Merciful Father, You have created all mankind for fellowship with Yourself and You have given Your son, Jesus, Our Lord to the world. May the Body of Christ, the Church, be stripped of all that weakens, and be clothed with all that strengthens, through the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit. Lord, have mercy upon us and may The Holy Spirit cleanse Your people from worldly minds, renew and ignite us in an eagerness for the things of heavenly value. We ask The Holy Spirit to purge us from pettiness, pride, titles, offices, and narrowness towards other nations and races other than our own. We ask The Holy Spirit not to allow the Body of Christ to be prayerless or complacent.
Help us to acknowledge the support all Your Ministries need from us, who are a part of the whole Body of Christ. Grant particular grace and guidance to those who are teaching Your Word amongst the harvest fields. May your workers use their Christ- Given Authority with His Graciousness and Humility. May they keep hold of the Truths of Jesus, the Love of You that flowed from the Cross, and that those who are making a commitment to Christ as Lord of their lives continue to find the Treasures of Your Word that is held for them!
Thank You, Heavenly Father for Your teachers in the past and for those whom You are now preparing to preach the Gospel to many people. May they be strengthened and encouraged in all situations by The Holy Spirit. May all believers have an increased passion for the lost souls of mankind and we ask that they would stir up the Gifts of The Holy Spirit within them to worship You with sincerity, truth and reality and as Your co-workers may they be taught soundly by Your chosen teachers of The Truth and not of the ideas from men.
We, The Body of Christ are united in the covenant relationship with You, cause us all to make known The Sacrifice of Christ to all men, in all places, the Power of His Resurrection, Ascension, Glorification and of Your Saving Mercy, Grace and Love and the Might of The Holy Spirit. In The Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We come before You with thanksgiving
in our hearts for the privileges You give to The Body of Christ. We uplift
before You those who shepherd us. We ask that Your Shepherds work together
in line with Your Word only, and for the interest of Your Kingdom here
on earth and to come, for peace and harmony, but not for compromising of
the Powerful Truths of Your Principles.
Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the Anointing and Strength The Holy Spirit gives to Your Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to preach Your Word, the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ and to help teach the Treasures of Your Wisdom and not that of mankind. We thank them for the counselling that is given to the 'sheep' and the blessings that are shared.
Be with Your Shepherds in the years ahead, so that they remain faithful to Your Word and continue to serve as Christ served. May the Holy Spirit continue to refine them to be True Witnesses to The Body of Christ. You have filled them with tenderness and love and it is the Love of Christ that binds the Ministry Teams together. Lord, we ask that they be endowed with physical health to continue in Your Service for Your Glory- not theirs and that the members of the Body of Christ support and uphold them in prayer to You constantly.
We also lift up to You, the deacons, the musicians and singers, may they be filled with Your Spirit, with wisdom and understanding, intelligence and knowledge, with a listening ear for the Inspiration of The Holy Spirit. We ask that song writers be skilled in Your Word to minister to You and to the saints, for their teaching of the saints in worship and praise to You, Father God. May all who are in the ministries be examples of Christ through the Power and Might of The Holy Spirit. In The Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour, AMEN.
Merciful Heavenly Father, We come before You in The Name of Our Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ. We ask Your Protection, spiritually and physically
for those who are taking The Truth of Christ to the lost and we also thank
You that You have given Your Angels charge over Your children. Thank You
Father, for Your Intervention in the issues of man and in world affairs.
You wield Your Strength and Might on behalf of Your people. How Wonderfully,
Powerfully and Supernaturally You Permeate the atmosphere with Your Presence.
We, as a Body stand against the enemy of The Living God, being Satan and his cohorts, demons of deceit that ruin lives, spiritually and naturally. In The Powerful Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ and in The Power of His Blood, by which we are covered, and with the Sword of The Spirit, The Living Word of God, we refute and render useless anything that the enemy would do to try and persuade the lost from responding to The Knowledge of Christ. The Body of Christ,asks that they hear Your Word, those who have never heard of Christ before through Your chosen labourers; we ask that The Holy Spirit touches hardened hearts with Your Word, Father, to bring back to You, a harvest of souls, for Your Word never returns void and accomplishes that for which it was sent. All praise and Glory to You, Father God. We pull down all imaginations of man and anything, either thought or deed, that would exalt itself above the Blood, Power, Knowledge and Name of Our Lord Christ Jesus.
Jesus is The Standard, who has been lifted up against the enemy and has triumphed Victoriously, so we who believe that He is The Son of God, are under His Victorious Banner. Like Christ, may Your co-workers around the world keep up an assault against false doctrine, sin, sickness and death with the help of The Power and Might of The Holy Spirit, being bold and authoritative in The Name of Jesus; casting out demons, healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, re-creating hearts and transforming lives by the Power and Might of The Holy Spirit, along with Your Word.
