61-Did you know that Lot, and his family had been spared from under the wrath of God because of Abraham’s intercessory prayer? Lot was a member of the City of Sodom's ruling council, as a judge and was warned about the coming harm and given a chance to escape with the help of God's messengers. Lot's wife herself, was very hesitant about leaving her home and material possessions. Her heart had become attached to the lifestyle the city had provided.

There is a Colouring In Page of looking back at the destruction of Sodom

at lotswife.html

62-Did you know that there is a final and absolute separation of all mankind into two distinct groups? All live together in the world until the end of the age. The parable of The Wheat and The Tares (weeds) illustrates an aspect of the truth. Those who have responded to the good news of God's present reign in Jesus' Christ and those who have not.  

There is a Colouring In Page of wheat and tares before judgement

at tw.html

63-Did you know that Rebekah, Isaac’s fiancé, proved to be adventurous and visited many different villages, fortified towns and walled cities as she journeyed throughout Canaan stopping at many well-known oasis' along the international trade route? People travelling in camel caravans usually met and travelled with military groups at wartime or merchants went together in numbers for the safety against marauding bandits. Courage helped her venture to an unknown foreign land.  

There is a portrayal of her journey to meet and wed Isaac at


     64-Did you know that A New Covenant Was Promised through many prophecies that let it be known of a New and Better Agreement?  The Old Covenant (Mosaic) was of Law, and was taken out of the way by The New Covenant with Christ of Grace (undeserved favour) and Spirit. The Mosaic Covenant put in place was never given so that by keeping it people would be saved from God‘s wrath against sin.

A Colouring Page of Jesus instituting the new Covenant is at tnc.html

65-Did you know that It is not enough to hear and read Jesus' teachings, it is doing. It is not enough to profess to know Him, it is obeying? The issue of the parable of the two builders is to illustrate who has been a wise or foolish builder in their lifetime, by their response of obedience to the words of Christ.

An explanation of the parable that Jesus taught and a Colouring In Page is

at 2builder.html

66-Did you know that there were many women throughout the Bible who were childless? This allowed for God's intervention on their behalf and to protect the chosen lineage of His Covenant Promises by having the choice of both father and mother, which was opposite to the human-made culture of ascribing the importance of lineage only to the older male.

A Colouring Page of Rebekah and Isaac with their two children is

at reb2.html

67-Did you know that when Jewish tax collectors who were employed by the Roman Empire, as well as many sinners gathered to hear Jesus, the Pharisees and Teachers of The Law muttered how He welcomed sinners and disapproved that He ate with them? They were ashamed to be associated with sinners, but Christ was not. Jesus associated with sinners because His purpose was and is to save the lost. The sinners who Jesus was with acknowledged He was their Lord and Saviour.

A report and a Colouring Page of The Parable of The Lost Sheep

at luke15.html

68-Did you know that just as Israel, an infant nation went down into Egypt, so the Child Jesus went there? As Israel was led by God out of Egypt, also His Son Jesus. As Israel was led by God out of Egypt, also His Son Jesus, the fulfilment of extended prophecy-of Hosea 11:1.  

To Print and Colour Joseph and his family leaving for Egypt go to


69-Did you know that Phoebe was one of the forerunners of a vast array of woman believers throughout the years who have rendered loyal service to Christ and His Church? A deaconess, she was a devout Christian and greatly served her friend of Paul, the Apostle and ministered to converts.

There is an portrayal of Phoebe and a Colouring Page of her leaving for Rome

at phoebe.html


70-Did you know that Jesus wants people to deny selfishness, haughtiness, boasting and self-ego to seek humility and meekness, so that God can lift them up? Self efforts lead nowhere, yet by meekness, acknowledging God's Sovereignty a person is exalted by God for eternity with his sins forgiven. Jesus taught that the regretful sinner who sincerely seeks God's mercy will receive it. God exalts the humble, and all believers are to be humble before Him.                    

A Colouring Page of the Parable of the proud religious Pharisee and the repentant sinner is

at phapub.html

71-Did you know that in 58 A.D. Doctor Luke wrote the longest book in the New Testament, called by his name? As a highly educated man, he reported a careful historical account of The Life of Jesus and continued with the account of the early church in the Book of Acts, writing about great events that took place in history.

There is a cameo section on his life and there is a Colouring Page at lu.html

72-Did you know that because of a slave girl God rescued from an evil spirit of divination, she and a jailer’s household, entered into The Kingdom of God? Essentially the slave girl was like a medium for spirits of divination, which is an attempt to discover the unknown by spiritual means. It is forbidden by God because it has disastrous consequences.                      

A Colouring Page of the slave girl and an expose of her story is at slave1.html


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.Last updated May 2005