109-Did you know that the Egyptians attacked Jerusalem and The Temple of Lord was ransacked of gold not long after it was built? Not long after King Solomon had died, the invaders stole all that was valuable in the temples and palaces that he had constructed. This happened during his son’s Rehoboam foolish tyrannical rule.

A Colouring In Page of The Egyptians ransacking The Temple built by King Solomon at ransack.html


110-Did you know that the Babylonians laid siege to Judah, the Southern Kingdom of Israel. Jerusalem, the city and The Temple were burned and completely destroyed? This was allowed by God because of rebellion of His people, who chose to worship idols and live in immorality. God's prophets tried to warn the people to follow His ways but too many would not listen. The people were led away and taken captive to Babylon. (Iraq)

A Colouring In Page of Jerusalem in ruins and the people taken into exile is at


111-Did you know that during the years of Babylonian exile the Hebrew people became known as Jews, after their homeland of Judah? The Jewish captives had many privileges and were taken to several building settlements where they worked on the King's projects. Many worked as merchants and had prosperous trading businesses. The land on which they lived was irrigated and fertile and when the return to their homeland was made possible, many decided to stay, unwilling to give up their plenty for their deserted homeland.

A Colouring In Page of the royal and noble people taken captive into the Babylon Capital City is at


     112-Did you know that during the time of Judah's banishment in Babylon, Daniel, a Jewish Royal Prince who was God‘s prophet became placed in authority of a ruler and the other local leaders were jealous of him? His adversaries encouraged the monarch to sign a decree, "to only ask favours from the king". The penalty for disobedience to the King of Persia was to be thrown into the lion's den. Daniel disobeyed this law because he prayed to God and also asked petitions of Him, so Daniel's enemies reported Him. All night God kept the lions from attacking Daniel because he trusted God.

A Colouring In Page of God’s Sovereignty protecting Daniel in the lion’s den is at


113-Did  you know that all Jews no longer spoke in Hebrew after Alexander the Great, of Greece conquered their lands? Alexander had a hope for all the world to speak his language and follow the Grecian culture. This led to the Hebrew text being translated into Latin. The Roman Empire took control of the area around Jerusalem in the south along the prominent gateway to the north and to the south of the trading world, and called it Judea, in 63 B.C. but put great material and physical burdens upon the people.

A Colouring In Page of Roman soldiers entering Jerusalem is at romemp.html


114-Did you know that the physical healing of a crippled man gave Peter the opportunity to preach of the death and resurrection of Christ to many and they believed that Jesus had risen and that it was by His Name that the lame man whom they had known all those years had been healed? Peter and John, disciples of Jesus, passed a beggar, lame from birth, lying at The Temple gate as they all went to afternoon prayer time. Having no money, Peter said to the man, "I command you in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk". Then he pulled the man by the hand and the man jumped up by the power of The Holy Spirit and began praising God, for he now could walk. Everyone knew the man and all praised God for this miracle. ACTS 5.

A Colouring In Page of the healing of the lame man in Jerusalem

is at lame.html

115-Did you know that both Jews and Gentiles ARE NOW UNDER A NEW COVENANT THAT HAD BEEN PROPHESIED AND FULFILLED IN CHRIST? Some Jewish Teachers of the Law wanted all the Gentiles who became Christians to follow their man-made rules and the Laws given to Moses celebrating the feasts and Sabbaths. The Apostle Paul made a special trip to Jerusalem, and a Christian Council was held which resulted in Paul given written documents according to God's word that this was not so which proved the Judaizers were the false teachers. ACTS 14 &15.

A Colouring In Page of Paul stoned and left for dead by Jews and then dragged outside of the City of Lystra, however he revived and retuned back into the City is at stone.html

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