Heavenly Father,
I humbly submit myself to You and to The Lordship of Jesus Christ, my Saviour, for my whole being to be in Your Rest given by Your Presence. I am grateful that You have made provision for me so that I can live filled with Your Spirit producing Fruits of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self- control. I recognise that this is part of Your Will and Gift to me.
Lord Jesus, it is because of You that I can be cleansed from all unrighteousness, and I confess my faults before The Father, asking for His Mercy and I give You all the praise for what You have obediently done for me. May I always seek to know the full reality and importance of Your Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Your Ascension, Your Glorification and The Work of Pentecost in acknowledging The Love of God, The Father. I ask The Holy Spirit to give me a deep reverence for You, Heavenly Father, and to assist me to live a good clean life as a child and priest in Your Kingdom, shining as a light, a beacon on a hill for all to see Your Glory, holding out to others The Word of Life, because of Christ.
I invite the Precious Holy Spirit to fill my mind so that there remains no unwelcome thoughts or distractions while I am at Prayer or reading Your Word, Father God. May I be sensitive to the leading and guidance of The Holy Spirit at all times, for I am dependent upon Him for prayer, worship, intercession, supplications for self and others; for strength and to enlighten Your Word. I thank You, Holy Spirit, for You Speak to my heart, quicken God's Word to me and purify my motives as You continue to work in me. You enable me to become an instrument of The Father in prayer and deed. Please pray in me and through me for the exaltation of Christ Jesus.
Father God, I ask in the Name of Jesus, for deeper
anointings of The Gifts of The Holy Spirit to be used to glorify Christ
and in His Name, I rebuke any spirit of error that would distort The Truth
of Christ Jesus in my life. May the Strength and Power of The Holy Spirit
be manifested in me for Your Glory and for Your Honour.
In The Name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN.
Father God, in The Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, we give thanks and we give praises to You for our country and its people. We thank You for our heritage and for the freedom we have. We praise You for Your grace and Your Mercy that You have extended towards our Country. Father, Your Word promises if we, Your people, will humble ourselves, pray and seek Your Face, turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our Land. What a Glorious Promise!
We, as the Body of Christ, have sinned before You-we desire to seek Your Face and ask for Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness so that You might Restore uprighteousness in our Nation. We desire to make intercession for our Nation; we confess our sin, our rebellion, our stubbornness and pride. We ask for Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness as a Nation, from its apathy, for cursing Your Name, for being ignorant of Your Word, for not setting our priorities aright; for allowing the exaltation of flesh, for not being good stewards of what You have Given us -natural resources-human resources, our families-our aged-our poor and needy-our young-the unborn and for being silent when Your Truths are compromised with man-made religion and traditions that have become idolatry or abominations that have filtered into false doctrine that has been taught as Your Truth.
We ask You to forgive our country for being involved in allowing crime and corruption to be rampant and pardon us for our complacency and our compromising of truth, morals and justice. Lord, we ask for Your Mercy to be poured out upon this Nation, according to Your Loving Kindness, according to the Tender Mercies to blot out our transgressions. Merciful Father, please cleanse us from our sins for we acknowledge them, and humble ourselves before You, in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.
We stand in agreement with Your Word and In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as we stand against the satanic powers and the evil in the heart of man; we, as Christ's Body, refute any spirit of lust, greed, pride, or rebellion in this Nation and we ask You, Father God, to send forth Your angels to do battle and war in the heavens and bring deliverance from the adversary who would desire to trap and deceive us. May a Godly sorrow that works repentance come forth in the hearts of the people and leaders in all areas of authority in our Nation. Father, we pray for our Nation to awake to righteousness and sin not.
Blessed is the Nation who has the One and Only Mighty God as their Lord. We beg You to send forth a great hunger and thirst for Your Word to advance in this Nation and a desire to get right with You, Our Creator. Holy spirit, please open the eyes of understanding that we might see what is happening to our Country. May Jesus be uplifted in this Nation, in every area of influence in our society, governmental, judiciary and educational institutions, in industry, commerce, arts, medicine, the armed forces, media, sports, technology and agriculture. Righteousness exalts a nation as does humility and fear of You.
May this Nation be Your Light to other Nations and cause righteousness
to come forward as repairers. We thank You, Heavenly Father for those You
are training and preparing for places of influence. We thank You that Your
Word is published and read by the people of this Country. We ask for ears
to hear, for eyes to see and hearts to be converted by The Holy Spirit.
Thank you that You respond to the sincerity of our prayers for this Nation,
for whom we intercede. As part of the Body of Christ, we thank You for
Your Word, which is both Truthful and Faithful in accordance with Your
In the Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour, we uplift this
Nation before You. AMEN.
