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OBADIAH Minor Prophet of Pre-exile era date 840 B.C.

The Book of Obadiah describes the crimes, and pronounced total destruction of Israel' neighbours and relatives, the Edomites.

Obadiah means worshipper or Servant of God

The Book of Obadiah is the shortest book in The Bible with only twenty-one verses, yet it contains the severest message of judgement in The Old Testament. The book makes it clear that the overthrow of Edom is certain because of injustice, pride and hatred.

The work of Obadiah is accredited to God.

The predictions of Obadiah concerning the doom of Edom was fulfilled in three stage, the final step was completed 150 B.C.

God's word is proven true; nations that oppress Israel will certainly bring His judgement. God does make moral judgements and acts upon them. The text looked forward to the final blessing following The Day of The Lord, The Day of Revelation and Judgement when God's Kingdom will triumph.

The Book of the prophet Obadiah is the fourth Book of the Minor Prophetical Books of which there are twelve, includes Pre-exile History in The Promised Land.




Jesus was declared King at His birth. God exalted Him to His rightful place of power and majesty. At the end of this age Jesus Christ will rule forever. Jesus Himself claimed He was a King.

The Lord shall be King echoes the theme of Jesus' conquest, whose triumph procured an inheritance, that can never perish, spoil or fade. His reign is expressed to govern or judge significantly in victory. The last goal of the overthrow is to unite worship with centralised rule in dynastic monarchy. The visible institutions through which the Lord Himself rules as King.

The destined leadership of nations is grounded in the promises of God's Word. Many will serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him. The Lord is indeed King. He is in reality The Living God, the eternal King, and The great King over all the earth.

The day is coming when that kingdom will be acknowledged universally, when every knee shall bow, and they will say among the nations that The LORD reigns, the Kingdom shall be the LORD'S. The nations will be judged, Christ will reign on earth during the period called the Millennium. The Kingdom and the Kingship shall be God's.

Although God is sovereign in human history, His ultimate purpose is His just eternal Kingdom, the final outcome of all history.


Christ is portrayed as Judge of The Nation, The Deliverer and Saviour of Israel, The Possessor of The Kingdom.

"The Lord shall be King." Obadiah 1:21

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