Heavenly Father, We praise You for both Your Blessings
and Your Spirit's anointing that rests upon Your Created people throughout
the world. We come before Your Throne in agreement, burdened because of
the schisms and divisions caused by the teaching of false doctrines and
of error. We uplift those who have been deceived by false teaching, thus
having been led astray by a spirit of error. We ask The Holy Spirit to
draw each of those so taught, back to the attention of the Truth of Your
Word concerning the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification
of Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son.
There are many who choose to add to Your Word or hold back saving Truths about Jesus Christ, keeping themselves and others in eternal separation from You and from the Power and Might of Your Holy Spirit. Send Your co-workers across their path at the time of Your Choosing so that those who have been innocently desiring Your Truth, shall find it.
All humans need Jesus Christ as their Saviour, to be set free from being 'born under Adam' and the law of sin and death, a set of doctrines which are apart from Your Plan of Salvation is false and keep many in bondage; we persist in prayer for their release into Your Kingdom.
May all of Your co-workers have a common zeal of spreading Your Word and The Truth of Christ to help bring many lost souls into Your Kingdom for Your Glory, not for human pride, nor spiritual pride, nor greed or self- adulation, not for earthly wealth, but for treasure in heaven.
It is the wish of Your saints, who are the priests in Your Kingdom, to agree with Your Word that whoever believes in Your Son, Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have life everlasting. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of The Living God, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, Lord we pray that The Holy Spirit train Your
people to be impassioned men and women who are sensitive to follow Him,
to do Your Will, to get Your Plans in order for a spiritual harvest, to
reap at Your Perfect Timing. We know that great fulfilment await those
who work with You, because of Jesus.
"Those who sow in tears, will reap with songs of joy. He who goes
out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying
sheaves with them." Psalm 126; 5,6.
Cause those who become adopted children in Your Kingdom, Father God, to
be set apart from the worldly ways; to be set apart from all that is carnal
and fleshly; be set apart from that which is selfish; be set apart from
false teachings, beliefs and practices; that they would allow The Holy
Spirit to guard them with a holy zealousness; that they will allow the
preaching of Your Word to enter their hearts and take root and that they
listen to The Holy Spirit's guiding and convictions. As forgiven sinners,
may they put their trust in their Saviour, Jesus Christ, The Lord of All.
May people be aware, Lord God, that You are Sovereign and that heaven and earth will pass away, that the political institutions of this world will pass away and social orders as we know them will pass away; that which is darkness will pass away, rebellion and unbelief will pass away and be no more.
But those belonging to You, choosing to believe and obey Your Word are destined to grow in Christ. Just as He was a labourer of the harvest, so must we pray for others and ourselves to be harvesters in the field sent forth to ripe pastures. May those of us who belong to the Body of Christ become One with the vision of The Gospel of Christ to be preached in all nations, for this is the purpose we were commissioned by Christ Himself. In His Victorious Name, we pray for those who yet do not know Him, that they will come to the Full Knowledge of His Love for them and receive Salvation and have Life Everlasting with Him. AMEN.
Merciful Father, God of All, Many do not know of or avoid the path You
have set before man and many put themselves in the wrong relationship with
You. Many have rebelled against Your Authority and have turned their backs
on You. Many have been unfaithful to You.
We accept the responsibility for our actions and those things that we have neglected. We ask Your Forgiveness and for Your Mercy upon us. Our mistakes affect us because we do not have our priorities in order, because we have not put You first in our lives; our wrong doing is always exposed, for it cannot stand the Light..
It is because of this situation that we come before You, determined that the lost of the world be witnesses to the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification of Jesus Christ, Your Son; that they know of the Gift of Salvation, and of the Outpouring of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, both Gifts, which You have made available to all. We ask for Your Grace upon them.
All can be made righteous before You through the Blood of Christ and we are aware of the waywardness of all mankind and we thank You for Your Mercy upon those who do not acknowledge Your Sovereignty. We long for You to reveal and implement Your Purpose to those who are at this present time lost and blinded to Your Loving Mercy and Grace given through Jesus Christ.
Thank You Lord God, that You look down upon us with Your Love, and that You will to act, as You have done in the past to bring honour to Yourself through Your Son's Obedience and by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that You listen to our prayer. In the Precious Name of Jesus , AMEN.
