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The Word of God provides by revelation the fact of Jesus' Enthronement and the significance of it.
Jesus Himself, spoke of His Exaltation, Peter preached about it and Stephen in his dying moments of martyrdom saw Jesus at God's Right Hand. This signified that Redemption was a completed work and Jesus is now reigning as the Exalted Christ over all beings and things, both materially and spiritually.
He is a King who reigns over all His enemies.
God anointed His Regent, The Messiah, with a Divine decree as a King and a Priest. He was highly Exalted because of His faithfulness and voluntary sacrifice He willingly made for the salvation of others.

Jesus' reign at present is only recognized by Christians but His Sovereignty over all with be openly visible at His Second Coming. The Reigning Seated Saviour gives full assurance of the forgiveness for every sinner who acknowledges Him.
In His Glorified state of a physical/spiritual, resurrected body, He continues to intercede for believers in the presence of God, The Father, for their growth, development of holiness in their living, and to prepare them to dwell in His presence.
His Exaltation covers both His Resurrection and His Ascension, and God's Word pays much attention to The Messiah's Exaltation, His Servant, Jesus.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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