Jeremiah was a Major Prophet of Old Testament Israel 627-580 B.C. Jeremiah was called by God in his youth. The Book of Jeremiah proclaims messages of doom and judgement to the inhabitants of Judah. Each narrative is a discourse declaring that the only way to escape judgement is to surrender to the will of God. Jeremiah means God establishes and sends. The Book of Jeremiah was dictated by the priest prophet to his scribe. There are many visual object lessons and symbols that warn the people of Judah the time for repentance would soon pass. Among the judgements declared by Jeremiah, God also provided wonderful promises and the coming of The New Covenant.The reference work records the consequences of Judah's refusal to repent. The 70 years of captivity in Babylon is predicted, allowing the land its Sabbaths as the people did not carry out the law about the land that was commanded. The prophet saw most of the predictions happen in his own lifetime. The Book of Jeremiah is the second Major Prophetic Book and is a Pre-exile
book; the book is a prophetic canon that contains poetry and does include
Royal History among the accounts.
JEREMIAH 29:14b A promise from God, that he is there when a person eagerly and sincerely seeks after Him and His Kingdom. The seeker finds a boundless helper in God. God seeks the lost and the lost seek God. Those who do seek God will be rewarded, those who fail to seek Him will suffer eternal loss. Seeking is to diligently search. God, being the desired object of a close pursuant in prayer is accessible wherever the seeker may be geographically. God calls humankind to pursue Him. Those who look for God whole-heatedly, will find Him and experience His restoration. His plans are of a new beginning, with a purpose. God desires people to investigate of Him so He can bless them, in this matter His plans are firm. Seeking God is characteristic of a new hope and future; there is spiritual restoration and renewal of the heart. The opportunity to inquire of God is only in this lifetime. Seeking God begins in the heart and resilience in seeking God is required, for it to be the top priority of every human being. The gracious gifts of the Lord's is subject to the seeker's willingness to repent. The results of seeking God are life, forgiveness, provision, wisdom and understanding, renewed strength, rejoicing, happiness and satisfaction. Unrighteousness, pride, trusting of human resources, idolatry and superficial action are a hindrance to seeking after God. Seeking God and life through any occultic practise is forbidden.
Christ is portrayed as The Coming Shepherd and The Righteous Branch, The Righteous Reigning King. Establisher of The New Covenant, Foundation of Living Water and Great Physician. |
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