Gracious Heavenly Father, We are grateful that You have given us the privilege of praying for others, of bringing them before Your Throne where Our Lord Jesus Christ is interceding on our behalf.
Those of us who have comfortable homes feel humbled as we ask You to find homes for those who live without shelter or are in an over-crowded room, forced to live without any privacy or in the streets without physical security; those who are lonely Lord, comfort them we pray, find families to whom they can belong. May they put their trust in Jesus, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He who Died, Rose again and Ascended for their Justification, so that they would not be condemned before You, for those who believe to lay hold of Life that is eternal.
We know from Your Scriptures that it is not by human merits that man can enter The Kingdom of God, but by being "born again" of The Holy Spirit, who draws people to Christ Jesus and to You, God, our Gracious Father.
May those of us who have plenty by Your Grace,
remember to use our homes for Your Service-
remember the lonely and to give the hungry a meal-
remember to clothe those who are naked-
remember to help, comfort and pray for those who are ill-
remember to help a shy person to grow in confidence-
remember to be open to You, Heavenly Father, for Your Will-
remember to bless those who curse us-
remember to forgive those who do us wrong-
remember to stir up the Gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.
It is our desire that those we pray for accept
Your Gift of Life and Reconciliation to You, the forgiveness of their sins;
to leave behind the old life and feast, grow and to mature in Christ, The
True Bread of Life, of Honour, Sincerity, Truth, Faithfulness and produce
Fruits of The Holy Spirit, showing forth the Christian Life, by the Renewing
Power of The Holy Spirit. May they come to the Reality of knowing that
any other way of living or believing leads to an eternal deadly end.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, mankind's Redeemer, AMEN.
Gracious Father, In Jesus' Name, we lift up before Your Throne of Glory,
those who are obeying Your Son's Command to love each other, to serve others,
especially those who are in need, and we thank You for those who do voluntary
work that help in many areas such as Meals on Wheels, Living Hope Counselling
Service, Crisis Care, Hospital volunteers and many more organisations.
We ask that these workers recognise that their compassion for others comes from You and not themselves and that they come to understand the knowledge and revelation of who Jesus Christ is, and why He Came. Those who help others 'like the good Samaritan' need Your courage Lord and guidance from The Holy Spirit when faced with people in despair; help them not to be overwhelmed by the troubles of those they seek to help.
Grant unto them wisdom and patience, insight from The Holy Spirit for those who need special prayer by the elders of the church and may they be able to lead and guide the lost gently to Jesus. Lord God, as volunteers give their strength, may they find strength as they serve; may they themselves be helped even though they do not expect any reward for their services given - may they see their service as unto the Lord.
We lift up before You those who are in reliance of their help, those who have burdens and difficulties in life. We ask for The Holy Spirit's peace and comfort in their lives; draw them unto Yourself and let them nestle under the Protective Wings of Your Love. May they acknowledge and worship You as the God of Creation. Make those who are in great need, whole and blameless before You by the Blood of Jesus; send Your labourers across their paths we pray Lord God and may our eyes be opened to see the needs of others, spiritually and physically.
We ask Your Blessings upon those who do work for
the good of others voluntarily, and we thank You for their help.
In Jesus' Name, AMEN.
Father God, We thank You for Your Grace through Jesus Christ,
Our Lord. We thank You for Your Guidance and Comfort through The Holy Spirit.
In Your Mercy You have drawn us unto Yourself. In Your Presence, our lives
and labours are sanctified.
We are grateful to You and privileged to be in a Country that proclaims freedom. Lord, do not allow the leaders of this Country to forget Your Sovereignty. May our leaders in government never become misguided on the issue of personal freedom.
Father, we ask that Christianity be taught once again as a subject in our Educational System for all ages, for all to hear and just not to those in private schools because of the availability of money. Even in private schools, may the real Truths of Your Word be taught clearly. Listen to Your Servants as we plead before You our Youth of this Country.
Forgive us that we allowed Your Instructions to be overlooked and let those in authority teach the ideas of man. Forgive we pray. In Jesus' Name, we ask, for the sake of those who are lost, misguided, insecure, troubled or perplexed that Your co-workers in public and private educational systems teach the Foundation of Christ so that the youth will have an opportunity to build their lives on The Solid Rock, The Tried and Tested Stone, The Only Foundation, The Only Way to You and Life everlasting.
