Heavenly Father, I thank You for daily pouring out Your Steadfast Love upon me. You are my God and King. Help me not to stand empty-handed before You. May I remember all the times You have helped me by teaching mr to be always grategul and thankful. My hope is in Your Unchanging Love and Faithfulness. I am Your Vessel, a living temple of Yours, Your instrument and I ask that The Holy Spirit continues to sanctify me so that I can be with You forever, because of Jesus Christ. Your Spirit lives within me and Your eyes and heart shall always be present with me as promised in Your Word.
May Your Light and Truth lead me. I am Your Garden, Your Building, Your co-worker. Help me to build my spiritual life with strong materials, to keep its value, pure and refined. I belong to Christ Jesus, The Lamb to feast upon; to grow strong and mature in Him. I ask The Holy Spirit to always give me full assurance of Your Truth and His Guidance. May I always be ready to forgive and produce Fruits of The Spirit towards others.
It is possible that I be thankful for all things; I acknowledge that I am not a stranger to You, Father God, through Christ, but a member and priest, a kingly priest in Your Kingdom. Jesus is my High Priest in the heavenly 'Holy of Holies', overseeing His Church and interceding for us. I am dependent upon You to help me live and act worthily to be called by His Name and I ask for Spiritual Insight into Your Word and for Spiritual Understanding. I will to walk in Your will and be guided by Your Wisdom. I thank You for Your Joy, Hope, and Peace, the knowing of salvation, the knowing of The Truth. I thank You for the Gifts You have given me through and by The Holy Spirit who is working within me 'till I come into the fullness of Christ at His Return.
I ask The Holy Spirit to give me a deep reverence for You, Heavenly Father and to help me live a good clean life as a Child and Priest of Your Kingdom, shining as a light, a beacon on a hill holding out to others The Word of Life, for all to see Your Glory, In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ My Lord and Saviour, AMEN.
Sovereign God, Who is Our Father, The life I now live, I will live unto Your son, Jesus, who gave up His Life for me. In Jesus' Name, with the help of The Holy Spirit and Your Wisdom, may I not be double-minded with the words of my mouth or with anything that interferes with my walk with Jesus. I will to let the Word of God dwell in me richly in all areas of my life. May The Holy Spirit give unto me wisdom, in everything I do whether word or deed and may it be pleasing to You and bless others, giving glory and praises to You always.
Father, Your Love has been shed abroad in my heart by The Holy Spirit; may I learn to be patient and kind, learn never to be envious, nor boil over with jealousy, not vain, arrogant or inflated with pride, nor rude, nor act unbecomingly, not to insist on my own way, not to be self-seeking, but to be Christ-seeking.
May The Holy Spirit also help me in the areas of not being fretful, resentful, vengeful, over-sensitive, nor take any account of evil being done to me; to pay no attention when I may have suffered a wrong, but to rejoice when right and truth prevail, with the Strength, Power and Might of The Holy Spirit; to bear up under everything that may come my way. May I be ready to believe the best of every person with good common sense that You have given me, and to believe the best of my own hopes and that Greatest Hope of All be fadeless under all circumstances; to endure persecution if need be for the Truth of Christ.
I ask that the Fruits of The Spirit grow and mature into results for Your Glory. In The Wonderful Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Thank You that I can come before You because of The Atoning Blood of Christ Jesus, which makes me righteous in Your eyes. Your Kingdom is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in The Holy Spirit. I ask that I have the realities of Your Kingdom in my heart so it flows over into my life and that Your Spiritual Kingdom be established in believers now. Jesus has set an example for us to follow of how we are to live in Your Kingdom on earth; to love and respect, to serve each other, and support help others, practicably and spiritually.
I praise You for the Gift of The Holy Spirit, the enduement of Power and Boldness to tell others of the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Your son, Christ Jesus, to tell them how to receive Your Gift of Eternal Life, which is Your Will. You have given and continue to give Your believers the ability to be victorious and faithful in this task. May Your Government and Good Pleasure be done here on earth as it is in heaven and working through the Body of Christ throughout the world. May Your Will also be working in me individually, through my mind, strength and being.
