49-Did you know that the tower of Babel and its city was built for the intention to be a monument of human pride? The people were disobedient to God’s instructions as He had commanded them to fill up the earth but they were seeking to avoid being scattered abroad. To bring the people's enormous task to an end, God confused their language and their projects could no longer be continued. Babel became known as Babylon (modern Iraq).
There is a Colouring In page of the Tower of Babel
at babel.html
50-Did you know that after his wife Sarah had died, Abraham remarried and fathered six more children? These became the ancestors of other tribes that inhabited the Middle Eastern area. Abraham died at the age of 175 years, Sarah herself was aged 127 at the time of her death.
There is a Colouring In page of Abraham and Sarah, starting out for the land of Canaan at sarah.html
51- Did you know that the roof of a house in the Holy Lands were used for a variety of useful purposes? Not only used for storage, but sleeping, a place to gather in times of excitement, for public proclamations, to see down onto the streets, a place of private worship and prayer, and a pace of escape in times of danger.
There is a Colouring In page of a paralytic who was let down through the roof of a house to be healed by Jesus at roof.html
52-Did you know that any instructor who does
not emphasize the divine nature of Christ, His Office, His atonement
sacrifice, or any basic points of The New Testament Gospels is a false
teacher? There are
many warnings about false teachers claiming to be interpreters of the
mind of God, who have no spiritual wisdom being unfit to guide others
to the Truth. They instruct others on a path of man-made ideas.
is a Colouring In page of such paths and the right path
at gate.html
53-Did you know that friends of Daniel who were thrown in the furnace in Babylon were untouched by the fire, even though it was heated up seven times than usual? Because of God’s protection not a hair of their heads was singed; their coats were unscorched, and they didn't even smell of smoke!
There is a Colouring In page of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego within the flaming furnace
at mesheab.html
There is a
Colouring In page of Abigail riding her donkey in hopes to calm David
at abi.html
There is a Colouring In page of the rich farmer’s stockpile of goods
at fool.html
There is a
colouring Page of Eve in The Garden of Eden at eve.html
57-Did you know that just
as boldness pays off in human affairs at the most inconvenient times,
so too boldness will secure spiritual matters as well with God The
Father, who is much more generous and approachable? Disciples are to pray with
unreasonable stubbornness until the prayer is answered. Jesus assures
His disciples God is willing to
answer the petitions of His children, even when asking is left to the
last hour.
There is a
parable Jesus’ told and a Colouring In page explaining the success of
persistent prayer
at friend.html
There is a Colouring In Page of The
parable Jesus told which centres around the invitation and marriage of
The King's son.
There is a
Colouring In page of Noah patiently waiting for the world wide flood
level to recede
at 1noah.html
you know that The Parable of the Talents is the tragedy of wasted
opportunity? The man
travelling to a far country is Jesus and the servants represent
professing believers. Servants are Christians, stewards of His grace.
Christ gave His disciple’s work to do until He returns. His journey to
a far country is the Lord's departure and Ascension into heaven. The
service of His disciples is reviewed at his return about the faithful
use or unfaithful misuse of Christ's gifts.
There is a
Colouring In Page and the explanation of the Parable of The Talents
at talents.html
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.Last updated May 2005