May parents recognise the importance of Christian Morality and Christian Living and be examples of such to and for their children, and not be swayed by each new 'fad of knowledge' which comes along nor any 'inner-self enlightenment' teachings which have found their way not only into our communities but into our schools, starting at kindergarten.
Lord, we ask that You would Protect the families
of this Country from any influence of false teaching, false prophets, fortune
tellers, astrology teachings or any deceptive sect that prey on the young
and innocent who live in this Country. We ask that all here in this land
will seek Your Word for Your Truths and the Reality of Christ.
In The Wonderful Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Merciful Father, We bring before You the Youth of the
World; we lift them up to You, where Christ is interceding, for they will
be the Christian Leaders of the next generation. We acknowledge that The
Holy Spirit can change the life of a person for Your Glory and even now
You are preparing those whom You have chosen to influence others, for whom
we give you all the recognition and praise.
May those of the older generation have a proper and serious appreciation for the youth; both the youth of the Body of Christ and those outside in the world; to encourage them and not to hinder their growth, to teach the youth of the world of You, and not despise them. We recall that Christ died for the rebellious, the proud, the poor, the wayward youth, the same as he did for us who were once of the world, also sinners, and separated from You but now forgiven and restored.
Christ had compassion for all. Help us remember to have the same compassion, the same heart of devotion through The Holy Spirit; we ask for the same depth of caring, the depth of love and a deeper yearning for tolerance.
Assist us Lord, to listen to their problems and worries; to have genuine concern and extend advice when necessary. May all the young have someone to turn to, to help guide their ideals and channel their thinking with right motives, attitudes, and true direction. Let any word of criticism be said by us at the right time and not for revenge.
The high ideals that others have for the youth of this city, the youth of this Country, for the youth of the world, first be evident in the lives of Christian adults, lest we are shown to be hypocrites in Your eyes and theirs.
We ask that the youth of Christ take The Standard, The Banner, Christ, to battle and stand firm against the enemy; that they be protected by The Blood of Christ, The Power of The Holy Spirit and Your Ministering Angels who help guide and keep watch over them. In The Name of Jesus Christ, Our Ensign, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, we thank You and give You praise for
the blessings which You have given freely. We lift up before Your Throne,
the aged, who are in the Body of Christ and ask You to continually bless
Lord, we ask in The Name of Jesus, that they be comforted by Your Care and that You would bless them physically. May they live for Christ, serving Him, a fit faithful testimony of being in Your Kingdom, Father God. Let us not forget that we can learn from their experiences, from their leadership and guidance, from their counsel, for they know of things we have not yet known. We look to Your Word for examples of testimonies of the elderly, for You chose to use them mightily.
We also thank You for the blessings You give to those who refuse to acknowledge You. May The Holy Spirit draw them to hear Your Word, to know about Jesus and why they should recognise Him as their Lord and Saviour, may they realise Your Loving Mercy and Grace that You have for them. We pray that all ask of You, Your Mercy and Forgiveness of their sins throughout the years of their lives. May they all know and have the Hope of living with You forever, where there shall be no more pain, no sorrow only joy and pleasure for always, as stated in Your Word, Lord God Almighty.
Those who are idle, we ask that they spend their time in prayer for the lost of the nations, including those in their own communities. May the Holy Spirit prompt them with a deep burden of prayer for others and a hunger to know Your Word.
We ask for The Holy Spirit to dwell within them richly, deepening the Love of You in their hearts, giving them the joy of communion with You, becoming vibrant prayer warriors and fervent intercessors for You, under the Headship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We also lift up before You, Lord God, those who are in the Medical profession, who help our aged when they feel the weakness of their physical bodies, which are temporary on this earth. We thank You for all who work in hospitals attending to the relief of others, whether of professional status or voluntary. May they too know the Hope of Christ, and receive Your Generous Gifts reserved for Your Children. In The Precious Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Loving Heavenly Father, We acknowledge and thank You
for the Protection over this Land, and over its people. May the earth yield
forth its increase so that this nation will know Your Hand is upon it.
We, as the Body of Believers are thankful for Your Provision and are eager
to share our 'good things' spiritually and physically with others of this
Nation. We recognise our total dependency upon You.
Thank You for the teachers chosen to tell of Your Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness through Christ, The Bread of Life. We ask The Holy Spirit to fortify their efforts to bring Your Message of Christ to the indigenous peoples as well as the ethnic races that have settled here and have chosen to make this country their home.
