85-Did you know that King Hezekiah broke into pieces the snake that Moses had made at God's direction during a deadly plague of snakes in the wilderness? The people started to worship it burning incense before it. Adoring the symbol and not the maker is idolatry in the God's eyes.

A Colouring Page of Hezekiah who asked God to accomplish the shadow of the sundial go backwards instead of forwards is

at hez.htm 


86-Did you know that God promised Caleb a personal land inheritance because of his trust in the faithfulness of Him? Caleb kept his confidence in God's promise to Israel, though the people of the nation refused to agree with him, and tried to stone him to death. Caleb continued to accept God's Word as The Truth. Caleb and Joshua knew Israel could be victorious over the occupants of Canaan despite their physical size, strength, might and their great fortified cities.

A Colouring Page of the spies returning to Moses from Canaan is

at  caleb.html

87-Did you know that in Old Testament times, a childless woman was thought to be a failure and a reason for divorce? Hannah, because she was barren, unable to conceive children made a commitment to God that if He would give her a son, in thankfulness, she would give him back to God, to serve Him all of his lifetime.

A Colouring Page of Hannah giving her son Samuel to the High Priest to serve God is

at hanah.html

     88-Did you know that Philip, a deacon and evangelist was one of the first to preach the gospel outside the boundaries of Jerusalem, to obey Christ's Command? Jesus' last words to his disciples were to take the Gospel everywhere, but all were reluctant to leave Jerusalem. Philip witnessed all his life to the Truth of The Gospel of Christ. The conversions of the non- Jews by Philip continued throughout on throughout the Roman Empire by Paul and his helpers.

A Colouring Page of Philip explaining the prophecies of Christ to an Ethiopian is 

at phil.html

89-Did you know that the gift of life that returned to Dorcas showed the mercy of God and witness of the Truth of Christ, and was a great testimony to others of who has the power over life and death? Dorcas however, did not seek the limelight or attempt to be a great teacher, but she was content to do all she could for the service of Christ, in any way that she could, and that happened to be in her own home.

A Colouring Page of Dorcas having been raised from the dead and an expose of her life story is at dorc.html

90-Did you know that Andrew was the first disciple and apostle to be called by Jesus? Andrew did not hesitate to leave his abundant income and follow Jesus who had seen Andrew and Simon Peter fishing with their partners, James and John, and had also called to them to follow Him. Andrew was also the first to call another to be a disciple of Christ.

A Colouring Page of Jesus calling Andrew to be a 'fisher of men'  is

at andrew.html

91-Did you know that Jesus had introduced the Scriptures to Mary of Bethany and openly showed respect for her? She and her sister Martha including their brother Lazarus, lived in the fellowship of Jesus and hungered for His truths. Mary was a women characterised by spiritual insight and readiness. Christ commended her on her discipleship more than once.

A Colouring Page of Jesus teaching Mary as a disciple is

at mandm.html

92-Did you know that Jesus praised John as the greatest of the prophets and considered him to be above all who had ever been born? Jesus' first disciples had also been disciples of John the Baptist, who Jesus identified with the restoration ministry role of Elijah the Old Testament prophet.

A Colouring Page of John The Baptist preaching and an expose on his life is 

at johntb.html

93-Did you know that Nathanael was very hesitant and prejudiced yet he was the first disciple and person to call Jesus the Son of God and King of Israel? Jesus had immediately unveiled His greatness to Nathanael at their first encounter.  

A Colouring Page of Nathanael is

at natana.html


94-Did you know that the Samarian woman, to whom Jesus revealed that He was The Messiah was the first missionary? She led many in her township to Christ as their Saviour at the beginning of His ministry and she was a foreigner, outside of Judea.

Her story and a Colouring Page of the woman of Samaria drawing water from the well is

at saw.html

95-Did you know that because Adam and Eve didn't trust God, this led to separation from God? God, however, made a promise that He would restore both the spiritual and physical life forever. God in His love set in motion His Plan to win humankind back to Himself and for man to want God's Will which leads to life and not to be under Satan's deceptive will, which leads to death eternally, which is the fate of every human being born. God already had a plan for the Salvation of humankind. The Promise of The Person, Jesus, The Messiah, a Deliverer was made to Satan himself. The first prophecy was that the Deliverer to come would destroy the works of the devil. Christ is exceptional, without peer, is God Himself, timeless in His domain.

A Colouring In Page of the 1st prophecy of Christ in Eden is

at prophecy.html

96-Did you know that God did not abandon Adam and Eve even though they were spiritually cut off from Him? God placed two mighty Cherubim east of The Garden Of Eden to guard the entrance to the Tree of Life, also a flaming sword that flashed back and forth. If He had not done this, humankind would have been doomed to live in that state of spiritual and physical death forever, with no chance of reconciliation back to Him in the future by Jesus Christ, who would reopen The Only Way Back to God, The Father.

A Colouring In Page of the angels and the flaming sword at the entrance to the Tree of Life is

at cherub.html


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.Last updated May 2005