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Jesus' exalted presence will end this time and history as people now know it. He will judge the world and consummate His Kingdom. Every New Testament writer recorded the notification of The Second Coming of Christ, His return to the earth as King over all. Even prophecies on this subject are mentioned by many Old Testament prophets, beginning with the prophet Enoch, the 7th generation from Adam. God will directly intervene in human history to vindicate His righteous people.
All students of The Bible agree to the basic events which are to take place before the return of Christ to Earth. Jesus Himself told of this event. There are aspects which are for unbelievers and sections which apply to and are for believers when God's graciousness is continually spurned; judgement is inevitable. God is Sovereign Power both over nature and nations and when Christ returns it will be the culmination of The Day of The Lord.
No one can mark an exact order of occurrence,
but they will happen. The following are developments that will be in the
unbeliever's life close to the time of Christ's Return. The Bible also
declares it is a waste of time speculating the exact timing of God's judgement,
but to watch and expect Christ's eminent return. God may be patient and
long-suffering in sending judgement, ultimately it will come.
The unredeemed will be an ally with the AntiChrist, a satanic being, similar
to Hitler and Joseph Stalin. This ‘man of lawlessness’ will arrive on the
world scene and deceive many unbelievers who will persecute Christians.
For this action they will face eternal damnation by the just judgement
of Christ.
There are critical times ahead. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. Prophetic warnings in God's Word about the End Time Judgement is designed to bring the rebellious to repentance, in hope that they will be able to receive blessings instead of His wrath.
Many will become unstable fallen victims of various false teachers just prior to Christ's return. As in the days of Noah, there will be judgement upon evil, and as in the days of Lot with the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah, the assessment of error will be repeated. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then suddenly the flood came and destroyed them all.
It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But as soon as Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed". Jesus' Return will be seen by all, unbelievers and believers alike.
There has always been war, famine, earthquakes
and they will continue. During these famines, prices are to be inflated
at least ten times the normal amount and may not affect some. There will
be limits set upon the amount of destruction by war and unbelievers will
cruelly persecute the believers of Christ on the earth in these last days.
The Second Coming will prove to scoffers who do not believe that God intervenes
in world affairs, they have forgotten the events of creation of the flood
and the promise of the dissolution of the present heavens and earth.
The Bible quotes that it is a frightful time of dread. God’s vengeance
is fierce and His judgements are executed with awesome power. The Second
Coming of Christ to the world is judgement.
The coming of the Lord is a time of awesome judgement upon people and nations. In the End Times, even the nations will have to give an account of themselves to God, those who have rebelled against Him.It will be a blessing upon those who have trusted in God and have not rebelled against Him. There will be great apostasy, nominal religion and the revelation of the Antichrist who will deceive many people.
Great deception will cause many to dismiss
The Truth of Christ, and the rise of the occult will be strongly evident,
as well as self-knowledge. False prophets, including the 'son of rebellion'
the Antichrist, will exalt himself and demand worship from others, proclaiming
himself to be God. The domain of The Antichrist will be universal, the
world's self-system will be in command throughout the nations. One false
world-wide religion will be distinct. It is possible that The Antichrist
could head a dictatorship, a system of administration of 10 world powers.
The domain of The Antichrist will be universal, the world’s self-system
will be in command throughout the nations. One false worldwide religion
will be distinct. It is possible the The Antichrist could head a dictatorship,
a system of administration of 10 world powers.
The Antichrist is directly opposed to Jesus Christ, and will deny the Truths about Him. The Antichrist is a self-appointed rival to God and he is the sign of the very last days. His defeat is assured.
The Bible says that the Antichrist will demand loyalty, and those that pledge their allegiance to him, will have his same fate at the end. Christ's revelation from heaven holds terrifying implications for those who have not believed and trusted in Him. Jesus' return includes the resurrection of the dead, first for the righteous and then the wicked. Judgement is entrusted to Jesus Christ. Those who have not responded to Jesus Christ will be condemned.
