
Prayer <>Print and Colour Lead Us Not Into Temptation

All Praise, Glory and Honour be to You, Father God, who by Your Boundless Mercy, through Christ, for our guilt rested upon Him, has given us the privilege to confess our sin, conscious or unconscious thoughts or actions, where we have failed to meet Your requirements, before You. We ask, In the Name of Jesus for Your Forgiveness and Mercy for that which we have committed toward You and our fellowman.

We ask that The Holy Spirit would convict us of any wrong-doing that which is not pleasing unto You, and to bring us to righteousness. Lord , You see our sins and You know when we are unthankful, think evil of others, when we give way to anger, jealousy, bitterness, grudges, lack of respect for others or just being selfish, stubborn or rebellious; presumptuous or ignorant, when we worry, fret and grumble; thankfully You say that no matter how deep our stain, You can make us as white as snow, purifying our conscience before You, because of what Christ has done for us.

You have taught us how to forgive others, we forgive those who have wronged us or hurt us and we ask You to bless them Lord. Your Love is within us because of The Holy Spirit, whom You have freely given us - may we be attentive always to Him and Your Word. Your Perfect Love, Compassion, Consideration and Grace show up our imperfections which makes us feel ashamed. Lord, You want a humble and contrite heart with a willingness to turn from sin to You.

May others forgive us when we have wronged them. Help us be aware of maintaining good relationships according to Your Word. Thank You Father God, for the Price You Paid for our Redemption and Sanctification, for our forgivenss of sin, to be able to receive Your Mercy, for You to remove our tresspasses and remember them no more.

We desire to confess sins of this Nation, of rebellion, stubbornness, apathy, for cursing and not honouring Your Name, for being ignorant of Your Word, for not setting priorities right, for allowing the exaltation of self, for crimes and corruption to be rampant, for not being good steward of what You have given us, for being silent when Your Truths are compromised, for allowing man-made religions and traditions to be above Your Word. We are truly thankful for this country and its richness and humble ourselves before You and ask forgiveness, we ask that this Nation awakens to Your Righteousness and that as such we truly will be a witness for Christ.

We thank You for Your Forgivenes and Mercy,
In The Name of Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour, AMEN.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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faysuter.3337@gmail.comMobile: 0412 226 117

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Managed by Stefan Kreslin,Last updated 14 December 1998