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LUKE Date A.D. 58-60

The Book of Luke, known as the most beautiful book was written by a Greek Christian, whose profession was a doctor of medicine and carefully documents the humanity of Jesus. This is the only Book believed to be written by a non-Jewish scholar.

The material was thoroughly investigated and is historically reliable. Luke wrote his most comprehensive findings for Theophilus, 'lover of God' and for Greek Christians emphasising the virgin birth, Jesus' ancestry through Nathan the brother of King Solomon, His boyhood and the recording His earthly ministry. Jesus' teaching, parables and miracles are prominately recorded as is prayer. The activity of angels is included giving special messages throughout. The publication stresses Jesus' relationship with other people, especially women. It is noted that this text is poetic by Dr. Luke's use of spiritual songs and praise. Miracles and parables are recorded that are not mentioned elsewhere. The Holy Spirit's person and guidance is recognised and acknowledged. It is the longest of the New Testament writings and the scope of Dr. Luke's writing is complete from the Birth of Christ to His ascension, and is especially concentrated on the closing of Jesus' ministry. The theme is the nature of The Perfect Man's mission. This gospel of Dr. Luke explains God manifest in the flesh to save sinners. The Book begins with a spiritual song and end with a spiritual song.

The Book of Luke is the third of five New Testament Gospels, which are also considered History Books containing teaching, parables, miracles, death and resurrection of Christ. It is also the third of twenty-seven Books of The New Testament.


 Introduction to Son of Man

 Son of Man's Ministry

 Rejection of The Son of Man

 Crucifixion and Resurrection

 Disciples Commission

LUKE 4:4

The basic truth is encompassed in this statement. People are not to act apart from faithful dependence upon God. God wants His people to subsist on every word that proceeds from God, to trust Him for their needs and to meet their provisions as He promises. Bread sustains physical life, but it no endorsement for life, which is God's gift. Eternal Life is given to those who trust in and live by His word, His Statutes and His Pledges, being in complete dependence upon Him. Reliance upon God arises out of an awareness of human helplessness, especially spiritual hunger. Mankind's condition is structured to rely upon God, The Creator for true spiritual food.

There is the emptiness of misplaced dependence in the misquoted Word of God. Faithfulness to God's Word takes precedence over self-need.

What does not agree with Scripture does not come from God. People are not animals just living of physical needs.

Childlike dependence and reliability in God's Word is necessary for spiritual strength.


Jesus is The Perfect Saviour, The Perfect Man, The Ideal Son of Man.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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