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The source for the Book of Nehemiah came from Nehemiah's personal memoirs. His recordings are vivid about Jerusalem's inhabitants and of the rebuilding of The City's walls, inspite of great opposition.

Nehemiah means 'comfort of God'.

The Book of Nehemiah documents that under Nehemiah's godly lifestyle and leadership, the people became united, revived and reformed. Nehemiah was the appointed Governor of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was the spiritual and political centre of the nation, without walls it was considered as a city or acknowledged at all. There was great opposition to its reconstruction. Israel's history can be viewed from God's covenantal position. The book records the renewal of God's covenant and the third and final group return to their homeland from exile. Not only are the walls restored but also the old covenantal sabbath day and religious and worship services and the people's morals.

At this point in time the Persian King's stepmother was Esther who was herself a Jew in Exile, away form The Promised Land. Nehemiah himself was employed by the king and was a trusted confident.

Nehemiah is the Second Book of Post-Exile History that records the returning captives to their homeland of Judah, of which the City of Jerusalem is the capital.


"Stand up and Praise The Lord Your God, for He Lives from everlasting to everlasting. Praise His glorious Name"

This statement is the truest celebration of God's greatness which as a theme follows through the Scriptures from the beginning to the end. The Lord of Hosts will be praised through all eternity. God alone is the Living God, He is incomparable. His power and greatness is to be acknowledged.
God's name is to be held in highest honour. His person, nature and characteristics are revealed in His name. God is identified by His Name and so is His reputation. Praise of God's Name is the truest celebration of God's greatness, which as a theme follows through the Scriptures from the beginning to the end. The Lord of Hosts will be praised through all eternity.

Adoration and praise usually involves music and song through The Holy Spirit. Dancing can be a form of praise and thanksgiving. Praise is the celebration and honouring of God by the power of The Holy Spirit, individually and corporately. Praise is pleasing to God for He alone is due such adoration. It is also an act of witness in response to God's nature, His greatness, His righteousness, His faithfulness, His strength, for answered prayer, for deliverance and for giving His Son Jesus. The Holy Spirit moves people to praise God in faith through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit inspires believers to extol and worship God; He prompts them to thank God.

God alone is the Living God, He is incomparable. His power and greatness is to be acknowledged with grateful response for His Patient Divine Love.

Praise is the natural response of believers given to God, in all situations, at all times.

Christ is portrayed an Intercessor, Giver of God's Glory to God, Restorer, Rebuilder and Government Head.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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