All- Providing Father, Thank You that because of Jesus Christ, Your Son, we can come boldly to You and offer praise and thanksgiving. All Nations shall thank You Lord, and Your People will bless You as they walk in the ways of Your Word and be led by The Holy Spirit; as they yield themselves to His Guiding, as they talk about Your Kingdom and mention examples of Your Power and Your Miracles. Thank You that You lift the fallen, the weary and those bent beneath their loads. All of mankind need Your Help. You Fulfill the desires of those who cry out to You. Thank You for Your Grace, by which we are saved, and not of anything that we do. You have given us new lives from Christ Jesus to produce Fruit for others, especially the oppressed and needy.
Thank You for Your Daily Care and Your Great Eternal Provision and Power. Thank You that You Continually Forgive our sins as they are confessed unto You in Jesus' Name. Thank You for The Gift of Eternal Life and all that we have inherited as being Your Adopted Children, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Thank You that The Holy Spirit makes our hearts receptive to You, for He changes our selfish ways and gives us the right attitude of mind and heart as we submit ourselves to Him, and this we do gladly.
May the things we do cause You to be blessed and
cause others to call upon You, The True Living God. We are glad that we
can share Your Word and Your Plan of Salvation with others and that we
can love and bless each other, for we are not ashamed of The Message of
Christ, for it is Your Powerful Method of bringing all who believe it to
In The Precious Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Almighty Father, Sovereign God. Thank You that You are
in control over Your Creation, the Universe and of All things. Despite
what we see, You are in Control - Hallelujah!
Thank You for Your Patience with mankind, corporately and individually. Thank You that You draw people unto Yourself, for Your Purposes are redemptive - for You are not willing that any should perish. Praises to You for Your Divine Integrity and Truth. You live up to Your own standard of Perfection. You are a complete undivided Morally sound God ! Amen!
All Love comes from You. Because You first loved us, we are able to love You and follow the example shown to us by Christ Jesus, for He is The Revelation of God, the Father, to mankind.
We praise and thank You Father that You act out of Love and that Your Love is based on Your desire to relate to us, whom You have created. Your choice to love us unconditionally comes from Your Heart. While we were still sinners You allowed Your Only Begotten Son to die for us, to save us ! You loved us when we were far away from You, when we did not care, but now because of Your Love, Your Compassion, Your Mercy and the Obedience of Our Lord Jesus, we can experience the same from You and feel the same for others as Christ has asked of us.
May we remember Your Miracles, Your Kindness and Love as we look forward to the future as the Body of Christ, and as individuals always remember the Words of Christ Our Lord, “ Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required”. We are thankful that we have opportunities to dedicate our talents to the service of Christ and to our fellow man, all to the Honour and Glory of You, Father God.
Thank You Holy Spirit, for the quickening of The
Word of God, wisdom and good commonsense into our lives as You mature us
to obey and walk with God, Our Father.
In The Precious Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Father, Most Gracious God, Praise and thanksgiving be
to You for Your Enduring Presence and what You have established. Thank
You for Your Love and Compassion towards the people of Your Creation. We
are grateful for the Vastness of Your Mercy and Protection, which is unending
and for Your Perseverance. You are the Good Shepherd King and Your Presence
reassures us. We cherish You for being The Head Shepherd of Your people,
giving us security in Your rest.
Father, You restore our youth like as to the unflagging strength of the eagle and we thank You for the forgiveness of man's sin, which gives us a taste of Your Supreme Love shown through the Love of Our Lord, Christ Jesus. Your Compassion is on us for You know man is frail and mortal and Your Infinite Love over-spans our lifetime, and it has continued since the beginning of Creation.
Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that the Holy Spirit quickens and renews us, making our lives to flourish; leading and guiding us to refreshing waters of well-being. He works within us building our character into righteous living. He helps us to have a faithful response to Your revealed Will and Directives. May all of the Body of Christ revere Him and not grieve Him. We are grateful for the Holy Spirit's Might and Strength during the 'buffeting' times and His Help as we stand firm and not be shifted by a 'puff of turbulence' and that He makes sure that we are not useless or rooted out!
We appreciate, Father God, that we can choose to order our lives according to Your Sovereign Will and acknowledge Your Lordship; to be able to take refuge in You because of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We give You praise as we joyfully declare that we are blessed because of the establishment of Your New Covenant with Christ, Your Son, and that we are part of that Covenant along with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
It is because of Christ that You accept us into Your Presence and that You Favour us with Salvation and Blessings. Lord, as Our Shepherd, You keep us on the paths of safety and cause us to produce fruit which shall bring glory and honour to Your Name. We thank You for the bond that is personal between Yourself and Your people, and for treating us as honoured guests in Your Kingdom. All praise and thanksgiving be to You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Father God, We thank You for Your Love and Mercy; that you remember not
out sins, when confessed to You In Jesus' Name. We praise You for Your
Faithfulness and Truthful Guidance. You are our Source of Resources and
You help us, through Your Word and The Holy Spirit to lead a godly and
moral life, for You are known as a Good and Upright God.