We intercede for Your workers in distant lands to become strong spiritual warriors, opposing deceptive religious spirits of error, attitudes and traditions. May they triumph valiantly in times of persecution, that they be enveloped by Your Power, Your Might and that the lost will not resist the Wisdom of The Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, we ask that Your Desires, Your Burdens for the people of the world and in The Body of Christ, be carried out; Your Will and not that of our own, as we purpose for Your Kingdom to come. Your people pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, The Saviour of Mankind, AMEN.
Father God, Keep us linked to Christ Jesus, The Vine,
whose Roots surpass all others. He is The Beginning and The End, The First
and The Last, The Alpha and Omega. He Is The Unchanging One. We are commanded
to be 'rooted' in and built up in Him, established in trust and belief
in Him, so we ask for Your Help to be positioned in Christ this way. May
we willingly be in submission to The Lord of Lords, with tender devotion
and unswerving trust.
Devotion to Your Will, Father God, must be our first priority. We ask that all the saints be as harvested grain to be used of You; either to become bread, nourishing the hearts of the spiritually hungry or to become seed sown, producing a new crop of believers, helping to fulfill the commission Christ commanded; that the Body become mature stalks, heavy with golden ripe grain to sow Your Word, The Truths of Christ, His Birth, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, all pertaining to His Glorification, to those whom the Holy Spirit has made receptive; that those who hear shall be born of The Spirit, regenerated and delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom You have made available to them through Our Lord Jesus Christ. May they also be baptized not only in water, but also with The Holy Spirit.
May we all maintain an attitude of repentance,
genuine sorrow and that we remember those who are not saved are within
easy reach of each one of us through prayer. May all the Ministry totally
surrender to Christ's Authority. May all use the Keys of the Kingdom and
aid those who are younger to become able shepherds; to use the Keys of
the Power of Prayer, the confession of the Lordship of Christ in our lives,
and use the Ministry Gifts provided by The Holy Spirit. May the Fruit of
The Spirit be evident-for righteous and godly attitudes to abound-to return
love for hate-hope in the midst of despair and for Your Word to be consulted
for all matters.
In The Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
O Eternal God and Father, You are the Only source of
Light and Life. You Watch over those who are obeying the Commission of
Christ, '"Go into all the world and make disciples of the nations."
May You give to those who are sowing Your Seed and to those who are reaping
the harvest, a double portion of The Holy Spirit so that in true humility,
they may earnestly seek to obediently follow Christ and be an example to
those they teach.
Father, may You enrich Your Missionaries with Your Light and Life, so that they teach the Truth of Your Saving Graces concerning the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. Let all instruction and training be permeated by the Awe of You and by the Love of You, Father God, that You have for the lost of mankind. Give to those whom The Holy Spirit convicts a real love for Your Word and an eagerness to know and learn more and more about the Truths of Your Word. Prepare them to be able workers in Your Kingdom.
We ask You to Protect and Guard Your Workers while they are abroad in foreign lands, let not their knowledge of Your Word stagnant; may they always listen for the gentle guiding of The Holy Spirit to pass on the knowledge of Salvation through Christ and the rich blessings that lie ahead for those who have never known of The Sacrifice of Christ and Your Gift of Life through Him. May they serve others as Christ served others, with humility and grace.
Heavenly Father, You call both men and women to
proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ; to be His Ambassadors; we ask
that You be with those who are preparing themselves for this service. When
the demands seem great and they, perhaps tempted to give up, we ask You
to remind them of Your Word, "My grace is sufficient for you, for
My Power is made Perfect in your weakness" . May the prayers of the
Body of Christ help sustain them. Many of Your Workers are killed in foreign
lands, many more than we realize. Forgive us Father, for the many hours
and days that we forget that All-Power and All-Authority belong to Your
Son, Christ Jesus, and that He has given us His Name to use for Power in
In The All-Powerful , Protective Name Of Your Son Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We lift up before You, Your Labourers,
both men and women, who are carrying, preaching and teaching the Message
of Christ to the lost. May their spiritual and physical needs be met by
the Power of The Holy Spirit. We know You hear the prayers of the Body
of Believers, and Lord of The Harvest, we ask that You will continue to
send forth labourers and to bless those who train and prepare them, as
well as those in administrative areas.
We thank You for the Gifts of The Holy Spirit to be used for the common good of the Body of Christ and individually. Lord God, we will to stir up the Gifts of The Holy Spirit within us so as to put them into service for You and unto others. We ask that You be gentle with those who are unsure, direct them and open up opportunities for them to serve You. May each one of us share the responsibilities of serving our fellow man.