At Jesus' Second coming He will be
plainly visible and the timing will be unexpected. Christ's return will
be in Flaming fire, having vengeance upon those who have rejected God,
The Source of All Things. They will be punished and banished from the presence
of The Lord Jesus Christ.
The Day of the Lord is the period which is at the end of human history.
The New Testament emphasises the suddenness of the Lord's return and the
certainty of His judgement on unbelief.
God will judge these things as He has in the past. The past judgments are
on Satan, Adam and Eve, on Cain for murder of his brother, on mankind by
flood, judgement at Babel on mankind, judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah by
fire and brimstone as a sample of the coming Wrath of God against evil.
The nation of Egypt was judged by plagues in Moses' time which were all
against each god the Egyptians worshipped, The nation of Israel itself
has been punished and so were other nations in the Old Testament who went
too far in oppressing Israel in their punishment. Many individuals were
also punished. In the New Testament there were the deaths of Sapphira and
Ananais who had lied to The Holy Spirit.
The list of Laws in Deuteronomy show the blessing of the obedient and the curses that hang over those who are not obedient; these laws and principles are still in operation to day. God acts upon His judgements to bring about correction and restoration of people, for He deals with matters that are of Eternal Value.
Christ died on Calvary freeing believers
from the curse of The Law and of His Wrath at the end of the age, and not
be condemned with the rest of the world who reject Him and who He sent
to represent Himself, His Son The Lord Jesus Christ.
God's judgement against evil will be sure and everlasting and His Kingdom
of righteousness will last forever.
God's judgement on His enemies will include
plagues accompanied by great upheavals in nature. Disaster foreshadows
the final judgement. Christ's Wrath is the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets
portrayed in the Book of Revelation. God The Father's Wrath is in the imagary
of the Seven Bowls. This Wrath is justified because of evil and it would
not be wrong to add, because of the lack of acknowledgment for His Grace
and Mercy, God, has not received from the people of His creation. The passing
of God's time is unlike that of mankind. The waiting of Jesus' return is
due to God's patience and love, wanting to save more individuals by coming
to the knowledge of Christ.
Unbelievers will experience 'a second death', the permanent separation
of unbelievers from God after The White Throne Judgement.
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In nature, conscience and history, God has revealed Himself to humankind. Ever since God created the world His invisible qualities, both His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen by all , which leave all persons without an excuse to deny His existence. God has planted religious belief in mankind. People suppress the Truth about God and His Christ and because of such rejection He righteously pours out His wrath against the rebellious.
Eternal judgement is the punishment of evil and corruption.
Those who refuse to believe or trust in God,
persist in sin and rebellion. They are spiritually blind and disobedient.
The consequences of an unbeliever are really woeful. All those who reject
God come under His judgement.
There is sadness at the judgement on the faithless people, of those who
have neglected social justice, for those who have been careless leaders,
for those whose religions blind themselves and for misleading others, for
those who cause others the sin, and for those who experience the last days.
In nature, conscience and history, God has revealed Himself to humankind.
Ever since God created the world His invisible qualities, both His eternal
power and Divine nature have been clearly seen by all , which leave all
persons without an excuse to deny His existence. God has planted religious
belief in mankind. People suppress the Truth about God and His Christ and
because of such rejection He righteously pours out His wrath against the
Eternal judgement is the punishment of evil and corruption.
Those who refuse to believe or trust in God, persist in sin and rebellion. They are spiritually blind and disobedient. The consequences of an unbeliever are really woeful. All those who reject God come under His judgement.
Believers will take part in the work of Judgement of the world and of the fallen angels. For Christians there is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, which expresses a personal relationship with His people. For the World which has rejected God, there is the Great Supper of God, the eating of the dead by birds of the air, a grim contrast to a wedding supper.
Jesus, The Christ returns as a Warrior-Messiah-King.
SCRIPTURES Matthew 24:7-12, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, Revelation 1: 2:16,
19:21. QUESTIONS 1] What are some of the signs of the times of the last days? 2] What will the Antichrist command? 3] Why is there Christ's Wrath and God's Wrath? 4] How does the Marriage Supper of The Lamb differ from The Great Supper of God? |
ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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