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At the Mount of Olives, outside of Jerusalem, Jesus ascended back to heaven and was seated at The Right Hand of God, The Father.
His Exaltation fulfilled prophecies of
Psalm 24:7-10. 68:18,1101, Isaiah 52:13. His disciples strained their eyes for another glimpse of Him when suddenly two angelic beings appeared and told them, "Just as he went, He will return".
Jesus' Ascension back to heaven marked the end of His earthly ministry, but it was also a continuation and a fulfillment of God's establishment of His Kingdom.
It was the assurance of His Victory over evil and His enemies which he shares with His
disciples, freedom from the wages of sin, death,and is assurance of where all of His disciples will go, for he has entered and prepared a place ahead for each of them.

It was important for the followers of
Christ to watch Him ascend to grasp without any doubt that He was God and was returning to His and their Heavenly dwelling place. This was the object lesson for them, He was returning, leaving this physical world and re-joining The Father's presence.
The Exalted
Christ in a glorified human body left earth to go back to heaven to sit at The Right Hand of God, The Father, to rule and reign. He ascended physically and visibly and was overshadowed by a cloud. Today, Christ is alive and enthroned at The Right Hand of God, The Father, still continuing to save people's lives and helping them in their daily living.

ABDA ACTS- Art and Publishing
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