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Leviticus is a Book of Atonement, a step towards salvation.

Leviticus means The Law of The Priests. It is the Book of The Levites who were the priests, born into the tribe of Levi, who served in the tabernacle. It is a Book showing how God is to be worshipped, served and obeyed in Ancient Israel, for His people to distinguish between the holy and the profane, so they are able to find their way to Him, as well as continuing in His ways. Moses had recorded the regulations they were given by God as religious practices to be carried out in the Tabernacle. The central theme is how a holy God sanctifies His unholy people; humankind must revere God in holiness. The manuscript also features the number seven. Moses is seen as the leader in the establishment of The Laws. These Old Testament sacrifices were sacrifices that received their meaning from The Covenant relationship God had acknowledged with Israel. The text explains The law of Atonement, which was the forerunner of the atoning death of Jesus Christ.

Leviticus is seen as the third part of the collection of 5 books called The Law.


§ Sacrifice

§ Separation

§ Obedience

§ Priestly Duties

§ Morality

§ Old Testament Feasts

§ Worship and Praise




Leviticus 19:2.

God's holiness is being set apart from evil and He expects His people to be set apart from evil. To be holy is to be set apart to display appropriate behaviour towards God and others. His purpose for His people is to reflect His nature, attitudes and characteristics in their actions. God continually demonstrated His care for the aged, the homeless, the fatherless, the oppressed and the stranger.

Holiness begins in the heart, spreading in the family and community. Honouring parents, elders and provisions given to the poor is anticipated. The handicapped people are to receive the right treatment, foreigners and strangers are to be treated correctly. Proper sexual relationships are expected, respect towards elders, including not seeking revenge. Believer's become holy before God because of what Jesus Christ has achieved for them. God's Laws are the basis for conduct referring to a personal covenantal relationship, they reveal the level of commitment to God by the quality of behaviour.

Verbal profanity is contradictory to a lifestyle of holiness. Obedience to God is the proper answer and reply, whether in words or in action, to God's grace.
Holy conduct was taught by Jesus. Unswerving obedience with the help of The Holy Spirit is a life set apart for God. A believer's goal is not to get sidetracked. People are caretakers of all what is God's. Living such a life of holiness will attract others to Christ and will be rewarding in this life as well as eternity. For God to be present with His people they must be holy. Sinful man cannot live in God's presence, but Jesus made this possible.

Without the understanding of The Feasts provided by The Book of Leviticus,
Jesus' death would be a puzzle. ""


In the Book of Leviticus there are revelations of Christ and His work. Jesus is The High Priest, The Peace Offering, Sin Offering, The Guilt-Bearer, The Sacrificial Passover Lamb and The Firstfruits Offering. The Atonement Sacrifice, all offerings and sacrifices are fulfilled in Christ, including The Seven Old Testament Feasts

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