God's Will is unchangeable (yesterday, today and forever). In His eternal Word His Will is immutable in salvation, (all are saved by grace) in judgement which has been charged to Christ, in morals which are His godly living principles.
The Will of God involves His wishes, resolves, wants and desires and it is to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. God's exact Will for Christians is to include in their lives His desires, plans and purposes that are made known in His Word.
The Will of God includes, Christians not being conformed to the world as a prerequisite to finding out His Will, being faithful, to be set apart, to be joyful, to pray and to be thankful in everything and to do good.
God's plan is worked out according to His Will. God will bring to pass what He has purposed. His Sovereign Will determines all things, including the end of this age, and His purposes can not be prevented.
God's Will is Sovereign, Immutable, Good, Acceptable and Perfect. God's Will is founded on divine wisdom, and has been determined from eternity.
Only God has all authority, it is His pleasure to reveal His Will and plan for His people, also the nations. Though all of God's Will is not known, part of His plans are revealed in His Word, and is revealed to mankind when His time is ready.
Christians do know His Sovereign Will concerning the Jew and Gentile because of Jesus' Works of The Cross, which were revealed in the Garden of Eden at the beginning, that mankind would be redeemed through Christ. Jesus came to do The Will of God.
Human compassion comes from the Will of God. His unchanging plan has been to adopt believers into His kingdom. God's Kingdom is open to those who do His Will. They are predestined for eternal Life through Christ.
To know God's unchanging Will, His Word must be known. The Bible urges every believer to prove of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect. God has always made known His Will to mankind in general and to individuals. God's Will is to guide His people as they ask for His guidance. His Will directs the lives of the saints, and He delights in them.
Having a worldly nature does prevent people from the capacity of knowing and doing the perfect Will of God. God's wisdom is not found in human philosophy. God's Will for His commands and principles should not be taken out of the context of His Word.
Besides God desiring for everyone to live according to His Word, the most important thing that God Wills for people, is to believe in Christ. That is the first step to doing and being in God's Will. God does have a plan for each believer's life. Once saved God gives them a new nature which combats the old carnal nature.
If you do not know God's Will for your life you are denying
yourself the goodness of God, His promises to believers. God is the giver
of every good and perfect gift.
God's Will is perfect because He is prefect.
The Will of God can be discovered by every believer. God wants believers
to know and understand His revealed Will.
A believer needs to know God's Will, and in order that Christians do know God's Will, a believer is to seek His principles. Each believer should sincerely seek to do God's Will, by searching the Scriptures to know His Will and to recognise the ministry of the indwelling of The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit leads believers into all Truth, gives guidance and also helps them to be fully committed to Christ. The Bible reveals that God has a perfect plan for every believer, to be filled with the knowledge of His Will.
God's wisdom through The Holy Spirit will be revealed through prayer and the reading of God's Word. Wisdom to know the perfect Will of God for a believer's life is a gift of God. Spiritual understanding comes from the Knowledge of God and spiritual wisdom is for knowing the Will of God.
Plans for the lives of believers, are to receive God's wisdom, to please Him and be fruitful in good works (godly works). There are clear statements in Scripture to help believers know God's Will. The content of The Bible is God's Will and it is to be applied to everyday living. It is impossible to be rebellious and please God. Worldly intelligence will never lead to the perfect Will of God.
A central aspect of The Will of God is that His people are to be faithful and obedient. God takes great joy in those who cheerfully do His Will. It is His Will that Christians continue to learn about Him, to grow in His Grace, to study His Word, to share with others the Gospel of Christ. God's Will is specific, profitable and continuous (unbroken).
God desires justice and righteousness for the world, honesty and truth in all areas of life, harmony and peace. God's choice for His people is that He desires them to be loving and obedient, to worship Him, to be willing to be set apart for Him, and for His people to love one another. God requires high moral standards. God's purpose outweighs human will, and the wants of the wicked, however, God's Will can and does harmonise with human will.
God in His zeal demands exclusive loyalty from His people and for them to honour His Name.
God has a plan and purpose for His Creation which shall be a accomplished. His Will prevails in peoples lives and circumstances, it is fulfilled through individuals, (God does not invalidate their free will, nor remove them from being accountable for their actions).
God's ultimate Will is to save, through redemption, the people of His Creation from eternal suffering and separation from Him forever and ever. God's Will is Sovereign over all things, creation and over evil.
The intent and purpose of God, as revealed in Scripture through all the Books of His Word, is for His created people, that they might find their fulfilment in Jesus Christ.
SCRIPTURES-Exodus 18:15,16, 1Kings 22:6,7, Amos 5:24, Matthew 22:35-38,
Ephesians 1:9, 3:4-11, 1Thessalonians 4:3, 1Peter 2:9. QUESTIONS 1] How does God reveal His Will? 2] How is God's Will fulfilled? 3] What is God's Will for the world? 4] What does God require of His redeemed people? |
ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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