37-Did you know that Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem inaugurates Passion Week and was a deliberate action on His’ part? He offered Himself to the people as God’s Messiah knowing this would incite the Jewish Leaders to take action against Him as foretold. Jesus knew, as God's Anointed Son, He would soon give His life for others and for the forgiveness of a multitude of sins.

A Colouring In Page of Jesus triumphantly entering the City of Jerusalem

is at eij.html


38-Did you know that those who follow God's Word will receive eternal rewards? The parable of The Good Samaritan pictures the love and compassion Jesus has for humankind. Like the traveller, humankind is wounded and headed for death, with no way of help, until Jesus came and acted for the salvation of all. Jesus can be seen as the Good Samaritan, the neighbour.

A Colouring Page and an explanation of this parable is as

at gdsam.html

39-Did you know that from Jesus' death upon the cross, came the greatest good for mankind? He draws peoples of all nations, of all status, and culture into The Kingdom of God. Because of His resurrection He gives Eternal Life to others and assures those who recognize the Sovereignty of God, their own glorious resurrection and of ownership of their spiritual body, being with and living with their Saviour for eternity, the reward He achieved for them.

Colouring In Pages of Passion Week is at paswk.html

     40-Did you know that Christ obediently had chosen to die, otherwise His Life could not be taken from Him?The Lord God commanded the death of His Messiah, which is conclusive that Jesus death was not an accident, or by chance but by a divinely arranged appointment. It was essential to God's Divine Plan that Jesus should die, not by stoning, but 'by being lifted up from the earth', a death that could only be executed by crucifixion. In the wilderness, with Moses, the Israelites had to look upon a raised up bronze replica of a serpent, the symbol of evil, to live, so it was with Jesus. Jesus spoke of His death as 'being lifted up', and all who look to Him will have Eternal Life.

A Colouring Page of Jesus being presented to the crowd by the Roman Pontus Pilate is as at  jip.html

41-Did you know that seeking God begins in the heart, and the consequence leads to an abundant life, understanding, wisdom, and both temporary and eternal blessings? Jesus likened The Kingdom of God to a pearl of the greatest value and any one should be willingly to sell all to obtain its goodness.   

An explanation of this parable plus a Colouring Page of The Parable of The Pearl of Great Price is at para4.html

42-Did you know that all scripture is based on Christ and points to His Pre-existence, His Deity, His Kingship, His human Birth, Life, Ministry, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, His Glorification, and His Second Coming?

A Colouring In Page of Alpha and Omega is

at bae.html

43-Did you know that God will Forgive and erase a person's sin because of Christ? The confession of sin is not to gain God's approval but to remove the barrier that blocks the fellowship. Confession of sin to God must be in a humble manner, but in humility and honesty weaknesses are strengthened. His forgiveness enables a person to receive kindness. His forgiveness is everlasting and always available. God wants to forgive, no matter how bad the error.

A Colouring In Page of Children at prayer is

at 1childre.html

44-Did you know that during the 1,000 year reign of Christ's Earthly Kingdom when He returns the discord which continues among God's creatures will be withdrawn? This can not be achieved by human means, only the Knowledge of God in His Fullness can secure all together favourably in true alliance.

A Colouring In Page of a symbolic time of Christ’s peaceful reign is

at animal.html

45-Did you know that The Bible, God's Word declares Jesus' physical Death and Resurrection were not an accident, but was a completion? Christ died for the sin of mankind, and He was raised for their Justification. The promise God gave in Genesis 3:15 that the seed of woman would eventually crush Satan and destroy his work was fulfilled in Christ's Resurrection, His supreme victory of His defeat over death and soon to ultimately fulfill The Adversary’s doom to come.

Colouring In Pages of Passion Week is at paswk.html


46- Did you know that Christ's birthplace, Bethlehem. was accurately predicted 700 hundred years before He was born? Foreign soujourners, following a star that outshone all others, found it to be a sign for The Birth of The King of The Jewish Nation and went to Jerusalem looking for this baby, so they could greet Him and worship Him, for they would have studied Daniel's writings and knew that this Baby was very important.

A Colouring In Page of The wise men seeking out this newborn King of the greatest of all kingdoms at Jersusalem in King Herod’s palace is

at jgifts.html

47-Did you know that all in heaven and earth stand amazed at God’s love? He sent His Word to invite sinners to partake of this great salvation. The love of God in Christ, in the hearts of Christians from the Spirit of adoption, is the great proof of exchange.

Colouring In Pages of Passion Week
is at paswk.html


48-Did you know that the rabbis, the experts in Judaism were amazed at Jesus’ understanding of the Scriptures of God when He was only 12 years old? His family had traveled to Jerusalem for the annual Feast of The Passover and after the feast was over, Jesus stayed for 3 days listening to The Teachers and asking them questions.

A Colouring In Page of Jesus aged twelve in The Jerusalem Temple is at boy.html


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.Last updated May 2005