73-Did you know that all sinners are related to God The Father by the fact of Creation but do not belong to His Kingdom family?  He is their Creator, but they waste their potential privileges and refuse any relationship with Him by choosing self-indulgence. Ever since the fall of mankind mainly caused through doubting God’s Word, God is willing to save sinners and rejoices every time one repents and turns to Him of their own will. When an unbeliever repents and turns to God, others should rejoice like the angels in heaven, such as the father of the prodigal son.

A Colouring Page of the prodigal son is at para5.html

74-Did you know that God in His Sovereignty and Grace had chosen to use the Church's chief opponent as his instrument and transform him as one of the greatest leaders and missionary for Christ and the Body of Christ to both Jews and Gentiles alike in the history of The Church? Living in Damascus at this time, 34 A.D. was a devout observer of God's Word and a disciple of Christ, Ananias, a well respected Jewish man by the Jewish community dwelling there. Jesus appeared to Ananias in a vision and told him to go to a certain street and house where Paul was staying and that he was praying and expecting a man called Ananias to visit him and restore his sight in the Name of Jesus.

More about the faithful and obedient disciple Ananias, and a Colouring Page of him laying his hands upon Paul is found at anan.html

75-Did you know that Christians are virgins in the sight of The Lord? They are to walk in the ways of the Holy Spirit and be filled constantly with The Holy Spirit. Spiritual preparation cannot be bought or borrowed, it is a continual relationship with God.

 An exposition and a Colouring Page of The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Virgins is

at para8.html

     76-Did you know that Lydia from Thyatira a Macedonian City, is the first recorded European convert from Judaism to Christianity?  She was a Grecian independent, prominent and successful business woman who allowed the Greek believers to meet in her home. This was the first Christian church in Europe.

The circumstances of this occurrence is noted and a Colouring In Page is

at ly.html

77-Did you know that Stephen, a disciple full of The Holy Spirit, was one of the first deacons in the Jerusalem Church and was the first Christian martyr? He was taken by the Jewish Authorities and stoned to death for believing that Jesus of Nazareth was The Christ, The Son of God. He also was a powerful preacher, a man of faith who knew God’s Word.

A Colouring Page of the martyrdom of Stephen is

at stephen2.html

78-Did you know that The Holy Spirit allowed Elizabeth, Mary's relative, to recognise the significance of God's purposes and acknowledge The Messiah as her Lord and Saviour before He had been born? Both Elizabeth and her child were effected by The Holy Spirit within, and she was the first to confirm Mary's child was her Saviour. Elizabeth's baby leapt for joy, in some supernatural way The Holy Spirit produced the response in her unborn baby.

A Colouring Page of  Elizabeth at her home in southern Judea is

at eliz.html

79-Did you know that Anna, was the only prophet of God to be recorded for hundreds of years, following the Old Testament books and was the first recorded prophet of the New Testament? Anna gave thanks to God, for Jesus. God had raised up this devoted prophetess to be the first person to announce to others that Christ had come, and that she had seen Him as a baby at the Temple.

A Colouring Page of Anna who lived at The Temple in Jerusalem meeting the Baby Jesus is

at anna.html

80-Did you know that Tamar, who came from an idolatrous nationality is the first of five women who are mentioned in the lineage of Christ?  Her firstborn twin son was a direct ancestor of King David, who occupied an important role in history. She was responsible for the survival of the descendants of the tribe of Judah and obtained the blessing of the firstborn. The Messianic line of Judah came through Tamar; she was placed in the greatest of all genealogies.  

The story of Tamar’s life and a colouring in page of her dressed as a prostitute is

at tamar.html

81-Did you know that Samson, as a Nazarite, was prohibited to cut his hair, or to drink wine, to touch a dead body and not to eat unclean food, but violated all of his vows? Samson was a headstrong young man with little or no self-control and greatly fell short of God's standard with sin and disobedience. At the end of his life he recognised his dependence upon God.

A Colouring Page of Samson's selfless final act against Israel's enemies is

at samson.html


82-Did you know that prophetess Huldah participated in the biggest spiritual revival of her Nation? This woman is in the ranks among that of Deborah and Miriam as prophetesses for their Nation. The priests turned to a woman for God's Word when many men of God were also advisors to the King. This seems to nullify the idea that women cannot be of use in ministry. 

An expose on Huldah's life and a Colouring Page showing the men of God consulting Huldah is at huldah.html

83-Did you know that the disciple and Apostle Matthew who was born a Jew, is the same person as Levi, son of Alphaeus? Matthew promptly responded to Jesus' call and became a disciple of Jesus, he did not do so quietly, he held a banquet for Jesus to meet and teach his fellow tax collector friends.

A Colouring Page of Matthew doing his duty collecting toll payments and transport taxes from local merchants, farmers carrying their wares to market, and distant traders passing through Galilee is found 

at matthew.html

84-Did you know that the prophet Daniel was a type of Christ? Daniel after examination was declared faultless of any error to be so condemned, as was Jesus. Daniel was declared faithful, as was Jesus. Daniel was the object of a wicked conspiracy, as was Jesus. Daniel was charged to die because of envy, as was Jesus. Daniel was put in to a den of lions but was lifted out alive, as was Jesus. If Daniel had perished by the lions, all godly Jews would have perished. If Jesus remained in the tomb, all sinners would have perished.

A Colouring Page of an invisible hand  writing on the palace wall that only Daniel could interpret is

at 1daniel.html


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.Last updated May 2005