97-Did you know that there is a difference between animals and humans? Instinct for animals and intellect for humans; animals only have body and soul, human beings have three, spirit soul and body; a triune being like God and therefore giving man a unique relationship to God.

A Colouring In Page of The Garden of Eden at eden.html


98-Did you know that Adam and Eve possessed both life and moral discernment and they were created with the power of self-will to make choices regarding the Sovereignty of God? Adam was warned that if he doubted God and did not believe what God said was true then mankind would die, both spiritually and physically. Tempted by Satan that what God had said maybe a lie, they began to doubt God’s truth. This caused Adam and Eve to disobey God's Word. Doubting and not believing God The Creator, leads to disobedience against Him, against His truthful Word and this is sin.

A Colouring In Page of Adam and Eve’s temptation in The Garden of Eden at ae.html

99-Did you know that the survivors of the world-wide flood and their descendants set out to build a tower to reach heaven as a monument to themselves? Humanity started to look for guidance from the stars instead of God. They became proud and wanted for themselves glory and fame at the city of Babel, a godless society (situated near the modern day Bagdad in Iraq). The people of Babel began attempted to control their own destiny excluding God. Instead of the tower reaching heaven, their rebellious act did, so God confused their language and scattered them all over the earth. Babel later became Babylon.

A Colouring In Page of the Building of The Tower of Babel for self-achievement is

at babel.html

     100-Did you know that Abraham entertained The Lord, plus two angels in the form of men, who confirmed the prophecy concerning Christ? God had pronounced judgment on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the people had become wicked and evil. This visit gave Abraham an opportunity to intercede on behalf of his nephew, Lot and family who lived in one of the cities.

A Colouring In Page of God’s visit with Abraham at abravis.html

101-Did you know that The Covenants were a key part of God's plan for the Salvation of mankind? The Messiah was promised through one family, Abraham, his son Isaac and then to Isaac's son, Jacob, and his offspring. It was God's sovereign right to choose, by grace the lineage which was of the promised anointed heir. Jacob was on his way to his relatives he had a dream from God confirming that all the nations of the world shall be blessed through him and his descendants.

A Colouring In Page of Jacob’s Ladder is at ladder.html

102-Did you know that Pharaoh feared the number of Hebrew males and was very concerned that they might overtake the Egyptians? He decided to make them slaves because they were becoming too powerful. The new Pharaoh felt he had no obligation to them as over 400 years had passed since Joseph. During this era of bondage and cruelty in approximately 1531 B.C. the Israelite people worked as slave labour on public projects and were treated very harshly.

A Colouring In Page of Hebrew slaves labouring is at slave.html

103-Did you know that because Pharaoh refused Moses and Aaron's petition to let God’s people go to worship Him, He sent 10 plagues against the Egyptian's many false gods that the nation worshipped? Not only were the Egyptians punished for enslaving the Israelites as told to Abraham but God proved His Sovereignty over all the Egyptian idols that were worshipped as Gods. The final plague of death to all the first-born Egyptian males mellowed the Pharaoh's stubbornness towards the Israelites. This night began the Celebration of The Passover, a continuing sign of deliverance. An impressive reminder that over 2,000 years later Jesus, Son of The Living God, died for us at The Passover Celebration to deliver and save both Israelites and Gentiles.

A Colouring In Page of The Plagues of Egypt is at frogs.html

104-Did you know that as the Israelites as they left Egypt were armed for battle? Hundreds of charioteer crews and a division of the Pharaoh's Royal Guard pursued them. As the Egyptians got closer God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the Red Sea and all during the night the east wind blew and the waters piled up both sides and the Israelites went through on dry ground. The Egyptians followed into the sea and at the Divine Command Moses stretched his hand across the sea and the parted water flowed inwards, drowning the entire army. This was a spectacular rescue and deliverance, an awesome miracle.

A Colouring In Page of The Miracle of the Parting of the Red Sea is at sea.html

105-Did you know that as the Moses and the Israelites came closer to Canaan, The Promised Land, one member of each tribe was chosen to go and spy on the area except the tribe of Levi, the Priesthood tribe, who would not be owning land? The spies brought back much fruit, and a cluster of grapes so large that two men had to carry it on a pole. Out of the twelve members, only two responded positively, believing that God would give them this land. Because of this rebellion the people then had to stay in the wilderness under the guidance of God until the next generation of Israelites.

A Colouring In Page of the spies bringing produce form the Promised Land

is at spies.html


106-Did you know that The Commander of The Heavenly Armies, appeared to Joshua, who was ordered to remove his shoes because of being on Holy Ground? Probably this was an encounter with Christ for it was from this Divine Messenger that Joshua was to take his orders. Though the strategies seemed strange to Joshua, the Authority of The Commander was recognized and he was determined to obey, for Joshua knew he had been commissioned to undertake battles to conquer the land of Canaan, just as Moses had been to confront Pharaoh of Egypt and lead God's people out of bondage.

A Colouring In Page of Joshua being commissioned to undertake battles for God is at joshua.html

107-Did you know that after David was anointed to be future king, he as a young man slew the Philistine giant, Goliath with only a stone in his shepherd's sling? Both the Philistine army and the Israelite army had assembled for war. Sometimes issues of war were decided through combat between each armies chosen champions. The Philistine camp had chosen Goliath who was over nine feet tall. David saw that all in the Israelite army were scared of Goliath.

A Colouring In Page of the slaying of Goliath is at goliath.html

108-Did you know that God blessed Solomon with wisdom and wealth, even the Queen of Sheba from Southern Arabia heard of his wisdom and travelled to visit him? Inspired by God he wrote and collected many proverbs and wise sayings throughout the provinces of the time.

A Colouring In Page of The Queen of Sheba visiting Solomon is at sheba.html


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.Last updated May 2005