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The Book of Job is the oldest book in The Bible, 4,000 years old. It was written in the days of Abraham and is wisdom literature that is recognised even by unbelievers as true, majestic poetry that is unsurpassed.

Job means 'persecuted and repented one'

The Book of Job begins with a debate between God and Satan, then continues with earthly debates. The facts indicate the age of the Book; his wealth being measured in livestock. The name used for God is a Pre-Mosaic title. The wisdom literature used fits the patriarchal period.

The conclusion that is left from the entire debate is that God alone is sovereign and how can humankind understand God's ways in the spiritual realm and His greatness. The book explains Job was not a Hebrew, yet knew and strongly trust in God. The Book of Job provides the justice of God in human suffering and shows biblically the relationship between man and God there is an adversary. The suffering of the uprighteous does have spiritual and meaningful value. Despite his suffering, Job refuses to curse God.

The Book of Job is the first Book of Poetry, Wisdom and Instruction. It is a Pre-exile Book.

JOB 17:9

Going forward centres around the confidence of being grounded in knowing what God has done for His people and will do, and this purpose is for hope and boldness to endure difficulties.

Believers are spiritually restored and matured, because there is communion between God and the believer. The uprighteous and the sinner are made righteous in God's presence because of Christ, acknowledges God's Sovereignty in all things, over His creation, that He is all-powerful, full of might, full of His love and mercy and goodness. Righteousness is a gracious gift of God, it cannot be earned. The truly wise person knows that God's wisdom and peace is not from human success or failures and the truly wise person never for sakes God. There is the hope and the confidence of resurrection. A pure heart is the right attitude and motive before God and man. A pure heart also is honest, sincere and has integrity. Confidence in God grows stronger as we trust Him and He proves that He can always be trusted. Spiritual growth strengthens in faith, in knowledge, in love, putting away of self, persevering, exercising gifts and brings assurance. Progress and strength of spiritual growth should be anticipated.

The development of spiritual strength is having a renewed mind, tested faith, the preserving in belief through trials.

Christ is portrayed as Redeemer, Mediator and Advocate, Almighty Sovereign.

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