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TITUS Date A.D. 63

The Book of Titus is a letter from The Apostle Paul, addressed to Titus on the Isle of Crete, giving him personal authority to ordain elders.

The text is for guidance against opposition, instruction about faith and conduct. The qualifications for Christian Elders are listed, and are required to excel spiritually and in godly living. Godly living is a strong theme; moral levels had become deplorable. Dishonesty, gluttony and laziness of the Island's inhabitants were to be replaced by good works that are profitable to all.

Warnings about false teachers, mainly Judaisers who were misleading others, are noted. Christian doctrine was repeated because of heresy.

Throughout the letter, the practical working out of salvation is expressed and the transformation in human lives because of the Truth of The Gospel of Christ.

The work of Titus is a manual for Church leadership, sound doctrine, good deeds and proper conduct.

The Book of Titus is the third of four New Testament personal pastoral letters written by The Apostle Paul. These books are also considered Church History Books containing teaching. It is also the seventeenth of twenty-seven Books of The New Testament.


 Qualifications for Elders

 Foundation for Christian Living

 Motives for Godly Conduct

 Maintain Good Works


TITUS 1:15 "

All things are pure to the pure of heart display a principle proclaimed by Jesus himself. There are distinctions between the pure and the impure. Fellowship with God acts to clarify moral perception, but indulgences in evil make a fool of the powers of moral discrimination. If the mind is defiled, it cannot inform the conscience to warn and alert the person, for the conscience functions as a warning system, which God has designed.
Unbelievers tend to lay emphasis on outward appearance and judge others on the basis of their own external standard and have a moral perversion that has taken place in their whole being. Their minds and their rational nature that enable them to think and reflect on things both moral and spiritual, have become polluted, and their conscience has lost its ability to make correct moral judgements, leaving them unable to make true distinctions between good and evil. Living apart from God only produces and outward temporary change.
True purity lies not in adherence to non-moral external rites and regulations but in the inner purity of the regenerated heart. Those with pure hearts and minds become fruitful and useful to The Lord Jesus Christ. Right doctrine applied results in right thoughts and attitudes towards God, others and circumstances. True lasting pure changes of attitude is only possible when the heart is renewed by God's grace through The Holy Spirit. The sincere believer's conscience is not diluted or polluted, their heart is filled with light and their behaviour reflects it, but it once was darkened and full of pride and selfish desires. Christians are purified before God by The Atoning Death of The Lord Jesus Christ and are empowered by God's Holy Spirit to lead pure lives.

Christians must focus on what Jesus said and did instead of observing rules that have no biblical support.


Jesus is The Great God and Saviour, The Redeemer

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