Many years after Joseph died, approximately 1570 B.C., the Israelites in Egypt grew in number. The new Pharaoh felt he had no obligation to them as over 400 years had passed since the famine that originally had bought Israelites to Egypt for Joseph had been next to the Pharaoh in authority in the land. Fearing the number of males the Pharaoh was concerned that they might overtake the Egyptians, so he decided to make them slaves because they were becoming too powerful with their strength in number. The Pharaoh ordered that all male babies be thrown in the River Nile to be drowned. During this era of bondage and cruelty, an Israelite woman from the tribe of Levi, managed to hide her son by putting him in a basket amongst the reeds growing on the river's edge. One of the Pharaoh's daughters found him and called him Moses. He was brought up in the palace as her son, but he knew he was an Israelite. Exodus 1-2

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