Father God in Heaven, We thank You that You have told us by Your Word,
that "other foundations can no man lay than that which is laid, which
is Jesus Christ", and that Your Word is settled forever in Heaven.
Lord, we thank You for this Truth.
We pray that The Holy Spirit will give the Body of Christ a deep burden for the lost souls of man and that we ourselves use all our spiritual and physical faculties, all of which You have entrusted us with, to reach out and point the unsaved to Jesus Christ, The Son of The Living God , who takes away the sins of the world. Grant Lord, that we may be signposts for Christ, to live like Him and boldly tell a dying world of The Hope they have available to them in The Love of Christ.
We rejoice in the marvellous Hope, the complete Redemption that those in Your Kingdom have in Christ. We are glad that Christ commissioned, "Go ye, into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature; Lo, I am with You always". For they might like us, be redeemed and purchased, born-again as a result of The Holy Spirit and You, Father God, and of Jesus-All of whom had a part in the Salvation of Man at The Cross of Christ.
Many do not know we are born to live and die once, then comes judgement, as Your Word says. May they know of Christ, who has pardoned them from Your Wrath to come. You are patient with mankind, hoping all shall repent and recognise You, The Living God, and that there is no other; You are Just to keep Your Wrath upon those who reject You, their Creator.
O God, take out of us the things that hinder the working of Your Perfect
Will and put into our lives and the lives of the lost, that which is necessary
to walk in the ways of Christ Jesus, and for these blessings, we thank
In Jesus Blessed Name, AMEN.
Righteous Father, With our mouths we greatly extol You, Lord God of all
the earth, The Creator of All Things, for You stand beside the needy one,
to save his Life.
O Eternal God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, You have promised that the Kingdoms of this World shall become the Kingdoms of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We ask You to hasten the time Father God, when swords shall be beaten into plowshares, when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ, Your Son, is Lord.
We lift up before You, In Jesus ' Name Your co-workers that help the people of Europe. May they come forth with boldness from The Holy Spirit to present The Truth of Christ to the lost. We ask Your Protection over Your servants and Your Strength to be given to them during times of any persecution in foreign countries where the people are hostile towards the Gospel of Christ, for they do not know of His Love.
We ask for relief workers to bring Christ's Truth, The Good News to the people of India and that those who are already Christians become powerful witnesses for Your Works and reach out to those who are hurting so that they know to turn to You for help, You, The True Living God of All. We appeal for the Indian people to come to repentance, and see signs and wonders amongst them from The Holy Spirit as Your Word is spoken, and that they themselves shall desire to be born of The Spirit and be Baptised, not only in water but also Baptised of The Spirit.
We pray that the Gospel of Christ shall penetrate throughout Russia, especially to those who live in the remote areas of the northern and middle eastern nations. May the political unrest allow the doors of freedom to stay open in Russia and to the separate states and countries that have broken away from the communist governmental rule. We bring before You the lost in any communist country, Father God, that they would come to know of Christ, as according to Your Will.
May it be the desire of All to praise You amongst the nations, for Great
is Your Love and Your Faithfulness.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, let these things that we have asked of You,
be so. AMEN.
Merciful Father, In Your Word, You have given us a vision
of Your Holy City to which nations belong. We ask You to send capable leaders,
honest and just to head the nations here, who would help eliminate oppression
but be stable in justice with order using Your Word as their Guide. In
The Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, We bring before Your Throne the peoples
of the Islands in the Pacific Region, both north and south of this great
The Aleutian Islands -Japan -Taiwan -Phlippines -Malaysia -Federated States
of Micronesia -The Gilbert Islands -Hawaii -Marshall Islands -Indonesia
-Papua New Guinea -Solomon Islands -Melanesia -Fiji Islands -Polynesia
-French Polynesia -New Zealand -New Caledonia
We ask that the Christians who live on these islands will visit each other and spread the News of Christ's Immaculate Life, Death and of His Resurrection, Ascension, His Glorification and The Works of Pentecost to those who live in the cities and to those whose homes are in the remotest areas..
