The Word of God is flawless and truthful, perfect, obeyed by angels, it is eternal, exalted above all else and irrevocable. His Word is The Sword of The Spirit, it is not chained. It is delightful, living and enduring forever.
The Scriptures were inspired by The Holy Spirit and in them is made available to all an infallible revelation of the nature, being, will, purposes, precepts and principles of God. The Holy Spirit enlightens the comprehension of the Word of God to all mankind. There is absolutely nothing that can be added to the completed Biblical disclosure.
The Bible stands alone as The Inspired Word of God.
Revelation concerns the discovery of The Truth, and by revelation truth is given. By Inspiration The Truth is written, by Interpretation The Truth is clarified, by Application The Truth is put to use, and by Illumination The Truth is recognised.
Observation teaches what a passage of The Bible states, and this is the basis for legitimate interpretation of Scripture. There are proper principles to be learned. From correct interpretation comes knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Interpretation answers what Biblical passages mean, and then truths and principles can be put into action. Explanation of The Bible has been sought in many different ways, allegorically, literally, historically, liberally and existantly.
There cannot be correct interpretation of Scripture without laying vital foundations, so as not to distort verses out of context in which it is meant. It must be remembered that there are many types of literature in The Bible, and a student must recognise figures of speech, historical remarks, poetry and prophecy, according to their literary style.
It is essential that Bible students understand The Bible. To do that each must grasp the knowledge of each book, mainly by Key words, themes, dates and purposes. A student must take note of the principles of God that are taught in each book of The Bible, and find a brief description of Christ made discernible in each book.
The Holy Spirit is the instrument and administrator of interpretation of Scripture.
The language of The Bible is of Divine origin, many times using signs and symbols, making much attention to scripture references which must be obtained. Comparisons of the types of characteristics also should be made. To interpret Scripture correctly an exhaustive concordance is necessary.
Lacking understanding can be dangerous for people who try and operate in gifts of the Spirit. Many think they can use the gift of knowledge and discernment at will. The interpretation of Scripture must be tested by The Scriptures. Many times there is a distinct move for application before understanding the interpretation.
Prayer and making notes will stop the study of The Bible from becoming an intellectual exercise for knowledge only.
The interpretation and study of any passage in The Word of God must be accompanied by the following queries, What? When?, Where?, Why?, Who?, and How? Key words should be marked. If the key word is taken out, it leaves the passage empty of its meaning. Key words are usually repeated often. The questions, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, Who? and How? still should be asked of the Key words.
Pronouns should be marked e.g. I, you, he, she, it , we, our etc., this gives additional insight over a whole chapter and eventually the whole book that is being interpreted. Topical lists are important, they capture Truth and quality. They give a better and extensive understanding of God's thoughts, His precepts and purposes. These lists also make aware daily truths for daily living.
Comparing words is necessary and significant in pointing out similarities in passages, chapters and books and throughout the whole Bible, and noticing to whom was the passage was addressing, the nation of Israel, the Gentiles or to the Church, especially regarding promises. Principles however usually remain the same to all.
It is important for interpretation to note the time and cultural background of any passages studied for interpretation. Time is also indicated by words, such as until, then, when, after, etc. This helps in following the events recorded which leads to defined interpretation of the passage of Scripture. Identify terms of completion, and note what it is there for in the passage that is studied.
A chapter will centre upon a theme, person, event or subject. The theme of the passage will summarise the answer of interpretation. The Holy Spirit will bring attention to the Truths of God. Copy chapter themes for chapters can change from one event to another and will sometimes alter, but doing this is for the advantage of a wider view in understanding the content and purpose of a chapter. After reviewing chapters, record the purpose of the book. Give attention to problems that are recorded, to exhortations, to warnings and to judgements.
Seek to interpret the meaning of any passage that is studied or quickened by The Holy Spirit. What is discerned must be in agreement with Scripture and not human opinion which is a constant happening. Always remember to seek the counsel of The Word of God, knowing that The Bible never contradicts itself.
Application is the embracing of Truths of God's Word. Be aware of attempting to strengthen a truth by using a scripture incorrectly.
Jesus made a statement to a noted Jewish religious teacher that one must be born of The Spirit to understand scripture as well as entering The Kingdom Of God. Those who interpret God's Word should seek to know God as well as the Truths of His Word, and to depend upon The Holy Spirit. Pride and arrogance bring spiritual blindness that takes away the respect for the Scriptures.
It is important to identify harmony and unity of revelation with Scripture and very important to have a good knowledge of both The Old and The New Testament.
Convictions should never be based upon obscure passages, where the meaning of chapters are difficult to understand. To interpret Scripture people must obtain a knowledge of The Word of God and be very familiar with the surrounding verses and the book in which the verse is found. To interpret Biblical themes is a step that helps the understanding of what it means, for people cannot pick verses and quote them without the foundation of its knowledge, and careful examination of verses will teach many to handle the Word of God correctly.
It is the indwelling of The Holy Spirit who guides and reveals the Truths of God, giving understanding, discernment and comprehension to combat ignorance. Proper interpretation precedes proper application of The Word of God.
The Bible is not a book
of mysticism.
The Word of God should be taken in its normal reasoning
as well as spiritual meanings.
SCRIPTURES-John 16:12,13, Ephesians
1:17, 3:3, 2 Timothy 3:16. QUESTIONS 1] What is a revelation? 2] What are the foundations to interpret scriptures? 3] From whom comes the guidance? 4] Are the key words important? |
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