May I have a deeper Anointing of The Holy Spirit,
with authority and Power for the dedication and vision of Your Purposes
for usefulness for Your Kingdom here on earth. I thank You that The Holy
Spirit dwells in me and Lord God, I pray for a great harvest of souls to
come into Your Kingdom from my own family, neighbours and local community,
my City, State and Country; from missions that are under Your Charge and
those established in lands abroad. I pray for people to be set free and
to be delivered from any kind of bondage that is not according to Your
Will, In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Thank You that it is not Your
Will that those belonging to Christ be captive inany way to the things
that are not of You. Lord, may I always seek Your Direction from Your Word
and The Holy Spirit. May Your Miraculous Power flow through The Church.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the friends in my life, I hope that with Your Grace, I am such a friend to them; to be loyal and thoughtful, not a gossip of them or others, being reliable and dependable, tactful and not hurtful, the kind of friend that can give Your Wisdom in time of need.
May they forgive me when I am thoughtless, ungenerous, bad tempered, disagreeable, selfish, thinking only of myself, cross or angry, except for righteous anger. Jesus, thank You, for You have taught me how to forgive. May I not judge others hypocritically.
Father, I ask The Holy Spirit to help me live by Your Word and to see the beauty of Creation and of life; to have a heart that overflows with thankfulness to Christ and that the words I speak are acceptable to You. May I have wisdom from The Holy Spirit, an anointing of discernment so as to follow faithfully the ways of Christ Jesus, for He has set me free from earthly things; worry, pride and rebellion, stubbornness, bitterness, fear of man, fear of the future, fear of death; to live for Him and to tell others of His Love, of His Sacrifice for them.
Lord, I wish to be open to Your Knowledge given by Your Word, as taught by Christ and that it be quickened to me by The Holy Spirit. May I be vigorous as a young healthy olive tree, yet producing fruit. I agree with Your Word, "unless the Lord builds a house, the builder's work is useless, unless the Lord protects a city, sentries do no good". Lord, I submit myself to You for Your Building and Your Protection.
Lord, I ask that Your labourers around the world
preach the True Gospel of Christ. May they nor I neither dilute nor compromise
The Message of Christ, for it is full of Mighty Power to those who hear
it and keep it close to their hearts; the Death and Resurrection of Him
who died to give us life.
In Jesus' Name, I ask these things of You, and I thank You for them. AMEN.
Eternal God and Father, We praise You for Your Great Gifts of Mercy to the World. You do not reject us as we deserve, but in Your Kindness You continue to strengthen and reach out to us. Thank You that You have given me the opportunity to know and trust You for my salvation through Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Help me to use Your own blessings You have given me for the good of others to Your Glory. I wish to invest in people by proclaiming Your Word for Your Kingdom, because of Christ's Steadfast Love. Lord, I ask You to bless the Body of Christ and to fill pastors and lay people with Your Holy Spirit. May they be guided to gladly and faithfully worship You and serve You, according to Your Word. Like the psalmist, I say, "We have escaped out of the fowler's snare; the snare was broken and we have escaped and our help is In The Name of The Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.
Lord, I ask The Holy Spirit to prepare my heart To adore You, To reverence You, To dignify You, To praise and worship You, To love all which You Love, To have sorrow for my sins.
May I never be ashamed to be united with You. If I have any coldness, I will call for the warmth of Christ's Love; If I have emptiness as a barren thirsty land, may I not harden my heart, but call upon The Precious Holy Spirit to anoint me afresh and to guide me back to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus.
I ask Jesus Christ to be Ruler of my life by Your Power and help me to be truthful in word and deed. Thank You that You will bring me into the Perfect Freedom of Your Truth, revealed through Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His Name I pray, AMEN.
"Your Word O Lord is eternal, it stands firm in the heavens. Your Faithfulness continues throughout each generation. You established the earth and by You it endures". Psalm 119:89,90.
Most Gracious Heavenly Father, Through Your Holy Spirit by whom You have given me an acknowledgement and desire to please You, to value what is precious in Your sight and to hate that which is offensive to You; give to me Your servant, wisdom and intelligence to learn from Your Word that which is Your Will for me.
Do not let me judge with the sight of my eyes nor pass sentence according to what my ears hear, but to know the discernment of true judgement with the help of 'The Holy Spirit; things that are both natural and spiritual and above all to always enquire of The Holy Spirit for His Leading and Guidance.
