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The Book of Lamentations describes the plunder and death of Jerusalem City. The dirge is believed to be written by the priest-prophet, Jeremiah although the text does not name the author.

Lamentation means the tears, mourning wailing.

The Book of Lamentations is written in the form of poems in alphabetical order. Each chapter starting with A with each chapter progressing through the Hebrew alphabet. The Book was composed with great care and skill.

There are five chapters of 22 verses, the middle chapter 66 verses, and the alphabet 3 times. This middle chapter focuses on the faithfulness and goodness of God, and of Salvation. Though in the face of death and destruction, the prophet finds hope and comfort in the faithfulness of God.

The reason for the book written in such form was a memorization tool. The matters of the contents are by an eyewitness to Jerusalem's desolation.

It is a book of an exquisite sophisticated style of poetry, fine distinct, somber verse.

The Book of Lamentations is canonized as the third Major Prophetic Book and is an account of the ruined City of Jerusalem at the time of exile; the eighth poetry book and does include Royal History among the accounts.

 The Destruction of Jerusalem

 The Anger of God

 The Prayer for Jerusalem

 The Ruined Kingdom

 Prayer for Restoration



A believer can have a confident expectation of staying above their troubles, experiencing God's mercy every day. God is dependable as the scheduled appearances of the sun and of the moon, daily. God will be there with believers every morning; His presence is assured. He cannot be unfaithful because He cannot deny Himself of His own promises. His covenant love, compassion and faithfulness is beyond measure. Even in the midst of terrible sorrow, the comforting, compassionate character of God dominates. God remains full of grace daily, in every situation. God's compassion can not be exhausted. His faithfulness is unfailing. God is the only hope. Hope is there when God's faithfulness is remembered and His mercies and compassion are there each day, it is the certainty that God's purposes are ultimately for the good of humankind. The Lord is merciful, His love never ceases and His mercy is always available, He is The Father of Mercies. When comforts fail, God's compassion does not. God will ever be the all sufficient One to His people. To trust in God is not in vain.

God is compassionate by nature. He cares as a parent, and shows compassion to all. God's compassion is essential to humankind's well being, their very existence.

Jesus reflected the compassion of God. He restores and renews because of His compassion.


The author as a weeping prophet is a type of Christ and identifies the suffering in Jerusalem with Himself and Suffering, Afflicted with Grief.


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