Gracious Most Merciful Father,
I wholeheartedly support, back up and give full
weight and am in agreement with Your Specially Chosen Warriors for Your
Purposes in Prayer, whenever they come before Your Throne in Prayer and
ask for Your Oversight and help for-
Ask for Your Mercy upon this Country and its people and the
Spiritual and physical necessities of the needy, the sick, the poor, the
lonely, the hungry, the homeless, the oppressed, the lost, the widowed
and the orphaned. Those who live in the streets or trash dumps of cities
and towns throughout the world, as so many are forced to do. Those who
are at this present time in the midst of war, or are political prisoners.
Those who are presently imprisoned and persecuted for the teaching of Your
Truths of Christ to others, or for just being a disciple of Christ.
When they bring before You The City in which we live; may there be a repentance
of the people and that they allow Christ to be Lord of the people in this
city and other cities throughout the world. Any educational system where
many are taught doctrines of humanity only. For the people and the leaders
of this Country to recognise Your Sovereignty, and for the Nations of Nations
to do the same.
For Your Guidance and Your Hand to be upon the
politics and economy of this Land of people. When the Ministries of The
Body of Christ Asks for The Guidance of Your will to be carried out through
them. Lift up before You, the Missionaries and their families, in this
Country or abroad. Bring to You, the fourth, third and second world countries.
The burden of Your Heart-The Lost of the Nations. Asks Your guidance in
their own lives, ministries and families. Asks Your Guidance for the local
churches. Father, I ask that wherever Your Word, The Gospel of Jesus Christ,
is preached, may there be a repentance, many Sign and Wonders and Gifts
following in the Power and Might of The Holy Spirit, all because of Christ
for our sakes.
In His Precious Name, I join with others in Prayer. AMEN.
Almighty Heavenly Father, You have given man the power to reason, discover and invent. We uphold before You in prayer all those who are in a position of authority to affect the lives of the people in this Country, daily. May they know You, The Living God and Your Son, Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Saviour; those who are working in the field of the Arts, Media, the administrators, producers, scriptwriters, directors, actors, theatre workers in drama and musicals, recording artists of any type, announcers, television and radio newsreaders and those who make the decisions for the items in magazines, newspapers, television and radio.
We ask that they be guided to be an influence for good in their various spheres. May they stand firm against temptations to lower their standards of morality for the sake of popularity and we ask in The Name of Jesus, that their judgements be not perverted by the greed for money. Let someone, guided by You, continually remind them of the tremendous responsibility that has been given to those in the Media, Arts and Writing Professions.
Lord, we, as the public also must have the discernment as we read. listen or watch any type pf media or arts. Movies that are violent make our hearts harden and our minds become able to accept brutality and obscenity. Instil in the public, good plain common-sense for healthy programmes that are profitable to us, and aid us we pray to use wisdom when we select entertainment.
Help us Lord, to test everything; to hold fast to that which is good
and to abstain from every evil and may You, Father, The God of Peace sanctify
us wholly and we ask that our spirit, mind and body be kept sound and blameless
until the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank You for the Victorious
life we have through Christ, Our Lord and Our Redeemer, who gave His Life
for us. We are thankful for the Wonderful Gift of The Holy Spirit. Praise
be to God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit.
In The Name of Jesus, we come to You Father, in prayer concerning mankind
in the fields of the Media and of The Arts. AMEN.
Sovereign Father of Nations, In The Name of Your Holy Anointed Son, Jesus, we come before You in prayer to present the Nation of Israel and The Jewish People to You. We ask You to bless this Nation.
We agree with You and ask for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray that the Jewish People will not persist in their unbelief of Jesus Christ, their Promised Messiah, of His Immaculate Birth and Life, His Death, Resurrection and His Ascension, and of His Glorification, as recorded by the Jewish prophets. We pray that they might repent and obtain Your Mercy and Forgiveness. We ask that they be under Your Protection and Your Divine Love. May they realise that their Salvation comes in The Person of Your son, Jesus, for with Him is their Redemption.
Many today, might be in the 'valley of decision' by the moving of the Holy spirit. We ask that the Jewish People will come to confess that Jesus, The Christ, is Your Messiah, The Son of God, come in the flesh and is the guarantee of a Strong, Better Covenant.
May those who try to obtain their salvation by the Jewish Law realise their fruitlessness of works and that Christ, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, became The Passover Lamb, The Suffering Servant, Wounded, but Triumphant for their lives everlasting, by offering Himself, His Life Blood according to The Father's Will, for their sin and their transgressions, iniquities and sorrows as predicted by the forefathers of the Jewish Race under the influence of The Holy Spirit.
Thank You Lord, that The Holy Spirit searches
and convicts of sin, righteousness and of judgement and in doing so, bringing
many into Your Kingdom. May The Holy Spirit plant Your Word into the hearts
of the Jewish People, those who live in Israel and those who are living
in all parts of the world. We ask that there be many who hope in the Lord
Jesus Christ, for this was Your Mystery, that both Jews and Gentiles be
together in Your Kingdom, praising You, for Who You Are!