We are grateful that Your Holy Spirit renews our minds, gives us right attitudes and sincere motives, because Jesus was Victorious! We can lift up our heads, expectant of His return from heaven. Thank You for Your Mercies through Christ to Your children. Christ has spared us from the Second Death, from Your Wrath, thank You Jesus.
Praises to You Lord God, for it is right and proper to give You our praise, for we confess You are the Source of our benefits through Jesus Christ Our Lord. You direct our paths here on earth from Your Throne Room, The Heavenly Holy Of Holies, because we submit ourselves to You and ask You to do so. Thank You that You listen to us and answer prayer. We exalt You for sending Your Son, Jesus, for He is our Wonderful Hope for mankind and that membership in Your Family is by Your Grace, Your Gift, through Jesus Christ and not by any human achievement. He is our Passover Lamb and He is The Baptiser of the Holy Spirit and of fire.
Those of us in Your Kingdom are so fortunate to be able to know the Ministry of Christ, and His Glory and His Divinity. It is because of Him, we who believe, have Eternal Life now and we can worship You, Father God, through the Holy Spirit and in Truth. No one can destroy the Life that You have given us through the Lord Jesus Christ, the True Bread from Haven that death cannot destroy the Life that comes through Him. We give You Praise in the Mighty Name of Jesus. AMEN.
Father God, We thank You for You are Faithful in all
Your Word and Gracious in all Your Deeds. Your Goodness has supplied us
with all the needs of this life and Your Love Protects us.
You have drawn us to Yourself with Your Forgiving Mercy. You are Just and full of Kindness in all You Do.
Heavenly Father, we appreciate these blessings that You Have freely given us, and hopefully we will be mindful of them. Too often we have forgotten to thank You for blessings; food for daily living, forgiveness of our sins, being reconciled to You and the blessings of nature. Despite the fact that many of us forget to give You thanks, You have provided us with them because of Your Mercy.
Praise and thanks be to You, God, Our Father, for having loved us with an Everlasting Love and that You have drawn us to Yourself with Loving Kindness. We thank You for Jesus. You have not spared Your Son, but delivered Him up to the cruel death of the Cross that we might be Your Own and live in Your Kingdom, under the Authority and Protection of Christ.
Lord, we do have a thankful heart and we hope to faithfully serve You in our lives to Your Glory. Thank You for Your Redeeming Love and Your Saving Grace, which You have given us in Jesus. We thank You for the privilege of being Your Children, may we grow and mature, for this is Your will for us all. (good pleasure!)
Father God, You are our Strength, through the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit and by His Gentleness and Your Wisdom, as Christ is forever upheld as in Your Word. We thank You, In the Precious Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We thank You that we can approach Your
Throne boldly, because of Your Grace, given through Jesus Christ, Our Lord
and Our Saviour. It is because of Him that we can ask You to forgive those
who have wronged or hurt us and we can ask You to bless them, In Jesus'
Name, for we ourselves are forgiven our many trespasses by You. You have
taught us also to forgive and show mercy as You have shown mercy.
We are grateful toYou, that we can have Eternal Life because of Our Lord Jesus Christ and our security lies in You, for Christ has said, that no man shall pluck us form His Hand. We give You thanks and exalt You Jesus, for You never disappoint us. Thank You Father God, that not in any way will You fail us, nor give us up, nor leave us without support. You will not leave us helpless, nor for-saken, nor let us down, nor relax Your Hold on us, for we are dependent upon You.
We value and give You praise for the Help of The Holy Spirit in our lives helping us to obey You and leading us in our walk daily with You and Your Word. We thank You that there is now no condemnation awaiting us who are in Christ Jesus, for the Power of The Life-Giving Spirit has been given to us, and has freed us from the law of sin and death. Thank You for The Holy Spirit, who gently teaches us to be sensitive to Him and to have a listening ear for His Prompting. Thank You that He makes us aware of Your Teaching.
We give You praise Father God, for Your Wisdom, for Christ being the center of Your Wise Plan. You have given us everything we need in Christ. We thank You that we have a part to play in The Body of Christ. We can never be separated from the Love of Christ shown on The Cross. We thank You for the Life we now possess is Eternal and we are able to live with You Forever, because You Love us. In The Glorious Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Sovereign God in Heaven, We thank You that we have everything in Christ
Jesus. W are washed (cleansed), sanctified (set apart), and justified (sins
forgiven) because of the Blood of Christ Jesus; we receive the Gift of
the Holy Spirit from You because of Christ.
You are Glorified through Christ who is our High Priest today. He is our Hight Priest because this was part of His Glorification and because of the Covenant Relationship we have with You, made possible through Christ Jesus.
There has been a purifying of dead works because of the Blood of Jesus. We thank You for the cleansing of our lives. We thank You that You have taken away our sins and You remember them no longer because of the Blood of Jesus. Thank You for the Covenant Relationship Gift to us for we were unworthy to receive it.
