25-Did you know that Jesus cleansed the Jerusalem temple twice? At the beginning of His ministry Jesus with a whip cleared The Temple of men selling livestock and exchanging money and at the end of His ministry, during His last week on earth, turned over the dove sellers tables. The two occasions are quite different.

There is a colouring page of the first cleansing of the Temple

at temp.html
And of the second cleansing at

26-Did you know that Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem inaugurates Passion Week and was a deliberate action on His’ part? He offered Himself to the people as God’s Messiah knowing this would incite the Jewish Leaders to take action against Him as foretold. Jesus knew, as God's Anointed Son, He would soon give His life for others and for the forgiveness of a multitude of sins.

A Colouring In Page of Jesus triumphantly entering the City of Jerusalem

is at eij.html

27-Did you know that Gideon, a prominent Judge of Israel had an illegitimate son, Abimelech, who proclaimed himself the first king of Israel? After his father died he killed his step-brothers, except for one who escaped. Abimelech reigned as King for three years and caused many deaths during that time and was killed attempting to gain victory over rebellion from his own people.

There is a portrait of Gideon’s faithful life to God and colouring in page

at gid.html

     28-Did you know that lions abundantly roamed throughout the Holy Lands until the time of the Crusades in the Middle Ages? Hunting lions became the sport of eastern Kings. King Darius of Persia kept a den of lions into which the Old Testament prophet, Daniel was kept overnight.

There is a Colouring In page of Daniel being held in the King Darius’ lions den.

at lions.html

29-Did you know that the pregnancy of a virgin was the first miracle recorded in The New Testament? The birth of Jesus was a miracle also, and a few miracles happened before He was born. Jesus Christ was born of the virgin as prophesied. Mary, who was with child through The Holy Spirit was obedient to the Will of God.

There is a Colouring In depiction of the angel Gabriel telling Mary what is about to happen

at anmary.html                   

30-Did you know that one of the most amazing healings that Jesus did supernaturally of God by The Holy Spirit, was the healing of a man who was born blind? Christ rubbed mud, mixed with Jesus’ saliva, on the man’s eyes and told him to wash it off. Obediently the man went to a nearby pool and washed his eyes and immediately he could see. No-one except God could make a person born blind see.

There is a Colouring In page of Jesus healing the man born blind

at blind.html

31-Did you know that the second most important person in History is The Apostle Paul? The Risen Christ appeared to Paul, a committed Jew who was a persecutor of Christians in 35 AD. This resulted in Paul’s own conversion who then took the message of the Resurrected Jesus to both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews) living west of the Jewish nation.

There is a character exposition and Colouring In page of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus

at paul1.html

32-Did you know that David, the warrior King who united Israel, the shepherd and psalmist, broke more than half of the Ten Commandments? The Ten Commandments are a brief statement of God's morals and principles, which reveal His own character. The first four relate to a fellowship between God and his people, the other six commandments are with other people. These guides for living lay a moral foundation of personal relationships. All mankind have a basic understanding of these standards of God, which with creation, He intended them for all people.

There is a Colouring In page of The Ten Commandments

at ex.html

33-Did you know that tame donkeys are the world’s most useful animals? Abraham was given donkeys by the Pharaoh of Egypt as a gift and they were used by him a long time before camels were used for trafficking loads. Many laws were given about their management which give evidence to their significance. They were used for the transportation of goods, riding, pulling the plough and turning millstones to crush grain.

There is a Colouring In page of donkeys in a stall

at ptej.html


34- Did you know that the sin of adultery was punishable by death? Both parties involved were guilty and both suffered the same punishment, usually by stoning. The severity of the punishment indicates the serious consequences that result from adultery. New Testament teachings expanded the Old Testament law to address matters of the heart. Adultery has its origins in the "works of the flesh" and creates enmity with God.

There is a Colouring In page of the Woman caught in adultery whom Jesus forgives on

at womadlt.html

35-Did you know that the custom of anointing guests is very ancient and there are many accounts delivering different meanings throughout both the Old and New Testaments of The Bible? Anointing with oil is way of showing politeness, respect and attentiveness, for medicinal uses, and a symbol of the gift of The Holy Spirit.

There is a Colouring In page of Jesus being anointed with expensive perfume by Mary (a female disciple) a few days prior to His crucifixion at mjab.html


36-Did you know that several weeks had elapsed since the birth of Jesus, and His parents had moved from the stable into a house when foreign sojourners, following a star that outshone all others, found it to be a sign for The Birth of The King of The Jewish Nation and went to Jerusalem looking for this baby? The traveling visitors sought out the Child Jesus to pay homage to Him and offer gifts. King Herod, who had been appointed his position by the Roman Senate was greatly disturbed at the news of a rival king and asked that these wise men report back to him once they had found Him. He also asked the Chief Priests and Teachers of The Jewish Religious Laws, where the birthplace of The Christ was to be, and had them search the scriptures for prophecies spoken through the prophets of God. They told him that it was to be the village of Bethlehem. Micah 5:52 had written 700 years prior.

A Colouring in Page of The foreigners seeking The new born King at the Palace in Jerusalem is at jgifts.html


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.Last updated May 2005