In The Name of Jesus. AMEN.
Exodus 28:11-12 "Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on
the two stones[onyx] the way a gem cutter engraves a seal. Then mount the
stones, the stones in gold filigree settings and fasten them on the shoulder
pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel. Aaron is
to bear the names on his shoulders as a memorial before the Lord."
Aaron, Moses' brother, had to wear the names of the tribes of Israel
on his shoulders every time he entered the Holy of Holies in The Tablenernacle,
which was the place where Aaron had to go before The Lord and intercede
on behalf of the sons of Israel; the names being written and having been
placed upon his shoulder, were in this way, families were constantly brought
in remembrance to The Lord God, as He had instructed it be so. It was to
symbolize that as High Priest he was representing the tribes and their
families before God every time he entered the Tabernacle of Meeting; Aaron
was identifying himself with them. The onyx stones were part of Aaron's
tunic which was to set him apart from the people. The tunic was made of
the finest materials with gold thread worked into the material which gave
it added splendour.
Jesus Christ, God's Only Begotten Son is our High Priest of the New covenant and He is at this present time, representing believers before the Throne of The Father on our behalf. Because He is our High Priest in The Kingdom of God. We, who are born again become members of God's Kingdom, and as His priests we are to be totally dedicated to Him. Just as Aaron stood before God with the names of Israel's sons, we too as Priests of God can bring before Him our Family Names. Each believer has been born of two families; our Mother's Family and our Father's Family and if we have children from our own marriage, our Family Names increase with each marriage within the immediate family.
We can as a Royal Priesthood of God's Kingdom here on earth, daily bring before the Throne of God, our Families, each by Family Name and ask for God's Guidance for their lives and His sovereign Protection over them, to intercede for them and ask that all come into the full knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ. You will find that this takes very little time and yet you have been able to bring all your family and relatives before The Almighty God; not that it is intended to make your time short with God and there will be times when someone in Your family needs extra prayer than grouped in belonging to a particular family name.
Notice that the tunic of a priest was made from the 'finest material' and having a 'golden' thread woven through it. As priests, we are responsible to include our families by bringing them before God in prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Great High Priest, who is now in The throne Room of Our God and Father, and is at His Right Hand on behalf of His disciples. Even though we cannot see God to whom we present our Families, yet we know He is with us and we are in His Presence, because of Jesus.
Heavenly Father, It is an offence to slander or defy the 'armies of The Living God', therefore, we, as The Body of Christ, lift Jesus Up as our Standard against the evil one and evil powers, the evil of man's heart, the carnality of flesh, against all sin that would cause mankind to be kept apart from You.
May the Body of Christ realise and know that they have been delivered from the power of sin, the penalty of sin and ultimately will be from the presence of sin. "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ", 1 Thessalonians 5:9
Nothing can destroy the Salvation of God through Christ Jesus, we thank You for that, Father God. We confidently and boldly put on Your Armour, Your Word. We put on Christ. We thank You that we are co-workers with You and You give us Grace and Help in every need, and when we put on Your Armour, we are Protected with Your Word; we are able to stand against the evil one and his schemes. Your Armour is our Protection against false doctrines, new ideas and trends that lead people of Your Creation away from Your Truths; it is Protection from spiritual warfare and curses; from traps that are set against us. Jesus Christ, is Himself the Armour Of Light and we are kept safe In Him through Your Provision for us. Jesus is our salvation against spiritual death and finally physical death and Your Wrath to come.
We wear The Helmet of Salvation which is The Victory for The Purpose of Your will for us-our Hope against despair now and for eternity-Protection for our thoughts and actions.
We wear The Breastplate of Righteousness which is Right-standing with You, belief, trust and love-it is our being with You instead of being alienated forever from Your Presence. Christ has made us Righteous.
We stand, having the Word of God held in place with The Belt of Truth. Your Word Lord, contains weapons, which are The Truths of Christ, they are not carnal, but Mighty for the pulling down of strongholds [proud arguments of human philosophy, stubborn thoughts from hardened or evil hearts and false doctrines] and against anything that exalts itself above The Name of Jesus. Your Word is The Only Strong Right Arm, the Power which is not of this world, but of all that is real. It is the Truth against lies and deceptions and religious error and traditions of man and of the devil, who would prefer that we did not know The Truth of Christ. The biggest lie of all is that the devil himself does not exist, but Christ has taught us to know that he does.
Our Feet Shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace to proclaim to our fellow man and ready, swift, close at hand for any need. In Christ we have peace with You; Our Peace against striving, a rested peace from You, of knowing that we are reconciled back to You through Christ Jesus.