We, as the Body of Christ, already saved by being born of The Spirit, yield to the operational workings of the Gifts given through The Holy Spirit, in addition to the Baptism of The Holy Spirit for public service and for use in private. Just as there are nine Fruits of The Holy Spirit there are nine Ministry Gifts, which we thank You for. -the Message of Wisdom-the Message of Knowledge-Gifts of Faith-of Healing-of Miraculous Works-of Prophecy-of Discerning between Spirits-Different Types of Tongues-Interpretation of Tongues.
All of which are dependent upon each other for the working throughout the church, including the roles of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, and for the purpose of training others and to help equip them for Your Service, as well as for edifying of the Body. We ask You to bless All ministries and teams, especially those whose work is so often taken for granted, as they work in maintaining the properties for the benefit of others, including floral arrangements and the preparation of the Lord's Supper, the Ministry of helps for the poor, needy, sick and distressed, those given the Gift of Administration and to remind all of us that we each have the Ministry of Intercession and Reconciliation.
May we truly love one another Lord, with affection,
not lacking in zeal, but kindled by The Holy Spirit. Let us all rejoice
in the Hope we have, to be patient during any tribulation and constant
in prayer. Help us to see ourselves growing spiritually and developing
into mature 'sons and daughters' of Your Kingdom.
In the Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. AMEN.
Father God, We are grateful for Your workers, those who labour for You
in Your Harvestfields. We ask that The Holy Spirit keep them ablaze for
You-Flames of Fire, nothing less than mighty instruments and vessels with
burning messages, with hearts full of love from You and that You, Father
God, take charge of their lives so Christ shall be seen in their deeds
through The Holy Spirit who quickens them for Your Glory.
May Christ be their Foundation Stone, for He is the Rock, The Stone, The Established One in all that You Father, have Said and in all that You Do. He is The Rock on which His Church, Your Holy Temple is built and the gates of hell cannot stand against it. There is no other Foundation that man can lay than Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour-He is The Tried, The Precious Stone, The Cornerstone, tried by the powers of darkness, tested by Satan, tried by the priests and scribes of the Jewish Council of the Jewish Nation, tried by the Gentile Rulers. He is The Proven Stone, The Sure Foundation, from which comes the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. To those who reject Him, He becomes their Stumbling Stone.
Lord Jesus, You are seen in all Your Glory as The rock of The Ages, The Rock of our Salvation. On You, Christ Jesus, The Solid Rock, we stand!
Thank You Father God, that we through The Holy Spirit, become living stones, useful stones to be effective everywhere we go in the harvest fields for You, because of Christ's Redemption of mankind. Those fields are not just for missionaries and evangelists overseas, but for us, in our streets, shopping centres, local communities, local councils, our schools, on buses or trains; wherever people are, there are fields ripe for the harvest, to be helped out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light and Life for Eternal Living, and it is those who do not belong to Your Kingdom, who need our answers and we pray for them to come into the Full Knowledge of Christ, so that they can live before You, because of Jesus Christ, The Proven Stone.
We ask this in the Strong and Mighty Name of Jesus, The Only Name through which mankind can find Salvation. AMEN.
Sovereign God Of All Creation, Our Father, We lift before You, those in
the Body of Christ, who are carrying the Good News of Christ, His Birth,
Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Your Only Beloved Son-not only in
this Country, but also those in other nations and those who travel to foreign
countries, spreading Your Word of the Lordship of Him who has saved us
by reconciling us back to You.
We include all those in the Body of Christ, who are suffering persecution and those who have been arrested or put in prison for unfolding the Riches in Christ to others. Send forth Your Ministering angels, we pray, to provide the necessary help and assistance to these, Your heirs of Salvation. May they be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might through The Holy Spirit, quenching every dart of the devil, in the Name of Jesus.'Father, You are their Light, Refuge and Stronghold. Reassure them that Your Peace, Security and Love triumph over All Opposition and that Your Will be done in their lives.
May those who are in Your Ministry be successful in the harvest of foreign fields to Your Glory. In the Name of Jesus, may Your Word come forth boldly and accurately and that those hearing Your Word will not resist the Wisdom and Inspiration of The Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit cause the eyes and ears of the lost to be spiritually opened; that they be turned from darkness to the Light and Truth of Your Kingdom, making Jesus, Lord of their lives.
We ask Father, that as Your Word comes forth, Your Co-workers be yielded completely to The Holy Spirit, so that Your Word is spoken Alive, Full of Power, being Active, Operative and Effective, being Sharper than any two edged sword and that all hearers of the Truth of Christ to be met spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, and know the Commands, Counsels, and Provision of Your Unmerited Favour; that Your Word will build them up and cause them to realise that they are joint-heirs with Christ. May the people know that The Lord is God and that there is No Other!
