Eternal God, Our Father, We worship You and praise You for Your Infinite Wisdom and Knowledge. O God of Creation. You Know All Things at All times and Your Knowledge is All -Inclusive from beginning to end-there is nothing that You do not know! There has never been a time, Father God, when You did not know ALL!
Your Word tells us about Your Infinite Wisdom and Knowledge. Holy are You; You have Wisdom by Your very Essence, You need not have to aquire it. You can be Trusted above All, for Your Plans are the Wisest that could ever be devised. Great is Your Wisdom and Your Understanding! Vast are Your Riches! How impossible it is to understand Your Decisions and Methods. You are Sovereign over All. What a Wonderful God we have! In Your Majesty and Beauty, there is Power and Strength. Everything Lives by Your Power and is for Your Glory and Honour.
In Your Greatness, You Cover and Protect those who depend upon You, and Father God, You are a God who knows His people intimately; our thoughts, attitudes and motives of our hearts, for nothing in all of Your Creation is hidden from You. Our true happiness comes from knowing You through The Only Saviour of mankind, Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We worship and adore You. You have given us the Holy Spirit's Power within us, making us pure and a fragrant priesthood unto Yourself, all because of what Our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us; blessings and peace of heart and mind with you, Father God; enriching our lives, giving us full understanding of the Truth and Message of The Cross of Christ, through the Inspiration of Your Word and The Holy Spirit, for Your Glory.
We humbly bow in awe of Your Majesty and Splendour: Our Father, God
of All Creation, All-Knowing, You are Worthy, Just and Faithful. Such Perfection
is too Wonderful for our minds to comprhend; Wisdom too Immense for us
to know. We give You the sacrifices of praise and worship, Father God.
In the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit and In The Precious Name of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, we come in your presence. AMEN.
Sovereign God, Your Holy Presence Fills the heavens and the earth. You are Present Everywhere. All the time! Your Presence comforts us in all situations. You are Always there with us, Ready to Deliver us and You Guarantee this to us.
You are our Refuge and Strength and Ever-present Help in trouble, to relieve our fears in our greatest need or desperation, You are There admist our joyous time, You are There. You see us as we enjoy Your Creation around us. You are amongst our praise and worship and You accept our petitions. You empower us for any task that You desire of us to accomplish for Your glory!
You are Sovereign King of The Universe! You Know Everything that happens and You are a Witness to it all. You are Truly Almighty. Nothing happens unless You Permit it. You are Present through-out ALL of Your Creation.
Your Presence brings us Joy unspeakable! Overwhelming Joy and Security that none other gives. We praise and worship You for guidance and leading us in the Truth of Reality. You are The Almighty God! You do Reign over all You have Created. Hallelujah!
Praise You for Your Wisdom in Christ Jesus, uniting mankind One in the Spirit with You. We thank You, Holy Spirit, that You teach us to be like Jesus, serving others. May we do what You would have us do to Your Glory and Splendour.
In The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, we approach Your Holy Throne, Father God. AMEN.
Almighty God and Father, Yours, O Lord is the Greatness and the Power, the Majesty, the Splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours! You are The Supreme God! Infinite is Your Power, Amazing is Your Name! You have the Power to do All things that are constant with Your Awesome Character! Your Power is Greater than Your Works; You Can Do more than You have done or will do. What a marvellous Act is the Creation of ALL Things! You Created everything by commanding that it be so! BUT HOW MUCH GREATER IS THE CREATOR!!!
Almighty God, You are King of Kings, Lord of Lords-None of Your Purposes can be thwarted! All that You Desire or Promise, You do! You are Supreme! It is Your Nature to do all Good Things! You have the Power to execute and accomplish what You Say! You have the Ability to do all that You Will to do!
Mighty and Awesome is Your Being; You have proven to all that Your Power is Inexhaustible! Not only do we reverence You in Your Creation, but also continually controlling Your Universe of Your Creation, daily, yearly, over the centuries of time.
Your Power is displayed in the Preservation of Your Creation. You are The Preserver of man and beast. You Sustain All Things by Your Word, and Your Word brings Truth!