We ask The Holy Spirit to take hold of the hearts of the indigenous people, the migrants, the refugees and turn them towards the worship of You, The Living God, and not of their past culture and traditions. May You be first priority in their lives as they try to find their identities. We ask that all peoples, whether they live in cities, by the sea or far inland will know of Your Love for them and that You offer them The Truth and Life.
In the All-Powerful Name of Jesus Christ, we turn away from the powers of darkness that have kept many blind from Your Gift of Salvation and render them useless against Your Word by the Power of the Blood of Christ and the Might of The Holy Spirit. We ask that souls be set free, In the Name of Jesus Christ The Lord, and be filled with the Anointing of The Holy Spirit as Your Word is proclaimed, for all are precious in Your Sight.
Eternal Father, we ask that You would guard those who have left homes, families and friends to seek liberty and peace for the sake of others in this Great Land or abroad. As they work, may they not loose sight of "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God ". Keep those who are in remote areas close to You and may the indigenous people learn to serve each other, and those who are sent to serve them be as Christ, in word and deed amongst them.
We as a people are to allow the Knowledge of Christ
to be known throughout this Land, in the hearts of the people and that
all will use commonsense towards the same goal; whether black or white.
We are to serve You as one, not being better than the other, both Before
Your Presence at all times and before each other. We thank You for Your
Blessings upon us, for we know they are undeserved, for this You receive
our gratitude and love.
In the All-Attentive Name of Our Risen Christ, Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We give thanks and we praise You for the gift
of children and for the joy we and others receive from them. We thank You
for those who teach Your Word to these who are so young about Your Kingdom
and bringing them into Your Family, by the prompting of The Holy Spirit,
because of the completed work of Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the vast opportunities the children in this Country enjoy and ask that the children throughout the nations, millions born every year, may have Your Abundant Provisions; for it to be possible for them to grow up surrounded in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour of Mankind. May they have freedom, food, shelter, clothing and health.
We uphold parents and guardians in prayer, to be aware of their responsibilities and to entrust their children into Your Care and Loving Protection, to teach their Children to respect their elders and especially to obey their parents as Your Word says.
May their homes be sanctuaries in which they can freely learn of You and Your Love; for Christ to reign in their homes as well as in their hearts, keeping them from evil and danger. We desire for You to Hold them in the Palm of Your Hand until they stand face to face before You, saved by Your Grace through Christ. In the meantime, we ask that they become useful instruments in Your Kingdom to Your Glory throughout their lives and they teach their own future offspring the Truth of Christ Jesus so that they might also live with You for time everlasting.
We ask that the children not be deceived by the evil one in their tender young lives, and in their later years. May Your Preservation surround and encompass them. In The Powerful Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we trust and know to be Faithful. AMEN.
Sovereign Father, In The Name of Jesus Christ, we bring before You, those
who are physically or mentally handicapped, spiritually restrained and
those who are physically or mentally ill. By The Authority of Your Word,
we know it to be true that these people are to be prayed for and it is
we who are to pray for them as well as the elders in the Church. We ask,
in The Name of Jesus Christ, Son of The Living God, that they be made whole
and completely restored and we give You, Father God, praise and thanksgiving
for that. It is You who is to receive all the Glory for what You do, it
is not of us or anything we do, but with You All things Are Possible! Nothing
is Impossible for You!
Father, You are a God of Miracles, Healing, Power and Might. Jesus healed the sick, the lame, the blind, deaf, those who were dumb, those who were possessed or afflicted by demons, just because He wanted to! Many of them asked, many of them knew Who He was, He healed them because He Cared! So we intercede on behalf of those who need His Touch by The Power of The Holy Spirit.
We bring before You the families of those who are ill or handicapped and ask that The Holy Spirit provide them with strength and caring, filling them with Your Love. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we refute the devil and his cohorts; we render useless the illegal oppression they inflict. Jesus has given His Authority for us to use His Name in supplication for those who are handicapped or ill, that they by His Hand they be loosed and set free from any spiritual force of darkness, Father God, for them to accept The Holy Spirit and be renewed as well as having The Love of Christ, and receiving Eternal Life as a Gift from You; a Gift of Freedom from destruction.