As Your workers give, may their deeds and goodness, kindness and patience endure. Father God, You, who Provide the Seed for the sower and Bread for the eating, we ask that You will also provide and multiply their resources for the increase of their fruits; that they will be enriched in every way.
Father, instruct them in the way they should go.
Guide them into Your will, Your Plan and Your Purpose for their lives;
may they listen to Your Voice and follow. May their path become clearer
each day. May they continue always to trust in You, not in their own understanding
and acknowledge You and all Your Ways. Your will be done as it is in heaven.
In the Powerful Overcoming Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Lord God, Our Heavenly Master, Father, we bring before
You, Your servants in the mission field. May they realize fully their God-given
talents and the Gifts of The Holy Spirit and utilize them to the uttermost,
along with their knowledge attained for preparation of sowing the seed,
Your Word, and for discipleship.
May they have a full rich life of sacrificial service to You. In The Name of Jesus, we ask that they be led by The Holy Spirit to adhere to the Gospel as they share it with others, in love, in patience, in caring for the lost of humanity at this time. We also ask Your Blessing upon their families, of those who are Your Co-workers throughout this Country, and Overseas. We thank them for their unselfishness and support to Your Workers, for they too share in the joy and satisfaction of the reaping of the ripened harvest grain and the fruit of the mission field.
We ask that there would be openings in countries that at this present time have a restriction on evangelizing of the Gospel of Christ. We thank You for the successful radio transmissions to Christians who are strengthened and encouraged in remote areas. We thank You for all volunteers who travel to other countries for Your Interest and not their own.
May The Holy Spirit Protect Your workers and those who have been Born of The Spirit because they have heard what Christ has done for them, especially in countries that persecute those who are in Your Kingdom. We ask that they would be delivered from any obstacle or trouble, for they, with Your Help, now spend their time investing in people of Your Creation. Continue to sustain them with Your Strength, and Your support; that they hope in Your Provisions in ALL things, in ALL situations, as we in Your Family, always should.
May the new Christians be taught by those who
clearly expound the Truth of Christ, so that they too can teach their fellow
countrymen of Life Eternal with You and not be lead astray by a teaching
of error of Your Word. We thank You that many are prompted through The
Holy Spirit to seek You, and we ask that repentance, signs and wonders,
gifts and manifestations from You follow the speaking of Your Word by the
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
In The Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, we uplift before You, Your Workers
in the Harvest-field, AMEN.
Father God, We ask for Your Provision for Your Workers;
that their needs be supplied, spiritually and physically. May they be uplifted
and refreshed through the anointing of Your Word by The Holy Spirit, strengthening
them for any task that is set before them, so that they may Glorify Christ.
May Your workers in the music Ministry be aware of The Holy Spirit's Moving, and, in doing so, follow His Leading. We ask that all recognise their talents are from You, for You to be ministered to, whether they are singers, instrumental players or song-writers; may they know that they are for edifying the Body of Christ, to bring believers to the worship and praising of You, Lord God , including joyous celebrations of Victory.
As part of the Body of Christ, we as vessels of The Holy Spirit, are to pray often for Your Missionaries, praising and thanking You for their efforts and rewards. May they have much success in following The Holy Spirit, bringing lost souls of men into Your Living Kingdom. We desire our hearts be stirred to support mission outreaches, both in our own land and overseas. We thank You Father, for those whom You are preparing to go out to the mission fields; may their zeal eagerly spread the Wonderful Message of Hope there is in Christ. We ask for Repentance, and many Signs and Wonders following the preaching of Your Word in the lives of the hearers.
Jesus, as The Father sent You, even so, You send us, into the world, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring freedom to those who are bound, to heal the broken-hearted, to preach of Your Birth, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification, and the Out-Pouring of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, on all who know You, You Are Who You Say You Are.
We ask that those who go to new community developments Overseas, do so, in Your Power and not their own. May they have Your Help and Patience and Love as they make disciples of young believers. Allow a solid foundation of Your Teaching to be laid by them, for others. Lord, we ask that they seek the Help of The Holy Spirit as they deal with cults and sects that bring confusion. If You, Father, go before them, they shall do valiantly.
We lift up before You, all apostles, prophets, teachers, workers of miracles, those who have healing gifts, those who are able to help others, those with the gift of administration and those who are able to discern spirits. We ask Your Blessing upon them and we acknowledge that their gifts are from The Holy Spirit and not of man.
We thank You that You watch over Your saints and the Ministries You have given them; May they be used for Your Glory, Father. In The Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Head of the Church, AMEN.
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