May The Holy Spirit guide and protect Your field workers as they do Your Work in obedience to Your Word and may they receive strength and encouragement as churches are established. We ask that they be established under Christ's Sovereignty so that those who receive the News of Christ can continue to meet together, to study Your Word together and become disciples themselves.
We ask that they not be lacking in one thing, spiritually or physically
to teach of Your Kingdom through Christ Jesus. Though the people of the
Pacific Region all have different cultures, languages and talents, they
will find that they are one with You and each of them shall find their
fulfilment for purpose and life, only if Christ is their Lord and Ensign.
Thank You Father God, that many have witnessed the Power and Might of The
Holy Spirit in these areas and we rebuke all forms of spiritism and witchcraft
amongst the peoples of The Pacific. We make a stand together against any
spirit of error that would lead these people away from Your Truth.
In The Mighty and All-Powerful, All-Authoritive Name of The Lord Jesus
Christ. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, We come before Your Throne, 'The Holy
Of Holies' in Jesus' Name and pray that Your hands be moved to release
the Reconciling Work of The Holy Spirit over this world and its inhabitants,
all of which You in Your Splendour and Wisdom created. You, Yourself have
designed the working of The Holy Spirit to be so.
May all of us learn how dependent we are upon You, O God and that You Share
Your burdens, griefs and joys of Your Own Heart with us whether they be
about the Body of Christ or individuals, but also the nations and all the
different peoples that make nations of Nations. All are dear to You, especially
those who are unreached and have not heard of what Your Son, Jesus, has
done for them. So many think that their good deeds shall weigh up against
the bad; they do not know all things are ineffectual without Christ. Lord,
we ask that as they seek peace, they find The Real Peace, and we rebuke
the darkness of deception according to Your Will, that blind their eyes
to Your Truths, for You long to give them Life in Full Measure.
Thank You Lord that You Made it possible for Your co-workers to pray for others to come into the Full Knowledge of Christ, His Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Glorification. You have also asked us to do the possible and notably You take care of the 'impossible' for nothing is impossible for You.
We ask that You awaken the Body of Christ to Love with Your Love so that we view all the peoples of different nations through Your eyes of love so that they might find the Commitment of Christ. We aslo petition that You broaden the horizon of Your Believers to seek those who are lost further afield than our own local neighbourhoods, communities and assemblies.
Lord God of Heaven and Earth, The Great and Awesome God and Father, who keeps His Covenant of Love with those who love You and obey Your Commands. Thank You that Your ears be attentive to hear the request of the saints. We ask Your Forgiveness and Mercy upon the nations for not recognising Your Sovereignty, may they come to know of You because of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank You for the Grace and Peace which comes from You, Father God,
who through Your Son Jesus Christ, has rescued us from this present evil
age. We thank You for Your Promises, Blessings and Your Faithfulness.
In Jesus' Name we pray for those who desperately need Your Salvation. AMEN.
Merciful Father, May Your believers continue, first of all, to make requests,
prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for everyone; for all people, whether
they be close to us or afar; common or royal, rich or poor, all those in
authority, those who are in minority groups, majority groups, friends and
relatives; those who are trapped in sects that teach false doctrine, having
been led astray by a spirit of error; those who are far from The Truth
of The Living God. May they all become ripe from the softening of The Holy
Spirit, ready for harvest by Your workers guided by The Holy Spirit to
lead them to Christ and not to judgement.
We thank You Lord God, that as You Hear the plea of The Body of Christ, those who have been redeemed and have been purchased by the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, You give attention to the prayers of those who are calling upon You for the lost of the nations, and for those who are amidst intense opposition from surrounding enemies to complete Your Task, "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done"; May this be in our lives also and in the lives of those who are still yet lost, before the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the nations know there is Salvation in the Name of Jesus, there is Power in the Blood of Jesus, Mercy, Forgiveness, Holiness, Peace and The Love of You, Father God, in Jesus. May it be therefore they individually repent and acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We ask that they all learn the Value of the Awesome Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, of His Glorification; to enjoy a renewed and blessed relationship with You, Father God, because of Your New Covenant, and that we also love each other with the Love You have shown to us.
May those who are lost learn of Your Great Love and Truth with their
heart, mind and strength and we in particular, The Body of Christ love
them as we love ourselves. We ask for the lost to seek You, to be found.
