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Prayer Your Kingdom Come


We adore You, Heavenly Father, and make known to You our adoration this day.

Your Glory is


Set Apart is Your Name: EL - You are Exclusive, You Endure, The Strong One, You are The Living God.

Set Apart is Your Name: ELOHIM - The Source of ALL Creation; Universe, Heaven and .Earth; The Creator, The Uppermost One, The Godhead, The Greatness of The Godhead, Diety and Who was In The Beginning, (is the plural .of EL) You are The God of All Might and Strength! You are The Sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords! It is You who made us.

Set Apart is Your Name: ELOAM - The Adorable and Worshipped One. (the plural of .ELOHIM) You are One in Power, You are Absolute Diety, Supreme God, Worthy of our Adoration.

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-SHADDAI - The God Almighty and The God of All Blessings; .Mighty and Great to Nourish and Satisfy. The Tender Giver! You .Enrich and Supply All needs; You are All-Bountiful, All-Sufficient. You Are All-Powerful!

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-OLAM - The Everlasting God, You Reveal Your Plans for this Universe, You are Everlasting God of the Ages! You do not cover Your Mysteries.

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-ROI - The God of All-Seeing! Nothing can be hidden from You!

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-EAZER - The True Helper! You Help all who cry to You, God, The Helper.

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-HANEN - The Gracious God. You have shown Your Grace to us, via Christ.

Set Apart is Your Name: ADONAI - The Lord God, The Master, The Authority and The Responsibility.

You are
JEHOVAH - I AM WHO I AM - The True Eternal God, Self.-Existent, Unchangeable, Faithful and Merciful, Ready to Act, to Save Your people. You are The Owner of all of us who trust in Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-HOSEENU - The Lord our Maker, who renews us and fashions us.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-JIREH - The Lord Who Will Provide. The One Whose Provision is Seen. You See our needs and Willingly Provide for them and You are Able to make any Provision for us - our sins, Jesus took the curse for our sins and Overcame spiritual as well as physical.death for us, and gave us His Victory in all things. You will Always Faithfully see to the solutions of our problems and of our needs.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-MKADDESH - The Lord, our Sanctifier, You have set .us apart for Yourself., for us to obey, to instruct us, to remember You, to be pure, to serve in Your Name.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU - (sid-kay-noo) The Lord is Righteous. You are our Righteousness; Christ was made to be sin for us that we might become fully restored to You, Complete in Christ after being .spiritually dead and separated from You.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-SHALOM - The Lord is our Peace, our Contentment .and Satisfaction in life. We have Peace with You because of Christ, .All is well and secure.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH - You are always there, You never leave .us, nor forsake us. We take comfort and encouragement as we can .confidently say Your Presence is always with us. You have given us Your Holy Spirit.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-ROPHI - Our Healer. The One who makes bitter things sweet. You Forgive all our iniquities and You Heal our diseases, You Restore and Renew. You Cure us spiritually and physically. You are Always Ready to Heal those in need of Healing because of Your Sovereign Mercy.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-NISSI - The Lord is Our Banner of Victory, Our Standard of Covering to whom we belong; Our Ensign of Miracles. Christ is our Banner under whom we do victorious warfare, for He has gone before us and Conquered. Your Banner over us is Love, Our High Flying Flag, Our Emblem over powers that would harm and.deceive.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-ROHI - You are Our Shepherd, You Feed us, You Lead us, You Keep us from thirsting. You are our Companion and.Friend. You Protect and Care. We already have Eternal Life because we chose Jesus as our Friend and our Lord. You have Provided for us a Covenant Reationship with You.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-SABOATH -The Lord of Hosts, The Divine .Controller, The Divine Ruler. You are Lord of the angels, You are Lord of the starry heavens, You are Lord over the fowl of the air, of the animals, You are Lord over the human race and Lord over satanic hordes.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-GMOLAH - The Lord of Recompenses. We must remember not to retaliate against others, You say vengence is Yours.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-MAKKEH - You are The Lord who Smites. It is not up to us to judge others outside The Body of Christ, but leave the Judgement to You. We acknowledge that Your Judgements begins in the church.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-ELOHEENU - The Lord Our God, You are Who You Are, Say and Do!

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-ELOHEKA - The Lord Your God, You are Our.Redeemer, Our Rewarder.

Set Apart is Your Name: JEHOVAH-ELOHAY - The Lord my God. You are our God, individually as well as corporately; Personal faith, (belief and trust) worship, testimony and hope; You are God of the people, but You are God, personally to me.

Set Apart is Your Name: EL-ELYON -The Most High God! You are The First Cause of Everything. You are The Possessor of The Heavens and Earth! You are Perfection! The Highest Sovereign! The Supreme God, who is our Father because of Your Love through Jesus Christ. Christ's Blood has cleansed and redeemed us from the curse of The Law, and Your Wrath caused by the sin of mankind through Adam.You have exalted Above All Else, Your Name and Your Word. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. How privileged we are to be Your Children because of Christ. You have abolished death, spirutually and physically, that which mankind had bought upon themselves and have given us Life for Eternity.

We thank You for all these blessings and promises towards us,
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, AMEN.


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