What Love You have bestowed upon us; Your Love lets us live with You Eternally! Your Love allows us to be able to live in vital union with You now at this present moment - this is something we tend to forget and become unaware of it because we loose sight of the importance of close connection with You.
We thank You Father, that You have set us apart for Yourself in Love and we will to serve You. Thank You for protection over us. We thank You for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and His Fruits and Gifts. We thank You for the Holy Spirit’s help in prayer and that He makes intercession for us. Thank You that the Holy Spirit is also our Comforter and the One who guides us into All Truth and reminds us of the works of Christ and Your Will.
We sincerely thank You for Your Mercy upon us and the Blessings You have poured out upon us. We are truly appreciative, In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Faithful Heavenly Father, Thank You that we can trust
in Your Word. We praise You for every Wondrous thing You do for us. Be
exalted above All! We priase You for the Gift of Salvation, no matter what
happens, we know that all is well, for we know how much Father God, You
really Love.
You have given us Your son, Jesus, and Your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with Your Love. We give You thanks Lord Jesus for You are representing us daily for us before the Father at His Right Hand.
What a difference between the sin of mankind and Your forgiveness! All because of the obedience and willingness of Christ, Our Lord, because of His Righteousness.Thank You for this free Blessed Gift of Forgiveness, resulting in Eternal Life. We praise Our Lord Jesus Christ for sending to us The Holy Spirit from You. Thank You that we can produce ‘good fruit’ for You because of the Life Giving Spirit we now have, with boldness and with power.
We acknowledge and thank You for peace from Your Love shown through Christ Jesus, no longer separated from You, therefore we have peace with You. Following after the Holy Spirit leads continually to life and peace. Your Church is aware that because of You that we are ‘sons’ of Your in Your Kingdom as well as priests in Your Kingdom.
We thank You Father God, for it was Your choice to bring us back to You, for we ourselves could do nothing. We value the Truth that we are joint-heirs with Jesus, Our Sinless Redeemer. Who are we to say You are unjust or unfair? All Glory be to You because of Jesus, In His Precious Name, AMEN.
Sovereign God, We thank You Father, that we can confidently pray to You
knowing You answer our prayers, because of Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives
us assurance of this from Your Word.
Thank You for the certainty that we are kept by You. We have inner security of Your Care and we thank You for that. You have proven Your Faithfulness to us no matter what the circumstance or need. You never fail to answer prayers! We thank You for Your Provision and Protection through Jesus, by the Power of The Holy Spirit. You have a watchful eye for our preservation.
Because of our confidence in You and who You are, also in Christ and who He is and in The Greatness of The Holy Spirit, we are grateful to be able to be a witness; a testimony to those who are far from You at this time. We give You praise for we are Your kingly priests in Your Kingdom; we can turn to You in hope for All Things! The powerless shall look to You for Protection; the needy expect You to help.
We acknowledge that You make Straight our path
before us, we who are willing to be led by Your Spirit and Your Word, free
through any obstacles, opposition and temptations, so that no enemy can
take from us the pleasure of praising You, or give us grounds for not worshipping
You; we rebuke any deception from the enemy and come against any obstacle
that the enemy would form against us with The Authoritative Name of Jesus
Christ, and His Powerful Victory He has allowed us to share.
Thank You that You shall Triumphantly bring us into Your Divine Presence,
face to face. We praise You for Your Wisdom, for You have chosen to use
what the world would call foolish so that no one can boast in Your Presence.
To You be The Glory because of Christ Jesus, and in His Name, we pray,
We give thanks to You Heavenly Father, for we are grateful in the midst
of plenty and ask that we may continue to have an abundance of Spiritual
Resource from You.
We praise and magnify Your Name, O Lord. You are the Giver of every Good and Perfect Gift. You are the Author of All Truth. We thank You that You have given Your Body, Your Word for Nourishment and Growth.
We thank You that You give rest to those who become confused, frustrated or insecure; we have the Peace that passes all understanding. May we always be aware of Your Shepherding Spirit beside the still waters of life, Refreshing and Restoring us physically and spiritually.
We thank You that nothing can separate us from Your Love which is shown in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. We magnify You Lord God; Your Truth endures to all generations.
Thank You Jesus, that You are The Light, The Living Water, The Bread of Life and all who come to You shall never hunger or thirst. You give us a Fountain of Living Water springing up into Everlasting Life and You give Rivers of Living Water that flow from our inner- most being; we are grateful for the Gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, Guiding and Leading us into all Truth.
We are grateful for Your Kindness, Father God, that You show us each day. Your loved ones reach out to You as parched land thirsts for water and You are there! Thank You for answered prayer, Your Faithfulness and Your Promises. May it always be our will to live godly lives and be faithful to You, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we shall be in Christ, without blemish. We thank You for the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing
praises to His Name, God Most High! It is right to declare Your Steadfast
Love. To You be the Glory and the Majesty, Dominion and Power, now and
In the Magnificent Name of Christ Jesus, AMEN.
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