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Although the crowds did not really recognize who Christ was, the disciples did. Peter affirmed it for all of them.
"You are The Christ, Son of The Living God".

Some of the Names, types and symbols of Christ-
The Exact Image of God, The First and the Last, The Alpha and the Omega, The Amen, The Word of God, The Bright Morning Star, The Rising Sun, The True Light, The Righteous One, Just Judge, The Lion of Judah, The King, The Bread of Life, The Light Of the World, The Gate, The Good and Excellent Shepherd, The Resurrection and the Life, The Way, The Truth and the Life, The True Vine, The Root and offspring of David, Capstone, The Rock, The Bridegroom, The First Fruits, First born from the dead, Heir of all things, Lord, Prince, Passover Lamb, Horn of Salvation, Mediator, High Priest, Son of Man, Son of God, Head of the Church, Son of David, Prophet, Victor and Conqueror, The Royal Sceptre, The Cup of the Fullness of Joy, The Key of Kingdom Power, The Secure One, Everlasting One, The Shekinah Glory, The Branch.

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Last updated August 2017