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The Book of Solomon is also known as The Song of Songs. Song of Solomon is a poem of true and pure love. The Book contains no theological statements or revelations.

Song Of Songs means the best poetical composition.

The poem is 3,000 years old. The Book is not easily outlined but many schemes can be used.

Many see the book as allegorical; God's relationship with Israel, and with the Christian Church. The love song is in oriental style and imagery. As human love finds fulfillment in marriage of man and woman, so the spiritual life finds its highest fulfillment in The Love of God. The Creator's wisdom and bounty are displayed. The purity of the relationship pictured is one of the strong arguments for the fact of divine revelation. The Song is best taken as an example of wisdom poetry. The Creator's ways and created joys only reach richest completeness when kept within his purposes and ways.

The Song of Solomon is the fifth Book of Poetry, Wisdom and Instruction. It is a Pre-exile Book.

 Mutual Love

 Graces of Love

 Confession of Love


 Faithfulness of Love


Love is in the nature of God Himself, shown in His Word and by action shown in the death of Jesus Christ on The Cross. Love comes from God and is a fruit gift of The Holy Spirit. Love is used to describe God's caring nature for humanity. Commitment is of highest importance. The faithful Love of Christ was shown for all by His obedient suffering and death. It is the supreme quality of love.

This love caused Jesus Christ to leave His eternal glory to give His life for others. Jesus loves sinners and each believer. Jesus has compassion and love for the needy, for children and for His disciples. His love stems from God, The Father. He received The Father's love and reveals it to other. His love motivated Christians to live for God.

Believers have an individual convent relationship with Jesus Christ that allows no intrusion. The Church is The Bride of Christ and is built on mutual love, which also affirms the truth of oneness. Because love is a powerful expression, the contract relationship is not to be regarded casually.

God demonstrated the nature of love and His Word defines the direction for human love.


Christ is portrayed as Perfect Personal Love, The Lover.

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