55 A.D. Paul wrote many letters while detained under house arrest in Rome to instruct and correct the churches, all inspired by The Holy Spirit to encourage the believers in The Body of Christ before and after his imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel. "Now you have every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing His will, are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. And He guarantees right up to the end, that you will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that day, when He returns". 1CORINTHIANS 1:7,8,30. After his second arrest, as a condemned prisoner, Paul was confined in the Mamertime Dungeon in chains. He was still able to proclaim the gospel among all classes of society, to those in the Roman Senate to prison guards and other prisoners. Paul was executed after a trial, during the reign of Nero, the Roman Emperor who was a persecutor of Christians. Tradition holds that Paul was beheaded at a spot on the Ostian Way outside the City of Rome in A.D. 68.
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