is talking to God; entering the presence of God with praise and thanksgiving for Who He Is and for His Provisions; yeilding to The Authority of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Prayer provides opportunities for confession of sins and adoration. Prayer acknowledges the dependence of a believer on God and is the spiritual response to God, who has revealed Himself to His created people. He has invited them to have communion with Himself. God helps believers to pray, to guide and renew the spirit, soul and body; it is having fellowship with God. Prayer is a form of worship as God's Sovereignty and Power is acknowledged. Prayer is the most powerful resource known to man. It is an opportunity to build a personal relationship with God. A primary task in prayer is seeking guidance. Jesus introduced a method of prayer by saying that His disciples should ask of The Father in His own Name. Prayers are said mentally or spoken, in the Name of Jesus, The Christ, The One and Only Saviour of mankind. Jesus taught of persistence and boldness in prayer. People can speak to God, The Father, God, The Son and God, The Holy Spirit, but cannot pray to dead people, for God's Word says that is an abomination and that Jesus, The Christ, His Son is The Only Mediator between God, the Father and mankind. God answers prayer. One huge difference between Christianity and other religions is that the believer has been requested by God to communicate with Him by prayer. God hears and He responds to His people.

Prayer must be sincere, trusting with, as well as for, the right motive, and be in accordance with God's Will and His Word. Believers are to pray expectantly about situations instead of worrying about them. The Bible says TO AVOID saying the same insincere words repetitiously, that is chanting the same word or a few words over and over. AVOID revenge to others through prayer and AVOID bargaining with God. There are many types of prayers and in The Bible, there is personal prayer, group prayer, united in agreement prayers, intercessory prayers, and spiritual warfare prayers. It is not the correct position a believer considers when in prayer but the sincerity and attitude of their hearts, however The Bible does mention positions such as standing, kneeling, sitting, lying prostrate, bowing or hands uplifted. Many people in The Bible pray silently, alone and together. Anywhere they may be, believers pray spontaneously as well as fixed times.

Scripture encourages believers to ask of God for their needs. Prayer can request blessings upon others. People ask God for His blessings and favour, protection and caring for their immediate family, relatives and friends. In prayer, there is a recognition of God The Father, the desire for His Will to be carried out, a need for forgiveness, a need for physical provision, and a spiritual and physical protection. It is God's Will that His purposes shall be done through prayer, to bring honor and glory to Him. God's response to prayers allow the leaders to discern His Will. The Bible asks believers to pray for the nations, guidance for governments, for God's servants and their ministries, deliverance for those in distress, or who are oppressed in any way, those in need, especially for workers to go to others and tell them of the knowledge of God's Saving Grace, through His Son, Jesus, about His Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification; to bring before Him in prayer The Body of Saints, who are the living believers of the Church. Prayer is fellowship with God through The Lord Jesus Christ. This is expressed in adoration, thanksgiving and intercession.

is the purest form of adoration that can be offered to God, our Creator. Worship is an encounter with The True and Living God; it is reserved for Him alone. The word worship is worth-ship meaning the honour, reverence and homage paid to God is due His worth. He is worthy to receive special honour. Worship of God involves acknowledgement of His Divine perfection, that He is a higher being than mankind. Worship is turning to God in awe as His people realise how wonderful He is. To know God is to want to Worship Him. All nations are encouraged to worship God. Humiliy is acceptable worship as is honesty. Only God alone is worthy of worship, that is God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This devotion is acknowledging the glory to God, the honour that is due to Him, and the reverence that He alone deserves.Under The Old Testament people worshipped God at Altars and in Temples. He was a God who was outside of them. Only certain men from the Tribe of Levi were chosen to be priests and only one High Priest could enter into God's presence once a year. Innocent blood of animals and birds covered the sins of the people and that had to be repeated again and again, for it was not sufficient to make people right with God; this was only an intermediate stage until the full and complete sacrfice of Christ was made. The Will and Law of God was written down on tablets of stone for the people to follow and worship was restricted to one place. Sincere worship is not rituals but is wholehearted and full of awe for God. Worship is orderly and reverent with joy. Obedience to God in itself, is worship. Worship in the Bible is both designated times and spontaneous. Worship results in God's presence. The earthly location for worship is unimportant. Adoration is love for God. To worship God, blesses the believer. Worship should not depend on circumstances.

In The New Covenant of Grace through Christ Jesus, all the saints (living believers) are priests and Jesus, The Christ is The High Priest. Believers can come into God's presence because of His blood sacrifice, which was sufficient to reconcile man back to God and took away (not just covered) their sins. It is fitting to give thanks and praise to God for His Creation and His gift of Redemption. The Blood of Jesus frees the guilt of mankind's consciences when there is repentance. God, through The Holy Spirit comes to live in believers and His Law and Will are written on their hearts. Praise is celebration, the honoring and adoration of God, in the Power of The Holy Spirit. Praise and thanksgiving is a natural response to God for His goodness. This is usually expressed in song and in music. Believers offer themselves as a living sacrifice in ministering service to God and mankind, following the example of Jesus. Thanksgiving encompasses thanking God for all He has done and what He has promised to do for His people. The Bible provides examples of praise. God inhabits the praises of His people. Worship under God's Covenant of Grace is not limited to sacred places or times. Disciples of Christ are to worship God in spirit and in truth. Worship in The Bible is usually both public and private which involves having sincere attitudes and motives. Angels as well as mankind worship God, but the worship of angels by humans is forbidden. Worship is to God for His loving and saving deeds including His greatness. Worship and prayer can be hindered by wrong relationships with God and with others. Only in heaven is there true worship of God.

Reverance and humilty, honesty without hypocrisy, characterise acceptable worship. Worship can be focussed either on God's glory, His majesty, His Kingship, His love and compassion, His judgement, His justice and righteous as well as His creative activities.

SCRIPTURES SCRIPTURES Luke 18:1,Acts 6:4, Isaiah 64:6-7, 1Thessalonians 5:17.
QUESTIONS 1] Is prayer a privilege or an option? 2] What does prayer involve? 3] Does neglecting prayer affect God? 4] Where are people to pray?

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