I put my hope in Your Word for I know it to be trustworthy! Righteous are You, O Lord, and Your Judgements true! Father God, I thank You for leading and keeping me in the Way of Light, for sending Your Son, Jesus, the Saviour of Your People, Our High Priest of Peace and of Righteousness. I ask You Father, for help, courage, faith, trust, belief and Knowledge of Your Word through The Holy Spirit, for with Your Help I cannot fail. Christ has won all battles for me and His Victories have been given to Your children, which includes me.
I am grateful that You Carefully watch over me and I am constantly in Your Sight. Help me to impart Your Love to others. Thank You that You Generously give patience, steadiness and encouragement to help me live in harmony with You and others. Christ has proven to me that You are Faithful to Your Promises. May I never dilute and compromise the Powerful Message of Christ, but keep to The Truth, The Mighty Knowledge of the Death and Resurrection of Him.
As I study Your Word, may You grant that the study of it may not be in vain by the callousness or hardening of heart but that by it I am, brought to repentance, In Jesus' Name, lifted to hope, In Jesus' Name, made strong for service, In Jesus' Name. You are a Compassionate and Gracious God, I can look back and give You The Glory for my sins forgiven or prevented, because of Jesus. I come before You with gratitude and love. This vessel of Your Handiwork submits to You in all areas of my life. In The Valiant Name of Jesus. AMEN.
I do ask You, Heavenly Father, that I might have a listening ear for Your Word, naturally and spiritually; to be able to discern Your Word with Help of The Holy Spirit; to interpret Your Word correctly and live by it accordingly.
Father God, help me to understand The Holy Spirit as He leads me and to have the right attitudes and motives, as did Jesus. I desire a clean heart before You, my God, and honest before man. I am eager for the Holy Spirit to reveal Your Word to me, not just for the understanding of it for a while, but that it may register forever in the foundation depths of my memory so that I can never forget The Truths of Your Word.
Father, may You sanctify me entirely and I thank You that The Blood of Christ and the renewing of The Holy Spirit keeps my spirit, soul and body without blame in Your eyes. Faithful are You who called me and that the good work that You have begun in me will keep on helping me grow in Your Grace, until Your task within me is finally finished on That Day when Christ Jesus returns. All praise and honour and glory be to You, for Your Wonderful Kindness to me and Your Favour that You have poured out upon me because I belong to Your Dearly Beloved Son. Glorious Father, I ask for wisdom to see clearly and really understand forever, who Christ is, for me to learn the purposes of His teachings from Your Word. May I understand all that He has done for me. I pray that I will understand how incredibly Great Your Power is to help all who believe in Your Son, My Saviour, Jesus Christ; it is the same power that raised Him from the dead, breaking all spiritual and physical bondages.
Lord, I pray that I will overflow more and more
with love for others and at the same time keep growing in spiritual insight.
I want always to see clearly the difference between right or wrong and
to be inwardly clean, refreshed continually by The Holy Spirit. Show me
the work You have assigned me and I will do my best to carry it out to
Your Glory. Thank You Jesus.
In Your Wonderful Name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Teach me how to receive the blessings and gifts You have for me and I thank You for what You have already given me. My desire is to have 'living waters' flowing in and out of my inner most being for Your Glory. I ask that I be equipped with all that I need to live my life satisfactorily for Christ. I ask Father, for the Spirit of Wisdom and Insight from You, so that I can get to know You better, that I will be enlightened by Your Word and always know of my salvation through the Blood of Christ.
May I constantly be aware of how Great and Mighty is Your Power that is available to all believers. Your Power that raised Christ from the dead and Lifted Him Up to Your Right Hand. Praise and All Glory is due You, who by Your Mighty Power at work within me is able to do far more than I even dare ask or dream of, infinitely beyond my highest hopes or desires; all because of Your Master Plan through Christ. Lord, I ask that I may always be teachable, not stubborn and for You to keep me humble.
I ask The Holy Spirit to lead my thought life. I rebuke every proud and lofty thing or any thought that sets itself up against the True Knowledge of Christ Jesus, Son of The Living God. I ask The Holy Spirit to convict me of any sin, trespass, wrong doing, iniquity or anything that He can bring to remembrance that has not been confessed for I long for my heart to be clean toward You. Father, thank You that You are continually forgiving me daily, as I ask. Thank You Lord for the many things I take for granted, a kindly deed from a friend, a helping hand in the time of need. May I be aware of Your Kindly Graces daily and to thank You for them. I thank You for Your daily Protection, earthly and spiritually.
