The Whole bible is centred on the theme of the story of Jesus Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Christ is The Promised One who would and did bring everlasting life to human kind. It was Divinely written and recorded so that God's created people might trust, understand and believe with their own will in Him.

He is in every sense The Word of God.



God’s redemption plan included His Word, The Bible, as a book of divine influence that would convey the truth of the gospel of Christ down through the years. God intended for His expressions of Scripture to be comprehended and provided the directions and means for understanding it.


The word Bible was formed from a Greek term meaning books in the plural. The Bible is, in fact, the collection of books written by various authors who were chosen and motivated by God. Scripture is The Written Word of God; it is inspired and true.


The idea of the recording of God’s plan of deliverance was not a late addition in the history of salvation but was in the progression of being written more or less from the first.  In Christian communities, it is The Bible that possesses final authority. Both from a human and a divine standpoint, the Bible is required to be the instrument of communication of the gospel, conveying the revelation of Christ intact to succeeding generations. 


God’s Word refers to Jesus Christ as the incarnate Word of God. Jesus was God in the flesh and He spoke The Words of The Father and His Words have absolute power.


The title Christ gathers all of the Old Testament prophetic hopes with the proper name Jesus. Jesus is the clearest picture of God the world has ever seen. In Jesus Christ are united God's revelation and the meaning of history. Christ is the way to God The Father.


The Bible is the historical reality of what God was doing for humankind through Jesus, God's Christ.   Events would come to show the understanding of Jesus, as The Doer of God's Mighty Works. 


The purpose of the knowledge about Jesus' pre-existence is to unite Him with God and to what God had been doing. Jesus Christ is the fully divine Son of God who came down from God, who redeems fallen humankind, and who returned to God. God determined, before the foundation of the world, that the salvation of humanity would be accomplished through Jesus, the Lord.


Just as the first coming of Jesus Christ was according to prophecy, so the final coming of Christ is to be by divine promise and prediction.  An end to the struggle of good and evil, the battle between the kingdoms of this world which must become the kingdom of our God and of His Messiah. True prophecy is inspired by God and is to be taken note of seriously.






   GENESIS-as The Promised Seed of Woman

   EXODUS-as The Passover Lamb and Spiritual Rock

   LEVITICUS-as The High Priest and Anointed One

   NUMBERS-as Daily Manna ,The Bronze Serpent, Star of Jacob and Sceptre of Israel

   DEUTERONOMY-as The Prophet like unto Moses

   JOSHUA-as The Captain of Salvation

   JUDGES-as The Spiritual and Political Deliverer, The Angel of The Lord

   RUTH-as The Kinsman Redeemer

   1 and 2 SAMUEL-as The Prophet, Priest and Judge and True Servant

   1 and 2 KINGS-as The Reigning Faithful King

   1 and 2 CHRONICLES-as The Temple

   EZRA-is Faithful Correspondent and to Fulfil Promises

   NEHEMIAH-as The Re-Builder of Broken Down Walls and Covenant Keeper

   ESTHER-as The Advocate and Provider

   JOB-as The Everlasting Mediator and Redeemer Who Lives

   PSALMS-as The Shepherd our Lord, The King of Glory, The Anointed Son

   PROVERBS-as The Perfection and Wisdom

   ECCLESIASTES-as The Ultimate Satisfaction, Comfort and Joy, The Only Hope

   SONG OF SOLOMON-as The Lover, The Bridegroom and Banner

   ISAIAH-as Our Consolation and Satisfaction, Prince of Peace, Mighty God

   JEREMIAH-as The Righteous Branch and The Coming Shepherd

   LAMENTAIONS-as The Weeping Prophet, Faithful and Compassionate

   EZEKIEL-as The Tender Twig that Becomes a Stately Cedar 

   DANIEL -as The Great Stone, Son of God, Son of Man

   HOSEA-as The Loyal Lover Who Stands Firm, The King of Resurrection

   JOEL-as The Baptiser in the Holy Spirit

   AMOS-as The Burden Bearer All Authority and Plumb Line

   OBEDIAH-as The Judge of the Nations, Possessor of The Kingdom and Mighty to Save

   JONAH -as The Great Foreign Missionary

   MICAH-as The Ruler of Righteousness and Justice over the World

   NAHUM-as The Avenger of God’s Elect

   HABAKUK-as The supplier to the Earth of His Knowledge, Pure and Glorious

   ZEPHANIAH-as The Fulfiller of Promises

   HAGGAI-as The Restorer of Blessings, The Desire of The Nations

   ZECHARIAH-as The Cleansing Fountain, Corner Stone, Smitten Shepherd and Builder of The Temple

   MALACHI-as The Son of Righteousness Rising with Healing in His Wings







   MATTHEW-as The Messianic King, The Promised Saviour

   MARK-as The Active Obedient Servant, The Powerful Saviour

   LUKE-as The Compassion and Humility, Perfect Man and Saviour

   JOHN -as The Eternal Son of the Living God, Personal Saviour

   ACTS -as The Resurrected, Ascended Saviour Bearing Witness by Power

   ROMANS-as The Justifier

   1   and   2 CORINTHIANS-as The Righteous Sanctifier and Reconciler

   GALATIONS-as The Deliverer from the Curse of the Law of Sin and Death

   EPHESIANS-as The Christ of the Believer’s Estate of Unsearchable Riches and The, Head of The Church

   PHILIPPIANS-as The Strengthener and Supplier All Needs 

   COLOSSIANS-as The Fullness of the Godhead Bodily

   1 and 2 THESSALONIANS -as The Believer's Hope of The Soon Coming King

   1and 2 TIMOTHY-as The Mediator between God and Man Who Abolished Death and Brought Life

   TITUS -as The Faith Purifier, Great Saviour, God

   PHILEMON-as The One who Sticks Closer Than a Brother, Payer of Debt

   HEBREWS- His Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, Heir of All things

   JAMES-as The Great Physician, Ever Present

   1 and 2 PETER-as Our Living Hope, Our Inheritance, Unblemished Lamb

   1, 2, 3 JOHN -as The Cleansing Blood, Everlasting Love, Word of Life and Truth

   JUDE -as The Stumbler Stopper, Presenter and Preserver of Faultless Believers

   REVELATION-is The Faithful and True Witness, The Lamb, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, Lion of Judah, David’ Root




SCRIPTURES John 1:41, Matthew 2:1-2, 15:22, John 3:35.
QUESTIONS 1] What was the recogniition of Jesus' identity? 2] How was He acknowledged as King and Son of David? 3] How did Jesus obtain His authority?


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