In The Precious Name of Jesus, AMEN.
Ever-Loving Heavenly Father, In the Name of Christ Jesus Our Lord, we ask
that the saints around the world be more involved in ministries of proclaiming
the news of Christ to the lost of the nations, bringing peace and good
will, adding to those who are already being saved daily,for it is our desire
as it is Yours that the lost be saved from spiritual death, eternally.
You have issued a Command which is the answer to Your Will, that all are
to believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ. The world's sin is not believing
in Him. Jesus gave His life for all of mankind who obey this Command. Many
are still yet to respond to The Holy Spirit's promptings and in Your Word
it is written the warnings about the consequences of rejecting Christ and
ignoring Him, yet Your Loving Plan of Salvation does not stem from our
own initiative, but from Yours.
Your Word relates to all peoples of the earth for whom we are concerned and commit ourselves to prayer for their salvation. Your Purpose is that all would be made right with You through Christ Jesus; for us all to be part of Your Family together.
May crowds of people hear and see signs and wonders from The Holy Spirit because of their repentance as they hear Your Word and fully know with their whole being that You are The Living God and that Christ Jesus rose from the dead and now sits at Your Right Hand. May they know and feel Your Glorious Presence. We ask that as they make Christ their Lord, that they continue to trust, rely and adhere to Your Word. We request Your Protection over Your Word that has been received by young Christians so it will become deeply inrooted in their being.
We ask that the believers of Christ be beneficial to the spiritual progress of others. Thank You Father God, that with the help of The Holy Spirit, we can esteem and delight in each other.
We acknowledge You that You Watch over Your Word, and it never returns
void to You. In The Name of Jesus Christ, we bring before You those who
do not know of Your Salvation, those who do not know of Your Gift of Eternal
Life through Christ, those who do not know they are headed for destruction,
those who do not know how to have Life more abundantly, those who have
been lead astray by false doctrine, not of Your Word. Send Your Labourers
across their paths we pray.
In Jesus' Name, AMEN.
Faithful Heavenly Father, As Your adopted children,
we come before You and ask Your Grace and Mercy upon the lost souls of
the people living in the Country of...................It is our prayer
that these people will come into the knowledge of the Truth of Christ and
be saved from eternal destruction. Father, You Gave Your Only Begotten
Son, Jesus Christ to deliver those who are lost, separated from You as
these people are, to deliver them from eternal death.
In the Name of Jesus, we ask You, Father God, by the moving of Your Holy Spirit in their hearts, that when they hear Your Word and of The Reality of Christ, they will not be able to resist the Inspiration of The Holy Spirit as He reveals Truth to them, that they will come to submit themselves to Him, being saved from a life of deceptive influences and a future of the corruption of evil. .
May they be able to understand that it is You who offers them the Gift of Life, through Jesus Christ, You, The Living God, and that power, love, joy and a well-balance mind, being able to choose between Genuineness and falsehood, comes from The Holy Spirit. In The Name of Jesus, we ask You to be merciful because of the sins of the people in the Country ....................and we stand in the gap, praying for the condemned so that they, by Your Grace and Mercy, working though The Holy Spirit and Your Servants, might escape out of the snare of the devil, false doctrines, spirits of error and of a religious or legalistic spirit.
In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of The Living God, we, His Body, stand Covered in His Blood and we stand firmly with The Reality of Your Word against satan and his co-horts, against deceiving and lying spirits, against his principalities and rulers of darkness and remind them that it is the Weapons of The Living God, Your Word, he cannot overcome. It is Christ who delivers those prayed for out of the darkness and translates them into the Kingdom of Light and we pray that the eyes are not blind or the ears are not deaf, of those who are willing to acknowledge the Sovereignty of You, Father God, and The Lordship of Christ and The Power of the Renewing Holy Spirit, to become God's adopted children, in His Kingdom, in agreement with Your Will to be done.
We stand fixed, having on the Armour of God, and Your Weapons, Your Words are available to us, as they were to Jesus in the hills of Judea, for Your Word against the deceit of the enemy is Powerful and True and cuts asunder anything that contradicts it! In the All-Powerful Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.
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