Prayer PRINT AND COLOUR Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread


Heavenly Father,
Your Kingdom is Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the The Holy Spirit and we give Your Son, Jesus Christ, The Lordship over our lives. We ask You , Father God, to reign and rule over, in and through us as we humbly submit to Christ's Authority and stand in the position of victory that Our Lord Jesus Christ has won for us. May we always establish Your Priorities first in our lives. May we be empowered by The Holy Spirit with the ability, efficiency and might that is required for service to You, Lord God, in Your Kingdom. We ask that many souls be harvested and born of The Spirit into Your Kingdom, joining with us as a royal priesthood.

We ask that Your Kingdom comes not only in our lives, but in the lives of our loved ones, relatives and neighbours, as well as throughout the whole Nation and its individual sectors, such as the Judicial System, Educational Institutions and the Political Arena, Industrial and Business Fields.

We are looking forward for the soon coming of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for He, Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the Voice of the archangel and with The Trump of God; the dead shall rise first, then those which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank You, Father, that Christ shall return to the earth as Promised in Your Word, with all the Holy Ones accompanying Him and He shall be King over all the earth and in That Day continue His Royal Programme over all things! He shall reign forever and ever.

We submit to Your Will before our own self issues, that we will to walk in The Spirit and by Your Word, so as never to be out of step with Your Will and Purposes. May Your Will be done in the lives of our loved ones, those who are in positions of authority in The Body of Christ, and those who minister Your Word to others. Father, we ask that You anoint Your co-workers continually; we lift up before You those who are leaders in our local spiritual Body, may they be a faithful people and have the compassion for lost souls and be vibrant for a harvest. Through Your labourers, who are serving in other countries, with the help of The Holy Spirit, permit the ears of those who have never heard of Christ to be opened, and may they be kept by Your Love. Impart wisdom to all who minister Your Truth as they spend time in prayer and in Your Word. Holy Spirit, as You purify these vessels, let Your Power and Might, Your Gifts, be made manifest through them. Examine all motives, sincerity, serving and giving.

Proclaim Your Will for this Nation and allow Your Purposes to be carried out by the elected leaders and politicians; we ask that all who are in Federal, State and Local government positions be guided by Your Wisdom. Father, we ask for a Refreshing from You to be in this Nation, bring repentance amongst the people and Your Favour upon us as we seek Your Mercy.

Lord God, we pray that Your Will is done in our lives to Your Glory, those paths which You have planned. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done.

In The Righteous Name of Jesus, Your Son, AMEN.

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Managed by Stefan Kreslin,Last updated August 2017