All Life comes from You and You have given us Eternal Life-those who believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ. You have always had Power over the principalities of darkness and Christ has given His Believers Power over the rulers of darkness, because of His Victorious obedience to You, Father God. Christ openly made a shew of His Victory during His Time here on earth and His ultimate Triumph over His Own Death, by His Resurrection and Ascension. Your Holy Spirit which You have made available to us, renews our darkened hearts and shows us the Light of Truth.
We worship You, Ancient of Days, In The All Powerful Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
O Lord God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Name is the manifestation of Your character. Your Name has No separate existence, for in You, Lord God, is Yourself. Yours is The Power, Glory, Victory and Majesty. Everything in heaven and earth is Yours. It is Your Kingdom and we are in awe of You. You are The Ruler of All Creation, the Ruler of mankind, which at present, You have bestowed upon Your Son Jesus. You are The Supreme God of Heaven. True Wisdom is Yours. You are Mighty. You have made Yourself known to us through Jesus Christ, Our Saviour and Nothing is in comparison to Your Promises to mankind. You are our Shield, our Helper, our Excellent Sword. You Hold every Living Thing in Your Hand and the breath of mankind, yet You listen to an individual prayer. You give Accessibility of Yourself to Your people.
Your Name Protects. You Save by Your Name. Your Saving Acts and Your Gifts testify that You are near. Your people Trust in Your Name, Rejoice in Your Name, Hope in Your Name and In Jesus' Name people are Expectant of answered prayer.
Praise is due You and celebrations for Your infinite Grace, Blessed Source of Creation, we stand in awe over Your Sovereign Order; of Providing spectacular sights and wonders; stars that stretch from horizon to horizon, land and sea animals, birds and plants; the making of man and his intelligence. Provision for All! You have graciously granted man to have rule in Your Creation and power over Your creatures.
Mighty God, Whose Glory is displayed throughout Your Creation, You have appointed the praises of Your children to silence the powers of darkness, and You will be revered Forever by Your saints who are Your Kingly priests, who rejoice in Your Deeds.
Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, in whose Name we pray and worship You, AMEN.
Supreme God of Heaven and Earth, of ALL Things, You are Worthy to receive all Glory, all Honour and all Praise; the Adoration of Your people. You are The Source and Creator of all things and by Your Will they exist, and were produced.
Blessings and praise be to You, God, The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By Your Mercy we have been born anew to a Living Hope, through the Death and Resurrection of Christ. You have Highly exalted Christ and Bestowed on Him The Name which is above every other Name and that at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of You , Father God.
We praise You, Almighty God, to whom all angels praises are sung-HOLY-HOLY- HOLY-
-The Company of Apostles praise You.
-The Company of Prophets praise You.
-The Company of Evangelists praise You.
-The Company of Teachers praise You.
-The Company of Believers praise You.
-The Company of Martyrs praise You.
We acclaim Holy To You, Father of Majestic Glory.You are not limited or
We acclaim Holy To You, Jesus, Son of The Living God.
We acclaim Holy To You, Holy Seven-fold Spirit of God. The Vastness of
the Universe does show of Your Handiwork.
We acknowledge and joyfully celebrate Your Glory- Your Goodness- Your Righteous
Acts- Your Miracles- Your Sovereignty- Those who trust in You, trust not
in vain, for You do not forget the needy, the afflicted, the helpless,
those who are oppressed, or those who are hurting. Your Righteousness evokes
the trust of those who look to You.
Hollowed be The Lord God Almighty! Holy Spirit, we warm to Your Sensitive
Guiding, thrill to Your Boldness of The Word of God and rejoice at the
Uplifting of Jesus!
Sovereign God, we declare to You Praises and make known to You our adoration. In the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Lord God of Hosts, You are The Absolute Over All! O you of His creation, give thanks to His Name, call upon His Name; make known His Works throughout the nations! Sing to Him. Sing praises to Him. Let all Glory in Your Holy Name.
Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and His Strength; Yearn for and seek His Face and to be in His Presence. Sing to the Lord all the earth; show forth from day to day His Salvation. Declare His Glory among the nations; His Marvelous Works among all peoples! For Great is The Lord and greatly to be praised. He is to be reverently feared above all 'so-called self-made gods' for the gods made by people are lifeless idols, but The Lord God made the Universe! Honour and Majesty are found in His Presence. Strength and Joy are found in His Shelter. Ascribe to The Lord, you families of the people. Assign to Him Glory and Strength. Attribute to The Lord the Glory due to His Name. Come before Him and worship The Lord in the Beauty of Holiness and Holy array. Tremble and reverently fear Him. Let men say among the nations, The Lord God Reigns!
