. God intends His Word to be understood by all and has been given by Him to lead people to Deliverance. The Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit is to be guarded from error, and to be revered for The Scriptures have God's authority.

The Bible is for teaching, rebuke and correction by the training in righteousness. The Bible has insight to God's disclosure and the reassurance of God's promises to mankind that have proven trustworthy.

God's Word is eternal.

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