Prayer PRINT AND COLOUR For Yours Is The Kingdom


Heavenly Father,
We thank You that You lead and guide us on the paths of Righteousness, through The Holy Spirit and Your Word, bringing us to maturity, complete in Your Will as a mature person for Your Glory. We have Your Promise that the good work that has started in us, shall be completed.

For the Body of Christ, may each member have wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, that eyes of understanding are enlightened, that all be grounded in Your Love which passes knowledge and be filled with the fullness of You, Father God. Thank You that our Word is at work in us, cleansing, and sanctifying, correcting and instructing, reproving and encouraging us to continue in the Way of Christ, who is the Author and Finisher of our trust, belief, and our life.

Father God, in The Name of Jesus and according to The Power of The Holy Spirit that is at work within us, we pray Your Hedge of Protecion around us and our families and that we be kept in The Light of Your Word. We thank You that we are covered by The Blood of Your Son, Jesus. You have provided for us Your Armour, Your Word for protection against error and deception of Your Truths; and The Holy Spirit gives us strength as we pray for each other during outward trials and temptations.

Jesus is our Truth, our Righteousness, our Justifier, our Protector, our Salvation, our Triumphant Victor, our Readiness, our Faith, our Living Word, our Baptizer of The Holy Spirit who also gives us His Gifts. We say of The Lord, He is our Fortress, our God, in Him will we trust!

Thank You for Your Willingness to be our Defender, for we set our eyes on You and Your Ways. We thank You that You command Your Angels to guard us, You Watch over our comings and our goings, as we yield to You. Father, Your Name is a Strong Tower of Safety. Your Security surrounds us who fear and reverence You. We cover our dwellings with The Blood of Christ and we pull down anything that exalts itself in our lives above the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank You for the ministry of The Holy Spirit who strengthens our areas of vulnerability.

In The Name of Jesus Christ, The Only Risen Lord, AMEN.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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