At the beginning of Jesus' ministry, He knew that He was headed towards His final Passover Celebration and His Death, that was to enable God, The Father, to reconcile mankind to Himself through His Victorious demise. Not counting mankind's sin against them, those who are repentant and accept Christ as His Son, come to redeem them.

Print and Colour
51-Jesus Presented before Jewish Officials
52-Simon carries Jesus' Cross-bar
53-Jesus Submits to a Criminal's Death

Not only Israel, but the whole world needs redemption from all sin, transgression, iniquity, and of all error. This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 52:15. Through the suffering of Christ the nations will be cleansed, and the nations will understand His altation. The righteousness of the Gentiles has always been Israel's mission which is now fulfilled in Christ. (NEED TO KNOW TEXT)He was successfully carrying out the purposes for which he was sent. He did not fail. He was taught of God, He had the strength of God, even though He was scarred and scorned by men, He was uncomplaining.

Back at the armory the soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus, made a crown of long thorns and put it on His head, placed a stick in His right hand as a sceptre and knelt before Him in mockery. They spat on Him and beat Him.

Despite His innocence, he was subjected to horrific suffering. The bad treatment and abuse He received was to show insult and disgrace for a criminal, but this was a mocking of a royal personage. He was the ultimate prophet and servant who spoke for God. His punishment was unjust.

At 9.00 a.m. after the ridicule, Jesus' own garments were put upon Him and the soldiers took Him out to be crucified. It was customary for the condemned criminal to carry the cross-bar, but after a while Jesus was too exhausted physically, because of the whipping, to continue to bear the bar across His shoulders. The soldiers stopped a man called Simon, from Africa, and ordered Him to carry the cross-bar.

The local people and Festival visitors were now awakened and trailed along behind, stricken with grief. Who would believe that God would choose to save the world from destruction and damnation through a humble and obedient servant who was rejected by all those around Him.

By Religious Law, The High Priest laid his hand upon 'the scapegoat' once a year to symbolically atone for the sins of Israel, but God commissioned that the error of mankind was to be laid upon His Son, in reality. Everyone thought that Jesus was to bear the weight of His own sin never thinking that His burden was theirs and for others.

It was a tragedy people to be 'cut down in his prime' with out children to carry on the family line. It was prophesied that The Messiah would die without heirs.The Messiah was to bear the sins of mankind, to make all acceptable to God, to be made righteous before him, to save them, for all else led to spiritual death.

As Jesus went throughout the streets to the crucifixion site outside the City, He thought of them, not of Himself, of their repentance and the doom coming upon the City and its inhabitants. These events were the fulfilled prophecies of Psalm 35:19, Isaiah 50:6, 52:15, 53:2-8. The destruction of Jerusalem was in 70 A.D. less than 40 years later.

Though The Messiah was to die in disgrace, great honour awaited Him, resurrection and freedom He had gained for others, for as the conquering king, He shares His victory. God, The Father awarded His Obedient Son and servant because He poured out His life unto death for the sake of other's transgressions. Jesus was identified with criminals who were rejected from society.

Fulfilling scripture, Jesus hung on the cross between criminals in great pain as His enemies made fun of Him. Because of Jesus' claims that He had made about Himself, His enemies increased and became more critical and sarcastic. Jesus endured verbal abuse about His faith in God, The Father, while on the cross, but His faith, trust and reliance upon God was victoriously evident later when he was resurrected.

In the Psalms, King David speaks accurately of the crucifixion of Christ.

At a crucifixion bones are jolted out of joint as the body is jarred when the person is hoisted up by ropes into position for the nailing of the feet. It was an insult to human dignity to rob His Being of everything even His own clothing in public, not many people suffer this way.

As predicted the soldiers gambled for Jesus' clothing as He hung daying. On the cross He also endured terrible thirst, for which vinegar was offered to soothe the mouth and throat, a sponge was soaked in sour wine, put on a hyssop branch and held to His lips. He tasted it then refused it. (The hyssop was used as a sprinkling device, used in a purification ritual at The Passover Celebration, as it also was used The Night of The Passover when the Israelites were to flee Egypt.).

Jesus, mankind's Passover Lamb was what He had to be, perfect, without defect, without sin, for the sake of others. In contrast to His enemies intent of Christ suffering unto death, He continued to pray for them, those who attacked Him and had taken part in His crucifixion. He still had compassion for them.

At about 12.00 p.m. a great darkness covered the land for three hours and the people became afraid. God had laid upon Jesus, The Christ, the guilt and punishment for the sins of the world, so that sinners could be brought back to God. God's wrath no longer to be held against those who are repentant, and God was available to all through Christ.

The Divine nature and human nature of Christ was never separated, but Jesus' intimate relationship with The Father was broken as He took upon himself the errors of humanity, His communion with The Father that he had always shared was shattered. No other godly person has ever been forsaken by God at the time of death. God does always come to the aid of the cry of a righteous person, but not so in the case of His Son Jesus, it was God's plan for Him, for the sake of mankind. The agony of the separation from The Father took place because of mankind's sin upon Jesus and although Jesus did not complain but appealed to God how long and when would the separation end.

The thick Temple veil ripped in two, from the top to the bottom, this was to show it was not done by man, and it signified that all can approach God, at any time and not just the Jewish High Priest, once a year.





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Last updated August 2017

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