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Jesus was 30 years old, when He was baptized by John in the Jordan River, the age that all Jewish Rabbis began their teachings and interpretations of the scriptures.Jesus traveled from Galilee to John, His forerunner. His act was that of obedience, to do things right before God-not that He needed to be baptized, nor any confession of sins- Jesus publicly identified Himself with the people He came to save and to show His agreement with John's ministry. Jesus' own baptism and His anointing by The Holy Spirit marked the beginning of His own ministry. God revealed to John, to witness that The One on whom The Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove was HIS SON-and so when this happened to Jesus, John openly testified that Jesus was 'The Lamb of God' whom God had sent, and that this man Jesus is the 'Light of the World'.All three persons of The Trinity can be clearly seen at Jesus' baptism-The Father speaks, The Son baptized, The Holy Spirit descended. The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus to equip Him for His Ministry.

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