-TO OVERCOME SPIRITUAL (and physical) DEATH FOR MANKIND -Spiritual death is what separates mankind from God, the source of All Creation. All mankind is naturally born apart from God, which is the consequence of original rebellion by Adam and Eve against God, by doubting His Word.

-TO BE A SACRIFICE -Jesus, The Christ voluntarily took our place for God's Wrath. He took away not only our sin, but our guilt and shame.

-TO PAY A RANSOM -God's Son was willing to deliver the human race by paying for their sins with the price of His Blood, therefore releasing those who acknowledge Him in their lives as Lord and Saviour, from the Law of Sin and Death.

-TO REDEEM -Those who believe The Truth of Jesus are secured from the curse of The Law of The Old Covenant, but not The Common Principles. This was paid in full by His Innocent Blood, on The Cross at Calvary.

-PROPRIATION OFFERING -Christ rendered a favourable gift of Himself, appeasing Almighty God, for God, The Father cannot associate with any type of darkness which was brought upon mankind by rebellion and doubt. In this way, Christ stood in the gap and is the bridge by which man can be reconciled with God.

-TO RECONCILE MANKIND BACK TO GOD- By taking sin upon Himself, Christ was able to justify, vindicate, pardon and clear the penalties of sin. Because of Christ, God accepts the sinner who was born apart from Him as now having been made righteous through Jesus. Only God's Gift of His Son to the world can justify mankind. There is nothing mankind can do to justify himself before God.

-TO PARDON MANKIND -To those who accept The Truth, Jesus legally earned God's forgiveness and God releases them from the just punishment of eternal death and destruction.

-FOR  ATONEMENT- To cover and remove sins, to be merciful, satisfied, so that man can be reconciled back to God. A Covenant Relationship. Christ's death turned God towards mankind and mankind towards God, as He had planned it to be so. A believer is cleansed from sin of unrighteousness (not right with God) when forgiveness is asked and there is repentance. Christ's pure sinless blood also purifies the believer in God's eyes because of the righteousness of Christ, and the believer becomes righteous before God (made right with God). Because reconciliation takes place, the believer can approach The Throne of God because Christ has already entered there presenting Himself before God The Father and has already obtained mercy for the sincere believer. The Blood of Christ provided mercy that is always available for forgiveness and cleansing until the believer reaches perfection at Christ's Second Coming.

-TO INSTITUTE A NEW COVENANT AND PRIESTHOOD-Jesus confirmed Himself the fulfilment of the eternal New Covenant and He is the High Priest of that Everlasting Covenant. In dying for the sins of mankind, Jesus Christ fulfilled and replaced the Old Testament Priesthood sacrificial system.

-TO BE RESURRECTED AND RETURN TO HEAVEN-This is the fulfilment of prophecy and declares that Jesus is The Messiah, proof of His Deity; completes victory over sin and its penalty of physical and spiritual death; enables His Righteousness to be shared as well as His Eternal Life and is the assurance for believers that their bodies will also be resurrected at His Second Coming as promised; to sit at God's Right Hand and to send The Holy Spirit.



After Jesus' victory on the Cross, His resurrection and ascension back to The Father the disciples would have a new union with both Father and The Son, through the indwelling of The Holy Spirit. Christ's mission was not self-centred, He emphasised the Supreme role of The Father. Only through the works of Christ can people gain a proper concept of God. The power Jesus Christ has, is from God, and is directed to undertake the great work of the guaranteed alliance to be between God and mankind. Christ, as the Only Mediator is the King of all nations. Jesus is The Son of God, the image of The invisible God, this is the foundational unity of Christian doctrine.


Christ died for all who would receive Him!
He tasted death for everyone!
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son for whosoever believes
The Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world!
Christ made justification available for all!

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
Email address: faysuter.3337@gmail.com


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