Your people contemplate and talk of all Your Wondrous Works and devoutly praise and worship You. We praise and extol The King of Heaven, all whose Works are Truth and Judgments fair! We praise and honour You, who lives forever; whose Dominion is an Everlasting Kingdom. All inhabitants of the earth are Your Creation and are nothing compared to Your Majesty, Your Dazzling Splendour and Might in All Your Works. None can stay Your Hand or Question Your Doings. You are Lord over All!
Jesus Your Son, is Our Lord and Saviour, we yield to His Authority in
our lives and ask Him to be Head and Lord over
- our spiritual life -our thought life -our household
-our physical life -our daily living -our families
-our selfish will -our emotions -our finances.
We ask the Help of The Holy Spirit to teach us the Truths of Your Word, Father, and we acknowledge that You are The Source of mankind and that You are an Awesome God. Your Plan of Salvation shows Your Love and Your Greatness and we know that You will Direct our paths if we but ask, In The Mighty and Victorious Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Almighty God, Eternal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; The Source, The Creation, The Sustainer and Possessor of the Universe. You are Worthy to be adored, worshipped and praised!
You are The King of Glory, The Heavens declare Your Glory to us here on earth. You Give wisdom to the people whom You Created. May all worship Your Sovereignty and for The Love Shown by Christ Jesus, and for The Holy Spirit and His Gifts. Worthy to receive worship and praise is Christ Jesus. Worthy is The Lamb-Deliverer-Rescuer-Redeemer.
Exquisite God and Father, You are Worthy of praise for Your Unending flow of Blessings upon Your people. Your Favour is our uttermost source of joy for it is the Greatest Blessing and it is The Well-Spring of others.
We praise You Lord, for Deliverance and Answered prayer. We give You thanks, Lord God Almighty, for Your Personal interaction with Your people through history, on behalf of Your people and for those in the future who will become disciples of Christ. We are 'armed' with The Sword of The Spirit for standing firm against and overcoming the dark powers that are arrayed against The Kingdom of God. We over-come them and are triumphant because we are under The Banner of Christ, who has already won The Victorious Battle for us!
You are adored and praised because of the honour You have bestowed on those who reverence You, for our Salvation, Redemption, Peace and Abundant Provision. You have made known to us Your Holy Will.
Alll creatures in heaven and earth will praise and worship The God Almighty of Creation, of our Life. We magnify You and Your Name; Your Way is Perfect. Your Word is Tried and Tested-It is a Shield to all who take refuge in You and put their trust in Your Hands.
May our praise and worship be set forth as perfume before You. Our mouths shall be filled with Your Praises, for Your Loving Kindness is better than Life and Your Mercy endures Forever. We are exalted because of You,
In The Almighty, Magnificant Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN
Sovereign Father, We magnify You for Your Mighty Works. We praise You for Your Unequaled Greatness, for Your Mighty Power and Wisdom. We rejoice in You, God Our Maker. All should praise and worship You for Your Creation. You but Spoke and ALL came into being. You are Worthy to receive praise. Your glorious Presence is Greater than all heaven and earth!
Happy are we who have You as our Helper and whose Hope is in You. You Love the people whom You have Created. You Protect those who love You. You Support the humble. Your Joy is those who reverence You and those who expect You to be loving and kind and put their trust in You. You Rebuild and Heal the broken-hearted. You Bind up their wounds. How Great You Are! Your Understanding is Unlimited! Great is Your Name!
We worship You Father God, for You are the Source of Your Plan for our redemption. We worship You, Jesus, Begotten Son of The Father, for You carried out The Plan of The Father and accomplished for us our redemption. We worship You, Holy Spirit of God, for by You is our redemption administered.
We meditate about Your Glory, Splendour, Majesty and of Your Miracles. Your Awe-Inspiring Deeds are on our tongue. We proclaim Your Righteousness, Faithfulness and mercy. Your Greatness is beyond our discovery. Your compassion is intertwined with all that You Do!
