JOHN Date A.D. 66-68
The Book of John portrays Christ's divinity as the Son of God. The author is the disciple whom Jesus loved.
John means God has been gracious

The Book has an extended eyewitness description of the institution of The Lord's Supper and the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. It is written to universal Christians and is a theological book and the latter of the gospels to be written. This fourth Gospel of the life of Christ is both intellectual and spiritual. A careful study of the Book of John gives clear understanding of the basic New Testament revelation. The work contains seven witnesses and testimonies to Christ as The Son of God and seven Divine Statements made by Jesus. There are seven miracles that also attest to the divinity of Jesus in this text. The Book is rich in symbolism with quotations having more than one meaning. The purpose for the Gospel being written is to prove that Jesus is The Son of God and all who believe in who He is, will have eternal life. The Book of John is the fourth of five New Testament Gospels, which are also considered History Books containing teaching, parables, miracles, death and resurrection of Christ. It is also the fourth of twenty-seven Books of The New Testament.


 Revelation of Jesus' Divinity

 Discourse with Nicodemas

 Institution of The Lord's Supper

 Promise of The Holy Spirit

 High Priestly Prayer

 After Death Appearances of Jesus

JOHN 1:1-5 'Before anything else existed there was Christ. He has always been alive and is Himself God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that He did not make. Eternal life is in Him. And this life gives life to all mankind. His life is the light through the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it'.

The Word is different from The Father and Jesus was the Word and Jesus was God in the flesh, in the fullest sense. The Deity of Christ is affirmed throughout The New Testament and is a fulfillment of the prophets of the Old Testament. Christ is The Authority. Jesus Christ perfectly radiates the glory of God, representing The Father's likeness. His work is free from impurity. Christ is the Light of the world, the One who holds out Light and Life for mankind. The Word is God's revelation to man in Jesus Christ, about himself. He was the one who imparted life to all.
The cause of men and women's godly issues throughout their lifetime is The Divine Word; their capacity for doing good, their desires and wishes, hope and despair are found in the Word of God, in Christ. The Word illuminates and lights The Way.
God came to us in person and lived amongst us as Jesus of Nazareth, who is the eternal Son of God. God, The Father, our Creator always expresses Himself to people whom He designed to be in His family, in His Kingdom. Jesus Christ excels over all creation and reigns supreme over all things in the created order, over all people, over His enemies, over every power and authority, over all traditions and institutions. He has equality with the Father and His authority derives from The Father. Jesus is the incarnate Word of God, the flesh of sovereign power, as truth, as food, is active, governs and maintains the created order, gives life, restrains evil, heals and rescues, saves and brings growth to the Kingdom of God.


The Symbol of Gospel John is The Eagle. Jesus is The Word, Divine Personal Saviour, Lamb of God, Only Begotten of The Father, God-Man, Bread of Life, Light of The World, Son of The Living God, Good Shepherd, The Resurrection and The Life, The True Vine, The Gate, The Door, Living Water, The Way, The Truth, The Life.

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