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ZECHARIAH Minor Prophet of Post-exile era 520-480 date B.C.

The Book of Zechariah is the most apocalyptic and messianic of all the minor prophetical books, which gave the people hope in God's promise for future deliverance through The Coming Messiah. Jesus fulfilled many predictions from this text.

Zechariah means The Covenant God remembers

The book of Zechariah contains the prophecies that ministered to the small remnant of Jews who had returned to Babylon. The prophet was also commissioned by God to encourage the people, reminding them of their unfinished responsibility regarding The Temple.

The Book records four sermons 1) Rebuke of empty religious services.

2) A reminder of past disobedience. 3) Restoration. 4) Joy in The Kingdom of God. The message went far beyond the present time to The first and Second Coming Messiah, and the drama of the end of human history. This book is an important prophetic text of eight visions given to the prophet-priest Zechariah.

The Reference work has apocalyptic imagery and detailed graphics and symbols. It is divided into segments.

The Book of the prophet Zechariah is the second of three Post-exilic Texts and is the eleventh Book of the Minor Prophetical Books of which there are twelve. The text includes Post-exile History.



Human strength cannot accomplish the work of God, only enabled by The Holy Spirit can mankind be empowered. The Temple of God is built by God' power. God's Work is dependant upon Him, not by human might or power, He provides the strength of His Spirit and enables obstacles to be removed and overcome. This is an assurance of The Holy Spirit's enablement to remove any complications that may try to hinder the Will of God.

Human might and power also comes from God and in God's sight are powerless against The Greatness, Wisdom, Might and Power of The Spirit. God's plans and purposes are not accomplished by human strength, but succeed because of the strength and capability of The Holy Spirit, who accomplishes anything of lasting value. If people have their dependence and trust in God, and not in their own strength and abilities they will experience the power and might of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who is to be depended upon to accomplish the things of God both in a believer and the tasks of a believer. The Holy Spirit equips and empowers believers and enables believers; His power is bold.

Christ is portrayed as The Great Deliverer King, Servant, Man and God, The Angel of The Lord, The Righteous Branch, The King-Priest, The Cornerstone, Good Shepherd, Tent-Peg, Battle Bow, The Betrayed One, Pierced One, The Smitten Shepherd, The Cleansing Fountain, The Coming Judge.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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