Two of Jesus' followers
walked home the afternoon of the day of His Resurrection to the village
called Emmaus, their Risen Lord joined them, finally when their eyes were
opened and they recognized Him, they rushed back to the other disciples
to tell them. That evening the disciples met behind locked doors, in fear
of the Jewish Leaders, when suddenly Jesus was standing there amongst them.
One of his disciples, Thomas, was not there and he refused to believe unless he himself touched Jesus' nail pierced hands and put his hand in the wound in Jesus' side, which was made by the soldier's spear. Eight days later, just as before, behind locked doors, Jesus stood among them. Thomas was present and he did see and touch his Risen Lord. Later Jesus appeared to his disciples beside the
Lake of Galilee. A group of them had gone fishing, not having any success,
Jesus directed them to throw their nets on the other side of the boat and
their nets were filled. They all realized it was Jesus and Peter jumped
into the water and went to Him for he needed reassurance from his Lord
because Peter had denied Jesus three times the night Jesus was arrested.
Jesus ate breakfast with them on the shore. They saw Him as a person with
flesh and bones but His body was different in that He could appear and
disappear at will. Jesus opened their minds so that they could grasp the
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Managed by Stefan Kreslin, Last updated 19 September 1997