We take up The Shield of Faith with which to quench doubts, deceptions, temptation and lies that would lead us to mistrust The Truth of Your Word, that is to know Who Christ Jesus is! The Shield is protection against teachers of error about Christ and false leaders claiming to know truth.
We hold in our hand The Sword of The Spirit, which is The Revealed Word. Speaking Your Word cuts down trials and temptations, bringing triumph over deceptions. It is praying in The Spirit for the saints in the Body of Christ. It is strength in prayer against self-meditation.
We purpose to put on Your Armour DAILY. Father, help us to submit to the Authority of Christ and Your Word, never allowing evil to tear down The Body of Christ, The Truths of Christ, The Gifts of The Holy Spirit nor The Ministry Gifts of Your Spirit. InThe Victorious Name of Jesus Christ, Our Banner. Amen
Heavenly Father, In The Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we come before
You in prayer, in belief and trust, knowing that Your Word is throughout
the earth, for Your Word is not chained and Your Power and Glory is unlimited,
Never Changing.
We uphold............before You, Father God, we ask for You to stretch
forth Your Right Hand to rescue and deliver............out of the chains
of darkness and from the company of those around them who would speak deceit
and lead............astray from Your Truths by encouraging their own wills
and desires.
We ask the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts, open their eyes from spiritual blindness, to turn from disobedience to the Wisdom and Knowledge of The Holy Love of Your Will. Lord, we ask that You draw them safely back to Yourself as all the angels give praise in heaven to You. We ask that You send Your Labourers to them, so that............may know of Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and be made perfect in Your Sight, adjusted and placed in the right moral state; that they be born of The Spirit.
May ........... know it is You who has such Mercy and Love for them so they too, can proclaim to You their praises and acknowledge You as The Source of Creation and Jesus as their Redeemer, and The Holy Spirit as their Comforter. Father, we ask that You send forth ministering angels to them, to provide the necessary help and assistance according to their needs. Only You and Your Love can perform this that is asked.
We thank You, for the redeeming Blood of Jesus, You gave Your Only Begotten
Son to die for all mankind, and to destroy the works of the devil. O Lord,
do not forget the promises You have made. We praise You for the out-pouring
of the Holy Spirit upon those who believe in Your Son. We leave these dear
ones, whom You love far greater than we, in Your Hands.
In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We worship You and give You praise for Who You Are! You Alone are God! Lord of Lords! Creator of heaven and earth! You are a Compassionate, Merciful and Gracious God. Slow to Anger, Abounding in Love and Faithfulness, maintaining Love to thousands, forgiving them their sins. All Your Deeds are unforgettable! Your Word is Precious and More Valuable than gold!
Your Word asks us to pray for others, so that they too will see, find and know the Truths of Christ Jesus and Your Word. You will not abandon or destroy our loved ones if they call to You for help, nor will You ignore the prayers of Your people for those who are weak and have gone astray. We too, are weak and frail. Please have mercy upon us and forgive our sin and theirs, against You and against our fellow man. We ask for Your Help to overcome that which displeases You.-both spiritually and physically. We thank You that Christ prayed to You and ask that none should be lost, those You have given Him in the past and those who would be given Him in the future, drawn to You by The Holy Spirit.
Father, Your Word says those who believe on Your Son shall ask anything in His Name and it shall be done. It is Your Will that we ask Your Help for every situation. Christ has through Your Love, already redeemed for us, salvation, forgiveness of sins and health. We just need to ask for Your Provision and receive, to take hold of and give thanks for Your blessings You have for us. Jesus has given us the Authority to use His Name, because we belong to Him.
We ask You Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus, to forgive if we have harboured any pride, rebellion or stubbornness-examine our motives and thoughts for sincerity. You are a God of Forgiveness, Ready to Pardon, Gracious and Merciful, Slow to Anger and Full of Love. You do not abandon people, they abandon You. We thank You Father, that You forgive us as we forgive others, as Christ has taught us.
Thank You that we can agree together, and when two or three of us are gathered in Jesus' Name, we shall have that which is asked of You and Your Word is True, O God. for You do not lie, Things that are impossible with man are possible with You Lord God, Almighty Sovereign, we ask You to put Your Healing Hand we lift............up before Your Throne of Grace and Mercy for the source of and the physical healing of............We ask for the complete spiritual and physical renewing of............and that it be visible so all who are aware of the illness, may see Your Works and Glorify You and give thanks to You, because of Christ. We thank You that You Care for us and Love us.
We thank You that we are in Your Grace, we have
Your Undeserved Mercy, and You Give Your Blessings freely as a Gift and
that we are no longer under the curse of the Law, because of Christ. Many
are they who do not believe You heal Divinely Lord, open up their insight
and knowledge of You and Your Word. You have said, "I am The Lord
who heals you". We ask for Your will to be done.
We thank You and Praise You, In the Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.
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