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God's words are complete, totally whole and perfected, an inexhaustible source of wise counsel.
God's word allow His people to become wiser than those who ignore them. True wisdom is not a mass of knowledge, but by the application of it, which is helped nd enabled by The Holy Spirit to make a difference in the lives of believers.
Human intelligence and wisdom has limits and do come to an end, no matter how extensive or excellent, but God's words are exceedingly broad without boundaries into eternity. His word will always continue to stand firm.
God's word reflect the permanence of His utterances to His people far beyond the endurance of the world. God's words are authoritative in their timeless perfection, they will not change and are relevant in any age.
The more people get to know the word of God, the more it confirms its perfection and infiniteness. His wisdom and perfection surpasses that of mankind.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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Managed by Stefan Kreslin, Last updated August 2017