The Book of Judges was written at a time that was known as the Dark Era when people turned their back on God and He forsook them, for they had decided to 'do their own thing', which was godless liberty.

JUDGES means rulers. Judges were charismatic leaders, both spiritual and military forerunners. Individuals chosen by God, to be responsible for administration and leadership with national authority including judging civil disputes. Godly people were raised up to the national forefront. One female Judge, Deborah, was also a prophetess. There were twelve judges, six major judges and six minor judges.

The Book of Judges begins with compromising and ends in a desperate state of decay and moral degradation at an all time low of deterioration and depravity. There were pockets of belief, but mainly servitude was offered to pagan gods. The period covers approximately 400 years time of settlement in The Promised Land, the nation's failure to acknowledge God as their King and the people wished for a human monarch. Although a dark age of apostasy it was also an age of The Holy Spirit.

The Book of Judges shows God's Sovereignty, characterised by divine deliverance after recurring cycles of poverty, oppression and apostasy.

The Book of Judges is the second of twelve Old Testament Books of National History in The Promised Land.



 Judges 8:23

God alone rules and reigns. He is the victorious King and Warrior providing salvation, security and peace. Deliverance and power cannot come from a human being. People are dependent upon the One True God for security and His Sovereignty. His rule is supreme. The order of hierarchy makes it clear that Kingship claim is exclusive to The Creator. God is Lord over all the heavens and the earth. His sovereignty extends over all things, over creation, over human life, the minutest detail of any life and He is unopposed as ruler of world History. His will is the cause of all things.

As King, God is active and in control. Only God can judge justly, lead His people to victory for He fights their cause and He goes before them. Those who put their trust in The Faithful King of All will endure to the end. His is an eternal Kingship over an everlasting Kingdom. Putting God first is the key to the crown of life.

All human authority derives from God's authority.

Each Judge is a saviour and ruler, who portrays the role of Jesus, The Appointed Saviour, Deliverer and Judge.

God alone rules. He is the victorious King and Warrior providing salvation, security and peace. Deliverance and power cannot come from human a being. People are dependent upon the One True God for security and His Sovereignty. His rule is supreme. The order of hierarchy makes it clear that Kingship claim is exclusive to The Creator. As King, God is active and in control. Only God can judge justly, lead His people to victory for He fights their cause and He goes before them. Those who put their trust in The Faithful King of All, will endure to the end. Putting God first is the key to the crown of life.

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