You are exalted Almighty God, because The Good News of Your Son, Jesus Christ, promised to us, becomes a living reality when we accept Him as Lord. He came from above, from Your Presence, lived and died, rose from the dead and returned to heaven. He has The Holy Nature of You Yourself and now through Him, Your Kindness is being poured out upon us. We have been invited by The Holy Spirit at Your Request to be Your people. We thank you for Your Mercy and Peace.
All Glory be to You, God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. In the Faithful Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Holiness be to You Father God, Our Father and The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us The Hope and Assurance to an Inheritance, Incorruptible and Undefiled, that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for us. We praise and worship You, Father, for we are kept by Your Power. Great is Your Faithfulness and Great is Your Compassion. As a father loves his child so You Love us.
You are our Shield; In Your Mercy You give us Your Grace. No 'good thing' will You with- hold from us, those who walk uprightly.
O Lord of Hosts, You are Worthy of All Honour, for it is due to You. You are Righteous in all Your Ways and Gracious in all Your Works. The Hosts of Heaven worship You. You are Immortal and Live in Light so bright, man cannot look and see for Your Brilliance that shines forth would blind us. Each generation shall praise You and Your Mighty Works, and declare Your Awesome Deeds! They shall utter Your Great Goodness and shall sing of Your Righteousness.
Yours is The Power, The Majesty, The Glory and The Victory; for all that is in the heavens and in the earth are Yours. Yours is the kingdom, and You are exalted over all! We will to serve and worship You with reverent awe, bowing down before You. The godly will worship You! Your Sovereignty is Fragrant with all Your Loving Kindness and Truth! O, how we praise You, Lord God of Hosts! Your Glorious Light shines through the darkness. You Judge with Complete Fairness. Great are You Forever and ever.
Your Purposes will Stand! You are What You claim to be. You are Complete! You are Holy, and we exalt and honour You with the Help of The Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord, You angels of His, give Him praise for His Glory and Strength, Wisdom and Holiness. We worship You Lord God, for Your Majesty and Your Splendour.
We praise You for Your Son, Jesus Christ. It is In His Name, we hope to dignify, adore, praise and set You apart from all else. AMEN.
Sovereign God, You are Worthy of our adoration because of who You are and for Your Graciousness towards us.
All world events are under Your Control. You give man their wisdom and
scholars their intelligence. You Reveal Profound Mysteries, beyond man's
under-standing. You Know All Things! We praise and worship You, The Most
High God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose Rule is from everlasting
to everlasting and whose Kingdom is forever more. Nothing compares to You,
The Living God, The Unchanging God, whose Kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and whose Power will never end!
You Do Great and Awesome Miracles for Your people. All the godly shall
praise You, for Everything You Do is Worthy of our trust in You-You have
proven Yourself to be so. Your Plans stand forever, O God. You Defend truth,
humility and justice. You do Awesome Deeds that are inspiring to all who
know You. Justice is Your royal Sceptre.
You Love what is Good. You Know the secrets of hearts; You are a Tested Help in times of trouble. Be exalted, O Lord in Your Own Strength! Because of Your Stability and Trustworthiness, You are a Rock that remains Immovable for Your people, no matter what happens.
You are Unchangeable, You will Always be Who You Say You are! You will Always be All- Seeing, All-Present, All-Knowing, Holy, Faithful, Merciful and A Just Judge! Your Truth is Unchangeable! Your Word Stands Forever. You never take back Your Word or Your Promises nor Your Gifts. What You have Proclaimed remains the same. How futile is man's ways before You!
Your Character always remains the same. You want to spare man from Eternal Separation from You. Your created people should tremble in awe of You, The Lord God of Hosts Who Will Forever Reign. You have made Yourself known to us through Your Word and Your Precious Son, Jesus. How we need the Guidance of Your Holy Spirit! Your Purposes do not change and Your Plan for each generation will be worked out to Perfection; the Purposes of Your Heart.
It is a joy for us as we discover new Truths about You. We praise and worship You Jesus. Holy, Holy, Holy, to You Lord God Almighty. In The Glorious Name of Jesus, The Lord of Lords and The King of Kings, AMEN.
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