Almighty God and Father,
Yours, O Lord, is the Greatness, You are exalted over All! Everything in the heavens and and on earth is Yours! To You be The Glory and Splendour. Honour and Riches in abundance are Yours! You are The Great Giver and Author of Life!

You are The Ruler of All Things and You Sustain All! May You be given praise forever because of Your Master Plan of Salvation for us. Marvellous is Your Wisdom, Lord God Almighty! We Uplift You, for Your Right Hand is Glorious in Supremacy! In the Greatness of Your Majesty, You overthrow all who rise against You! Who else is Like You? Who else is glorious in Holiness like You?

In Your Hand is Power and Might. Be exalted, O Lord in Your Own Strength. You are Perfect and Do Wonderous Majestic Deeds! Thank You for the benefits You bestow on us. We glorify You for You have translated us out of the kingdom of darkness and into Your Kingdom of Love and True Light. You keep us by Your Mighty Power, the Power that raised Christ from the dead! We thank You that we are partakers in Your Mighty Plan and that Your Power is available to us through The Holy Spirit. Your Glory is manifested in the Perfection of Your Character and we have been called unto Your Eternal Glory. May we never enter Your Presence without humbly bowing before You with sacrifices of praise. We do honour You, Father, for Yours is The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory!

You keep us safe in Your Great Authority. You will bring us safely to Your Mountain and plant us in Your Homeland and You shall Reign Forever and Ever! Thank You for Your Word, Your Love and Compassion towards the people of Your Creation.

To You be All Honour, In The Name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Saviour, AMEN.

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