We ask Lord, those who are bound in their mind, be set free In The Name of Jesus Christ, be made whole by The Power of His Name, by the Might of The Holy Spirit as we rebuke any unclean spirit and command them to flee and to release those oppreesed so they will be able to embrace the Strength of The Holy Spirit and be Reinforced by Him.
Father, we ask that all shall come to the knowledge
of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, that they might make Him Lord of their
lives, and be far from the oppression of darkness and spiritual wickedness
and free from anything that exalts itself above Christ. Father, we depend
upon Your Love, Your Mercy and Your Will to be done.
In Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Lord, our thoughts and prayers are towards
those who are unwittingly following the broad road of deception that leads
to destruction. We lift up before You those who suffer because of a fruitless
search for their existence, including those involved in any form of eastern
We thank You, Lord God, for Providing for all of us the satisfaction of Life. Help us to lead these people to Christ, who is The Way, The Truth and The life; that they yearn for and know of Your Love, Your Compassion, Your Understanding, Your Plan of Salvation, for there is no other; may they be not blinded but accept Your Gifts and Blessings You have ready for them. Allow them to know that their desperate plight and deepest needs are found and met in The Full Knowledge of Christ's Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification.
We bring before You those in this Country who are hungry, and those who are starving in other lands. Our hearts are touched and full of concern for these people, full of compassion for those who work around hungry children and yet they cannot relieve their hunger pains. We will to keep our eyes open and our ears to listen, so that we might be able to relieve the underfed, or those who might be in need of shelter or clothing. We wish to help them, when and where we can physically as well as spiritually.
Lord, we ask that The Holy Spirit would move and touch the hearts of those who have plenty in countries where destitution abounds, for their material wealth to help those who are less privileged. We ask that all will see their need for The Living God and Christians who are living in these poverty stricken countries to speak out to their neighbours and wisely tell them of Christ's Love, sharing their material wealth also.
We thank You that relief workers are able to help
those in deepest need. We thank You for their effort and their giving.
In Jesus' Name. AMEN.
Dear Heavenly Father, In The Name of Jesus, we acknowledge that we are
co-workers with You. We thank Our Lord Jesus Christ that we can come boldly
before Your Throne and this is the confidence we have in You that if we
ask anything according to Your Will, Your Purposes in Your Word, we know
that we have the petition we have desired of You. We value that through
Your Favour and Mercy, we are cleansed of our sins as we confess them before
You, in the Name of Jesus. Father, we thank You that Your Word brings Light
and Opens doors.
We lift up before You, The Educational System of this Country. We desire that men and women, who are put in positions of authority, be born again, Spirit-filled Christians; that they be men and women of integrity, having a thirst for Uprighteousness, be blameless and complete in Your Sight obeying Your Word, and that they remain in their positions, and those who oppose Your Word be rooted out, in the Name of Jesus.
We bring before You the scholars of this Nation and ask that those who educate them also hold out Your Word of Life, offering Your Gift of Eternal Life to them; for both teacher and student be knowledgeable about You and Your Purposes, and not depart from Your Ways; that You will give them the skill of learning. We ask that those being taught Your Word, to be obedient to the knowledge of it and to separate themselves from anything that would defile their spirit, soul and body, particularly to shun immorality and flee from anything that is destructive in thought, word or deed.
In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, we, as The Body of Christ, bind satan and his powers. We rfute and contradict, in The Name of Jesus Christ, the spirits behind the occult, astrology, witchcraft; every familiar lie, of tarot card reading, palm reading, seances, hypnotism, yoga and reincarnation, evolution, the spirit of alcoholism, drug addiction and any idolatry, all of these that are ready to deceive any student in any educational system.
We turn from worldly wisdom and instead, we ask You, Father God, to commission Your ministering angels to go forth in Jesus' Name and guide the minds of the students who choose to walk in Your Path, in Your Ways and in none other, that You will carry out Your Purposes in their lives.
We appreciate that You are a God who Delivers
and Protects people as they uplift The Name of Jesus Christ and in particular
Saving them from Eternal Destruction. The Educational system in this Country
desperately needs Your Wisdom, Your Teachings, Your Guidance and Your Truth
from The Holy Spirit; they need Your Salvation through Jesus Christ, for
their eternal future. We thank You for Your labourers who are able to teach
their students about The Truths of Your Word.
In The Name of Jesus, we put the students and teachers in Your Care. AMEN.
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