I thank You for the wonderful complex workings of my body. I thank You for Your Kindness toward me while I was unaware of You, before I learnt of Your Love. All people have the benefit of Your Mercy and Kindess, by living and enjoying all of Your Creation whether they acknowledge you or not. Foods You have provided for us all as well as the seasons for all. You have been Generous to me all of my life, and I wish to acknowledge that before You. I wish to thank You for the privilege of being in Your Family and I thank You Jesus. In Your Wonderful Name, I come before The Father, AMEN.
Father God, May I never stray from Your Word, and when I repent Lord, help me from going back to that of which I have repented. Father, I ask for wisdom so I can recognise all acts of rebellion, and therefore rid them from my life continually, and be in subjection to Your Authority. As I choose to obey Your Word, add Your Stremngth to my will so I can take the steps of obedience with Your Word to You and all those in authority over me. I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to all of Your Truths and to help me be an imitator of Christ Jesus.
As I stand before You Father God, may The Holy Spirit anoint me with greater understanding to see in perspective of the eternal realm and not just for the moment, or days ahead. Because of Your Grace through Christ, my Lord and Saviour, I dedicate myself for Your Service, spirit, soul and body to You, Father God of All Creation.
O Merciful God, establish and confirm growth and maturity in me under Your Grace, Your Blessing and may I increase in Your Love towards others. I need the capacity to always have the willingness to walk daily with Your Word and Your Spirit. I thank You for all things in Christ Jesus. I commit my deeds into Your Hands.
I beg, Heavenly Father, for a humble spirit so that Your Wisdom will take hold and stay in my being. I also ask You to help me cultivate that which You have already given me. Endow me Lord, with a genuine thirst for Your Truths. I deny my own will, thoughts, and deeds that do not agree with Your Word so I can be useful in this world to Your Glory.
May I never forget that it is Christ who has saved me, and that He is the Light of the World, The Desire of the Nations, and The Shepherd of our souls. May His Church let His Light Shine in the darkness, so that the very ends of the earth shall see Your Salvation by The Lifting Up of the Cross of Christ. Gather the people to Yourself, to be brought into Your Fold as Your sheep hear Your Voice. Let there be One Flock, One Shepherd, One Holy Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness, guided by You Holy Spirit and Your Word. In The Precious Name of Jesus. AMEN.
Gracious Heavenly Father, I praise You and thank You for my salvation. I ask that my life would be enriched for Your Glory. I ask that wherever The Gospel of Christ is proclaimed that Your Word produces fruit, bearing a hundred fold.
Lord, may those who need comforting, be comforted and those who are distressed have Your Peace. Draw back to Yourself those who are erring, and may those in any need receive Your Provision. I pray for many who need reassuring and refreshing. May we all be aware of Your Presence. Thank You for the opportunities we all have to help others, especially those who are close to us. I lift up before You, Father, believers who are going through spiritual battles at this time and those making a decision for Christ to be in their lives to be assured of Christ's sacrifice and of Who He Is. May You send Your ministering angels to Guard and Protect them and Your Holy Spirit to refresh and establish them.
I ask You to fill my heart with forgiveness towards those who have hurt or upset me. May I never pretend to love others, I need You to give me the capacity to really love them. I hope always to be in Your Will. I hope never to seek my own vengeance or repay evil with evilMy desire is to minister to You and serve You enthusiastically and not to be lazy. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me stay humble before You and my fellow man. I hope always to be in Your Will. Jesus is my example and may the Holy Spirit help me to live and work in harmony and in unity with those around me.
You give me the strength to live my life with a clean and contrite heart which You have created within me because of Jesus, my Saviour. Thank You that any evil can be conquered by Your Word alone, with The Power and Authority in the Name of Jesus alone, with His Blood alone and by The Might of The Holy Spirit alone for where You are God Almighty there is also the Son and Holy Spirit, where the Son is, there You are with Your Spirit and where The Spirit is so are You and Your Son, You are not limited or bound in any way! In The Name of Jesus, The All-Conquering Christ, AMEN.
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